Cuban Missile Crisis Yr 11 Flashcards
What did Castro do when he took power of Cuba initially
He nationalised all american companies in cuba.
As a result kennedy stopped all imports of sugar damaging their economy
Why did Castro tirn to the USSR
To help cuba rebuild it’s economy therefore cuba turned communist
What did USA do in response to cuba turning communist
1300 cuban exiles sent to invade cuba at bay of pigs
Why did the bay of pigs fail
USA thought cubans would join them
Not enough people sent
What happened as a result of the bay of pigs
Cuba asked USSR for weapons to defend cuba which was publicaly accepted
A year later USA discovered these in Cuba which meant they could be hit by soviet nuclear missiles
Why did khrushev put missiles in cuba?
USA had put missiles in Turkey so they balenced the threat
He was loosing popularity so thought this could help regain it
Wanted to protect cuba as it showed communisim was spreading
What happened as a reult of kennedy discovering the threat
He blockaded cuba
Tropps from USA and USSR put on high alert
Highest threat of war since ww2
What were the immediat consequences of the cuban missile crisis
Hotline set up
Missiles from turkey and cuba removed
All nuclear tests banned
Beginning of detente as kennedy said they should focus on their ‘common interests’
Long term consequences of cuban missile crisis
Soviet determined to increase production of nuclear arms
Brezhnev replaces khrushev
They now had many nuclear weapons so if war broke out they would each be destroyed