Cultural Deprivation Flashcards
What is Cultural Deprivation ?
The lack of basic values , attitudes and skills that are needed for education success which are gained through primary socialisation in the family
What are the 3 main aspects of cultural deprivation ?
-parents education
-Working class subculture
What did Hubbs Tait et al discover about language (cultural deprivation ) ?
Hubbs tait found that where parents use language that challenges their children to evaluate their own understanding and abilities then their cognitive performace improves
How is language used by less educated parents different to language used by highly educated parents ?
Less educated parents tend to use language in ways that only require their children to make simple descriptive statements such as what is this animal called which results in children’s lower performance
What did Feinstein find educated parents are more likely to use ?
Feinstein found educated parents are more likely to use praise and this encourages Children to develop a sense of their own competence
How do cultural deprivation theorists Berieter and Engelmann see differences in language of children as linked to social class and what does this lead them to ?
Berieter and Engelmann claim that language used in lower class homes is deficient and they describe lower class families as communicating by gestures , single words or disjointed phrases , as a result their children fail to develop the necessary language skills
Therefore the children from lower class homes grow up incapable of abstract thinking and unable to use language to explain , describe , enquire or compare so they are unable to take advantage of opportunities that the school offers
What are the speech codes that Bernstein distinguishes between ?
Restricted code - speech code typically used by the working class and has limited vocabulary and is based on the use of short , unfinished grammatically incorrect and simple sentences . Speech is often predictable and is context bound - the speaker assumes that the listener shares the same set of experiences
Elaborated code - typically used by the middle class and has wider vocabulary and is based on longer , grammatically more complex sentences , speech is more varied and communicates abstract ideas . The elaborated code is context free - the speaker does not assume the listener shares the same experiences
How do the differences in speech codes ( Bernstein )between the middle class and working class give middle class an advantage at school but working class a disadvantage ?
The diffences in speech codes give middle class an advantage because the elaborated code is the language used by teachers , textbooks and exams and early socialisation into the elaborated Code means that middle class children are already fluent users of the code when they start school , thus they feel at home in school and are therefore more likely to succeed
By contrast working class lack the code in which schooling takes place so are likely to feel excluded and therefore be less successful
What is Bernstein’s argument about why working class children fail not because they are culturally deprived but because?
Bernstein argues that working class pupils fail not because they are culturally deprived but because school fails to teach them how to use the elaborated code
How did Douglas find that parents education affects children’s achievement ?
Douglas found that working class parents placed less value on education and as a result they were less ambitious for their children , gave them less encouragement and took less interest in their education , they visited their children’s schools less often and were less likely to discuss their children’s progress with their teachers . As a result their children had lower levels of motivation and achievement
What are the 3 ways that Feinstein argues parents education is the must important factor in affecting children’s achievement ?
-parenting style
-parents educational behaviours
-Use of income
How does Feinstein argue that parents education in terms of their parenting style impacts children ?
Educated parents parenting style emphasises consistent discipline and high expectations of their children this supports achievement by encouraging active learning and exploration
By contrast less educated parents parenting style is marked by harsh or inconsistent discipline that emphasises doing as you’re told and behave yourself . This prevents the child from learning independence answer self control leading to poor motivation at school and problems interacting with teachers.
How does Feinstein argue that parents education in terms of parents educational behaviours impacts their children ?
Educated parents are more aware of what is needed to assist their children’s educational progress so they engage in behaviour such as reading to their children , teaching them letters , songs , poems , nursery rhymes , helping with homework , and being actively involved in their schooling
Educated parents also recognise the educational value of activities such as visits to museums and libraries
What did Bernstein and Young find out about Parents education in terms of use of income ?
Bernstein and young found that middle class mothers are more likely to buy educational toys , books and activities that encourage reasoning skills and stimulate intellectual development whereas working class homes are likely to lack these resources which means children from such homes start school without the intellectual skills needed to progress
Educated parents also have a better understanding of nutrition and its importance in child development and have a higher income with which they can buy more nutritious foods
What is meant by a working class subculture ?
Working class subculture - large sections of the working class have different goals , beliefs , attitudes and values from the rest of the society and this is why their children fail at school
What is a subculture ?
A subculture is a group whose attitudes and values differ from those of mainstream culture
What are the 4 key features of the working class subculture that sugarman argues act as a barrier to educational achievement ?
-Fatalism - a belief in fate , whatever will be will be
-Collectivism - valuing being part of a group more than succeeding as an individual
-Immediate gratification - seeking pleasure now rather than making sacrifices in order to get rewards in the future
-Present time orientation - seeing the present as more important than the future so not having any long term goals
What is Fatalism ?
Fatalism - is a belief in fate , whatever will be will be and there is nothing you can do to change your status
What is Collectivism ?
Collectivism - valuing being part of a group more than succeeding as an individual
What is immediate gratification ?
Immediate gratification - seeking pleasure now rather than making sacrifices in order to get rewards in the future
What is deferred gratification a feature of the middle class subculture ?
Deferred gratification - making sacrifices now for greater rewards in the future
What is present time orientation ?
Present time orientation - seeing the present as more important than the future so not having any long term goals
Why does sugarman believe the differences in values between working and middle class exist ?
Sugarman argues that the differences in values stem from the fact that middle class jobs are secure offering prospects for continuous individual advancement which encourages ambition
By contrast working class jobs are less secure and have no career structure through which individuals can advance as few promotions so earnings peak at a young age
What are the aim of compensatory education programmes ?
Compensatory education programmes aim to tackle the problems of cultural deprivation by providing extra resources to schools and communities in derived areas . They intervene early in the socialisation process to compensate children for the deprivation they experience at home
What is the best known example of a compensatory education programme and what is it a scheme of ?
Best known example of a compensatory education programme is head start in the United States , a multi billion dollar scheme of pre school education in poorer areas
What was the aim of Headstart , a compensatory education programme ?
Headstart had the aim of ‘planned enrichment ‘ of the deprived child’s environment to develop skills and instil achievement motivation
It included improving parenting skills , setting up nursery classes and home visits by educational psychologists
Evaluation of cultural deprivation by Keddie ?
Keddie describes cultural deprivation as a myth and sees it as a victim blaming explanation , she dismisses the idea that failure at school can be blamed on a culturally deprived home background.She points out that a child cannot be deprived of its own culture and argues working class children are simply culturally different not culturally deprived.
They fail because they are put at a disadvantage by an education system that is dominated by middle class values.
Evaluation of cultural deprivation by Troyna and Williams ?
Troyna and Williams argue that the problem is not the child’s language but the schools attitude towards it , teachers have a speech hierarchy they label middle class speech highest , followed by working class speech and finally black speech
Evaluation of cultural deprivation by Blackstone and Mortimore ?
Blackstone and Mortimore argue working class parents attend less parents evenings not because of lack of interest but because they work longer or less regular hours or are put off by the schools middle class atmosphere