CTO Quiz 2: Muscle Tissue Flashcards
Types of Muscle
1) skeletal- fast contracting, powerful, voluntary control, discontinuous activity
2) cardiac- fast contracting, powerful, involuntary, continuous activity
3) smooth- slow contracting, weak, involuntary control, discontinuous activity
respond to neurotransmitters or hormones
ability to propagate electrical signals
ability to shorten and generate force
ability to stretch without damaging tissue
ability to return to original shape after stretch
Skeletal Muscle (general properties)
striated, voluntary
multinucleated syncytium (peripheral nuclei)
no mitosis
hypertrophy in response to demand
Muscle fiber
skeletal muscle cell
surrounds entire muscle (just beneath deep fascia)
separates muscles into fasicles
bundles of muscle fibers
separates individual fibers
Organization of Muscle (large to small)
muscle–> fasicle–> fiber–> fibril–> myofilaments (thick and thin)
Skeletal Muscle Development
myoblasts fuse together during fetal development
mature muscle cells do not divide
muscle growth result of cellular hypertrophy
satellite cells retain ability to regenerate new cells
I Band
zone of just thin actin filaments (no overlap)
isotropic- stain lightly
cross section- actin + actin assoc proteins
Z Disc
border between adjacent sarcomeres stain very dark point of attachment for actin fillaments limits contraction (maximal overlap) cross section- anchor where + ends of actin meet
A Band
length of myosin (does not change with contraction)
anisotropic- stains darkly
comprised of myosin heavy fillament
in middle of contractile unit
cross section (A band overlap)- myosin and myosin with actin
M Line
attachment of adjacent myosin molecules
in the middle of H Zone
cross section-where myosin tails meet + myosin structural proteins
H Zone
zone of just myosin
distance between actin filaments
in very center of sarcomere
cross section- myosin only, no actin overlap, part of A band
Thin Filament Actin-Associated Proteins
tropomyosin (covers myosin binding site) troponin C (binds calcium), T (binds tropomyosin), and I (inhibits myosin binding)
Muscle Contractile Protein (Myosin II)
2 heavy chains (bind to thin filament)
2 light chains
2 regulatory chins
actin binding protein- binds actin to form cross-bridges
mechanoenzyme- ATPase- hydrolyzes ATP- uses energy to detach crossbridges
Muscle Structure Proteins
provide proper alignment, elasticity and extensibility
titin, myomesin, nebulin, alpha actin, dystrophin (protein wrong in MS)
3 classes of intermediate filaments- desmin, vimentin and synemin (btw myofibrils)
cap z- caps ends of a ctin filaments (adjacent to Z disc)
actinin- anchors a-actin at Z disc
titin- starts at z line and binds to thick filament- acts as spring
myomesin- attaches myosin thick filaments at M line
Muscle Contraction (zones)
Z disc moves toward A band
H band and I band decrease in width as a result of increased myosin/actin cross bridges
A band remains same width
Power Stroke
binding of myosin to actin- releases ADP- pulls actin towards - end, + end anchored to Z disc
brings Z discs closer- shortens sarcomere
Releasing Actin
myosin head binds to ATP to release actin (ATP not hydrolyzed)
Re-cocking Mysoin Head
hydolysis of ATP recocks myson head
ADP still remains attached until myosin binds with actin again
Location of Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
junction between A and I bands of sarcomere
Neuromuscular Junction
synaptic connection between neurons and muscle
one neuromuscular junction per skeletal muscle fiber regardless of fiber length
one nerve fiber can innervate multiple muscle fibers
all muscle fibers innervated by one nerve fiber are called a motor unit
neurotrasmitter involved in contraction
end synaptic bulbs contain synaptic vesicles with ACh
motor end plate membrane contains receptors
when ACh binds, opens ligand-gated Na channels in the cell membrane. Na ions then enter the muscle cell, initiating depolarization that results Ca release into the sarcoplasm and muscle contraction
Binding Myosin to Actin
Ca binding to troponin C moves complex off myosin binding site- allows myosin head to bind to actin
Cardiac Muscle (general properties/ differences from skeletal muscle)
