Cult and Language Kreiner (Pysch 4700) Flashcards
What is a morpheme?
Smallest unit of language that carries meaning by itself
What are phonemes?
Individual speech sounds
What is meant by the language universal discrete?
Languages similar to another although but can differ in one or more specific elements like morphemes and phonemes
What is meant by the language universal hierarchical? Example
Small units are combines into larger one. Phonemes are combines into morphemes, which are combined into phrases, which are combined into sentences.
What are the other 3 language universals?
Contain words that fall into different grammatical categories.
All language provide a way to create new sentences, making the number of possible sentences in any language infinite.
Languages have to be acquired, transmitted culturally.
Illustrating Content tied Linguistic Universals
She carried a boatload(truckload) of books(boots).
The musicians talked to the dancers.
The happy child played with her energetic puppy.
Try elaborating on the sentences in B & C.
What are the language colour universals?
If language contains only 2 colour terms likely it is black and white. if have a 3rd likely red. 4th is likely to be green
What are language universal sound pattern preferences?
Similarities in the sound patterns within words occur above chance level. Blif preferred over lbif. The preferences across languages is for syllables that have fuller founds toward the middle as opposed to the beginning or end of the syllable
Speak to language as an instinct
Any neurologically normal child acquires language without the need for formal training. If there is a language in the environment lacking a common language they will invent one
Examples of individuals invent a common language when not present
NSL-Nicaraguan Sign Language: When indiv who speak diff native lang must comm w/ each other they may develop pidgin system which allows for communication but does not have the regularity of a full language. e.g. creation of creole languages as a result of the slave trade. Successive cohorts of NSL speakers change the language e.g. by improving the ability to comm the temporal order of events.
Al-Sayyid Bedouin Sign Language. Many ppl deaf in Israel, treated equally, hearing able to comm with ABSL. Not derivative of existing language (Note: 3rd generation (grandchild learning the language) ; prefer SOV(subject-object-verb order) word order)
Sample research on lang for colours Dani vs English
Dani only has 2 colour terms: mola refers to bright colours while mili refers to dark colours. Both english and Dani speakers both dispaly better memory for focal colours. Dani perceive differences between other colours.
Sample research on lang colours Berinmo vs English
Berinmo 5 basic colour terms that do not correspond with eng colour terms. The results, for both Berinmo and English speakers, indicated that we more easily perceive differences between colours when our language uses different colour terms to label them. e.g. Berinmo word nol included blue and green. Robertson (200) found that english speakers were better at discriminating within blue or within green and Berinmo did not shown this pattern. Nol and war within the green category. Berinmo speakers able to distinguish shades of nol from shades of wor than shades within these 2 colours. Indiv better able to disinuigh among diff colours if language contains different words for those colours.
Whorf’s hypothesis and strong and weak form
Claim that lang we know could affect the wya we think about the world. e.g. empty gas drum not able to think about possibility of flammable vapors in the drum.
The strong form claims that we are not able to think about a distinction that is not made in our language. Untenable can think about concept even if don’t have a word for it e.g. 2 shades of green dist but nor words.
Weak form - we perceive the world differently depending on the categories in our language and the preferences of our culture. evidence indicates that lang can affect thinking even if it does not limit what we can think about.
What helps misunderstandings in language?
Awareness of culture variability
taking into account different experiences
Describe the doctor-patient & health issues miscommunication study.
31% misunderstanding of consultations recorded. 2/3 of misunderstandings occured w/ patients who had limited eng lang. Mostly lang than culture diff. Nigeria to London physician stress “what” than “said” misunderstood skepticism e.g., intonation on “That’s what they said”)