Cultivation Flashcards
Pest/Disease Inspection
SC BMPs Outdoor(2)(a) (2020)
SC BMPs Indoor(1)(a) (2020)
Inspect planting stock for _____ and ______ prior to planting. Avoid planting stock with _____ and _____.
pests and disease
Cultivation Location
CCR 3-8-1-4 8300 (2019)
Cultivation Requirements for Specialty Cottage, Specialty, Small, and Medium Licenses.
Can you maintain cannabis plants outside of the designated canopy areas?
Seed Production
CCR 3-8-1-4 8300(b) (2019)
All plants or portions of a plant used for seed production shall be tagged with a ____ pursuant to section 8403 of this chapter.
Seed Production
CCR 3-8-1-4 8300(c) (2019)
Licensees propagating immature plants for distribution or seed for distribution to another license shall obtain a ______ ________.
nursery license.
Harvest Processing
CCR 3-8-1-4 8300(d) (2019)
Licensees shall process their harvested cannabis only in area(s) designated for _________ in their cultivation plan provided they are compliant with ______ and _____ ______ pursuant to section 8212 of this chapter, or transfer their harvested cannabis to a licensed processor, manufacturer, or distributor via a _______ ________.
packaging and labeling requirements
licensed distributor
Pesticide Use
CCR 3-8-1-4 8307(a) (2019)
Licensees shall comply with all pesticide laws and regulations enforced by the ______________.
Department of Pesticide Regulation.
Pesticide Use
CCR 3-8-1-4 8307(b) (2019)
For all pesticides that are exempt from ______ _______, licensees shall comply with all pesticide laws and regulations enforced by the Department of Pesticide regulation and with the following pesticide application and storage protocols:
registration requirements
Prohibited Pesticide Use
CA BPC 26060(e) (2019)
A cannabis cultivator shall not use any pesticide that has been ________________.
banned for use in the state
Plant Limitations
CCR 3-8-1-3 8201 (2019)
Do you adhere to the canopy-size and plant-count limitations of your license?
Pesticide Use
Comply with all pesticide ____ _______;
label directions
Pesticide Use
CCR 3-8-1-4 8307(b)(2) (2019)
Store chemicals in a secure _____ or ______ to prevent access by wildlife;
building or shed
Pesticide Use
CCR 3-8-1-4 8307(b)(3) (2019)
Contain any _____ _______ and immediately clean up any spills;
chemical leaks
Pesticide Use
CCR 3-8-1-4 8307(b)(4) (2019)
Apply the ________ amount of product necessary to control the target pest;
Pesticide Use
CCR 3-8-1-4 8307(b)(5) (2019)
Prevent offsite _______;
Pesticide Use
CCR 3-8-1-4 8307(b)(6) (2019)
Do not apply pesticides when ______ are present;