CU traits Flashcards
what do CU traits refer to?
• CU traits refer to a specific affective (e.g. Absence of guilt, constricted display of emotion) and interpersonal (e.g., failure to show empathy, use of others for one’s own gain).
what are children with CU traits at higher risk of showing?
- Antisocial youth who show CU traits have been shown to exhibit a greater variety and severity of crimes than other youth with conduct problems (Lynam, 1997).
- Children with CU traits and conduct problems - at risk for showing higher levels of aggression, especially proactive aggression and self-reported delinquency. (Frick et al., 2003)
what are CU traits a construct of and what does this help in doing?
• CU traits are a construct of psychopathy used to diagnose children.
CD and CU traits connection study
About 12 to 46% of youth with CD show significant CU traits- Fanti 2013
how has DSM-V consolidated the connection between CU traits and CD?
the, DSM-5 has consolidated this connection between CD and physcopathy, considering the callous unemotional (CU) traits as the LPE specifier for the CD. This specifier, defining a specific subtype of patients with CD, includes symptoms such as lack of remorse or guilt, callous lack of empathy, lack of concern about performance, and shallow or deficient affect.
according to Frick what does the presence of CU traits in children indicate
The presence of CU traits in children and adolescents with CD defines a subclass of children characterized by a poorer adolescence outcome both in clinical and control samples [Frick et al., 2014], with increased risk for developing psychopathy in adulthood, with severe and persistent antisocial behaviour [Frick PJ, Viding 2009].
what is the problem with CU traits
the stability of CU traits is not well established, as not all the children presenting these characteristics at the first evaluation will continue to show them across childhood, and until early adolescence Dadds (2005)
risk factors of CU traits
fearlessness theory
what do youth with CU traits show abnormalities in processing
In their extensive review Frick et al. [2008] pointed out that youth with CU traits show abnormalities in the processing of punishment cues and in the affective empathy.
Also clear meta analytic evidence that high CU traits are associated with recognising other people’s emotions Dadds et al., 2006- Attention to the eyes and fear-recognition deficits- this inability to recognise facial emotion has been shown in those with antisocial personality disorder (Palamero et al., 2012)
what is the fearlessness theory of CU traits
Fearlessness theory suggests that low amounts of cortisol lead to underarousal, causing impairments in fear processing, a trait seen in CU individuals (Dadds et al., 2009)
genetics and CU traits
Frick et al., 2014- reviewed 9 publications about the heritability of CU traits
Found that genetically accounted variations of CU traits ranged from 42% to 68% and that a great part.
twin studies and CU traits
Twin studies have found CU traits to be highly heritable, and not significantly related to environmental factors such as socioeconomic status, school quality, or parent quality.( Frick and White 2008)
talk about genetic variation of CU traits in conduct disorder
Viding et al., 2005 sample of 7 year old twins. Selected twins high on conduct problems and further divided them into those who were high and low on CU traits. Overall heritability for the high conduct problem group was substantial. LARGE DIFFERENCES between heritability estimate of high CU traits (.81) and low CU traits (.30)
Viding et al., 2007 found same results with same group 2 yrs later.
Interestingly Viding et al., 2005 also found that influence of shared environment was substantial for the group low on CU traits but negligible for the group high on CU traits.
what do Frick and White argue about CU traits
-argue that use of CU traits (ie their presence or absence)- has great great potential for explaining the causes of the most severe and aggressive patterns of antisocial behavior displayed by youth and that use of these traits to subtype antisocial youth could help to integrate many of the past attempts for defining distinct groups of antisocial youth.
what is there debate over in psychpathy in adult samples
t how many dimensions best capture the construct of psychopathy in adult samples