CTO Quiz 2: Muscle Tissue Flashcards
Types of Muscle
1) skeletal- fast contracting, powerful, voluntary control, discontinuous activity
2) cardiac- fast contracting, powerful, involuntary, continuous activity
3) smooth- slow contracting, weak, involuntary control, discontinuous activity
respond to neurotransmitters or hormones
ability to propagate electrical signals
ability to shorten and generate force
ability to stretch without damaging tissue
ability to return to original shape after stretch
Skeletal Muscle (general properties)
striated, voluntary
multinucleated syncytium (peripheral nuclei)
no mitosis
hypertrophy in response to demand
Muscle fiber
skeletal muscle cell
surrounds entire muscle (just beneath deep fascia)
separates muscles into fasicles
bundles of muscle fibers
separates individual fibers
Organization of Muscle (large to small)
muscle–> fasicle–> fiber–> fibril–> myofilaments (thick and thin)
Skeletal Muscle Development
myoblasts fuse together during fetal development
mature muscle cells do not divide
muscle growth result of cellular hypertrophy
satellite cells retain ability to regenerate new cells
I Band
zone of just thin actin filaments (no overlap)
isotropic- stain lightly
cross section- actin + actin assoc proteins
Z Disc
border between adjacent sarcomeres stain very dark point of attachment for actin fillaments limits contraction (maximal overlap) cross section- anchor where + ends of actin meet
A Band
length of myosin (does not change with contraction)
anisotropic- stains darkly
comprised of myosin heavy fillament
in middle of contractile unit
cross section (A band overlap)- myosin and myosin with actin
M Line
attachment of adjacent myosin molecules
in the middle of H Zone
cross section-where myosin tails meet + myosin structural proteins