Cultural Safety Principles Flashcards
What is Principle 1 of cultural safety?
Cultural safety aims to improve the health status of New Zealanders
What is the indicator and Meihana component you chose for principle 1 and your example?
1.1 - an emphasis on health gains and positive health outcomes.
Patient component - introducing myself in Māori, saying Morena instead of good morning, asking the client their ethnicity and having it reviewed over time.
What is the Patient Component Application?
The more comfortable they become within the service, or the more health professionals demonstrate being culturally safe, the more likely a patient may feel willing to identify as Māori within the service, and open up and tell you the full extent of what is happening with them. The identification of Māori patients shoukd ensure Māori health services and support are offered to the client
What is the second principle?
Cultural safety aims to enhance the delivery of health and disability services through a culturally safe nursing workforce
What indicator for principle 2 did you choose and the meihana component you chose and your example?
2.3 - Preparing nurses to understand the diversity within their own cultural reality and the impact of that on any person who differs in any way from others
Wairua component - talking to the patient about their spiritual beliefs, enabling them to connect to themselves with these values, talking to them about their values and beliefs with their whanau, whenua and toanga (treasured items). Enables awareness and respect for their wairua
What is the Wairua component application?
Identifying beliefs, values and priorities for the patient/whanau that may impact their engagement with the health system. This component enables a conversation about religion, death and dying with an appropriate cultural context
What is principle 3?
Cultural safety is broad in its application
What is the indicator and meihana model component you chose and the example for principle 3?
3.1 - addressing the cause and effect relationship of history, political, social and employment status, housing, education, gender and personal experience upon people who use nursing services
Taiao component - toilet had no door, provided no privacy. Told us he was embarrassed to have support networks and whanau over because the toilet provides no privacy. Broke the door off in a fit a rage, doesn’t want whanau to know he had an aggressive episode when he has been well for a long time
What is the Taiao component?
Identifies the importance of gaining a clear understanding of the physical environment of the patient/whanau. This includes direct questions of their home environment, neighbourhood and workplace health and safety. May include identifying whether the basic details of the physical and interpersonal spaces promote privacy and dignity and whether the service has identified potential barriers to access in the service
What is the 4th principle?
Cultural safety has a close focus on
What is the indicator you chose and the Meihana component as well as the example for the 4th principle?
4.3 - balancing the power relationships in the practice of nursing so that every consumer receives an effective service
Whanau - historically whanau relations have been left out of the health services and Māori clients haven’t been able to have their full support system with them, especially during COVID times. A client went In for a doctor review, his whanau sat in the waiting room, I asked if they would like to join us and support his whanau. The whanau provided a lot of additional information about his loved one. Enabled him to be apart of his loved ones care
What is the Whanau component?
Key role is establishing collateral history and whanau medical history. Whanau often feel excluded from participating in clinical assessment which may limit a health practitioners ability to gain a comprehensive understanding of the client’s symptoms and family medical history. Permission for whanau involvement in a clinical setting should be sought from the client, as failure to include whanau, may result in overlooking the impact of the client’s health