Cultural Syndromes Flashcards
An exaggerated startle response to frightening stimuli. Usually presents in South East Asia.
Occurs in China and South East Asia. Intense anxiety related to belief that one’s genitals are shrinking, resulting in possible death.
Also known as Arctic hysteria. Dissociative episode with prolonged extreme excitement, sometimes followed by seizures and coma. Can have prodrome of irritability. Often causes dangerous irrational behaviour.
Psychosis characterised by insatiable craving for human flesh even when other food is available.
Native American
Brain fag
A psychoneurotic syndrome occurring among students of Southern Nigeria. Unable to continue with their studies, various head symptoms.
“Rampage” in Malay. Dissociative condition characterised by a non-pre-meditative violent disorderly or homicidal rage. Doesn’t usually have a stimulus associated with it, in contrast to Latah.
Khyal cap
“Wind attacks”. Occurs in Cambodians. Characterised by dizziness, SOB, palpitations, and other anxiety symptoms.
“Thinking too much”. A disorder of distress reported by the Shona people of Zimbabwe.
A rare in which sufferers experience the delusion of turning into an animal.
Maladi moun
“Humanly caused illness”. Found in Haitian communities. An explanation for a number of psychiatric and medical conditions, which are thought to be sent by someone else.
Taijin Kyofusho
A Japanese term. Patients suffer from intense disabling fear that their bodies are embarrassing or offensive to others.
“Pulling inward”. Japanese term. Acute social withdrawal in young individuals who are often staying with their parents.
Young Indian men and women exhibit memory loss, fainting and inappropriate crying or laughing. May report being bitten by insects when none are present.
Indian term. Patients suffer from severe anxiety and hypochondria related to loss of semen through urine, nocturnal emission or masturbation.
A syndrome similar to Dhat, but occurring in China.
Shenking shuairuo
Broad Chinese term for fatigue, pain, poor concentration, irritability and a variety of somatic complaints.
Term in Middle East and North Africa. Refers to spirit possession, with dissociative episodes.
Korean term for anxiety and numerous somatic complaints.
“Fright”. Latin American term. Refers to the soul leaving the body in response to a frightening event.
Ataque de nervios
“Attack of the nerves”. Latin American term. Syndrome of uncontrollable crying, sensation of heat leaving the body, dissociative events, verbal or physical aggression.
Native American syndrome. Fear of being turned into a cannibal through possession by a supernatural monster.