striated, involuntary, self propagating, regulated by autonomic nervous system
nuclei are centrally located
individual muscle cells are separated by thick black lines called intercalated discs with gap junctions (fascia adherens on transverse, macula adherenes desmosomes on verticle)- allow for direct communication of ions b/t adjacent cells
cells branch
no mitosis
hypertrophy in response to demand
T tubules exist at Z lines, in apposition to only one cisterna
more mitochondria
Smooth Muscle (general properties/ differences from skeletal muscle)
single fusiform cells
central nucleus
no striations
no clear indication of communication
appear in layers surrounding lumen
dense plaques contain contractile proteins and intermediate filaments
invagination like caveolae instead of T-tubles
hyperplasia and hyepertrophy in response to demand
mitosis and regeneration occur
surrounded by reticular fibers (type III collagen)
pinocytotic vesicles
low in SR
Dense Bodies
sites of attachment of smooth muscle contractile fibers (actin and myosin)with each other and with the basement membrane
contain alpha actinin +
allow for cork skrew contraction
Smooth Muscle Contraction
intracellular Ca enters cytoplasm from extracellular environment or from voltage gated channels activated by depolarization or can be released by SR via various hormones and transmitters (2nd messenger systems)
Ca binds to calmodulin, which binds to myosin light chain kinase
complex uses energy to phosphorylate myosin light chains, which liberates actin binding sites on myosin
contraction terminated by phosphatases
nervous control by autonomics (hormones can lead to contraction- ex oxycytosin leads to uterine contraction)
intermediate filaments are required
Axon Terminals for Smooth Muscle
varicosities with vesicles of neurotransmitter exists at various points along axon terminal
released neurotransmitter has an influence on smooth muscle cells in the area
Visceral Type Smooth Muscle
sheets of smooth muscle working in coordination
gut, uterus
sparse innervation
extensive gap junctions
waves of contraction propagate through muscle
nerves influence, but role of nerves modest
Multiunit Type Smooth Muscle
precise and rapid contraction
smooth muscle of eye, arrector pili
heavily innervated
Myoepithelial Cells
derived from epithelium
near glands, help with movement of secretions
reside in basement membrane of epithelium
have actin, myosin, are contractile
Organization of Connective Tissue (large to small)
epimysium (muscle)–> perimysium (fasicle) –> endomysium (fiber)
Muscle Regulatory Proteins
turn on and off contraction
troponin complex, tropomyosin, myosin light chain kinase (smooth muscle only)
troponin I binds to actin and inhibits myosin binding protein
troponin C- binds to calcium
troponin T- binds to tropomyosin
Muscle Contraction Order of Events
Ca in cytoplasm binds to troponin C–> pulls tropomyosin away exposing the myosin binding site–> myosin binds to actin causes release of ADP from the head of the myosin molecule–> conformational change (stroke) to M line (minus side) (plus end anchored to z disk- pulls 2 z disks together)
Note- no energy used for the process yet
new ATP comes onto myosin–> myosin head released–> hydrolysis of ATP to ADP (energy used BUT phosphorus remains attached until myosin head binds with actin again–> recocking of myosin head (backwards towards + end/z disc) –> kicks back, cycle can begin again
Rigor Mortis
no ATP present
begins 3-4 hrs after death
all ATP used up and sarcoplasmic reticulum stars leaking Ca
lasts 2-3 days until proteins break down
Motor Unit
group of muscle fibers innervated by one nerve fiber
Motor Plate
specialization of sarcolemma in contact with axon terminal (highly folded)
Intercallated discs
thick black lines separating muscle cells (zig zag)
transverse portions have fascia adherence (broad desmosomes)
vertical portions have true desposomes and gap junctions–>communication of ions between adjacent cells–>electrical behavior like syncytium (connected cells of skeletal muscle
Duchene’s Muscular Dystrophy
X linked
actin binding protein (dystrophin) missing –> muscles fall apart due to decreased binding
Mysthenia Gravis
condition of neuromuscular junction
attacks acetylcholine receptor