CTG Flashcards
What is the normal range for FHR baseline?
What is variability?
6 to 25 bpm above or below baseline?
What makes an accelerations?
15 bpm above baseline for 15 seconds
What makes a deceleration?
15 bpm below the baseline
What is an early deceleration?
A deceleration that;
- Occurs usually between 4 to 8 cm
- with contractions
- Sleep phase
- Head compression (intracranial pressure)
What is a variable deceleration?
A deceleration that;
- Due to cord compression
- Usually V shaped
- Vary in regularity and depth
What makes a variable deceleration a complicated variable deceleration?
Variable + abnormality
- Rising baseline
- Reduced/absent baseline variability
- Slow return to baseline after contraction
- Post deceleration smooth overshoots
- Hyperstimulation
What is a prolonged deceleration? Actions?
- 90 second to 5 minutes
- Environmental
- Action = move mother, turn syntocinon off and call for help.
What is a Brady? Actions?
- Decelerations for more than 5 minutes
- Environmental
- Actions = call for help, stop synotcinon.
What are late decelerations? Actions?
- Lates have mates
- Indicates hypoxia
- Action = call a code
What is a sinusoidal trace?
- Oscillating pattern that is smooth and regular
- Typically reflective of severe anaemia
What is tachysystole?
5 active contractions in 10 minutes without FHR abnormalities
What is uterine hypertonus?
Contractions lasting more than 2 minutes (or) contractions occurring within 60 seconds of each other
What is hyperstimulation?
Either tachysystole or uterine hypertonus WITH the presence of FHR abnormalities
What are the antenatal indications for CTG monitoring?
- Abnormalities of maternal serum screening associated with an increased risk of poor perinatal outcomes
e.g. low PAPP-A <0.4MoM. - Antepartum haemorrhage
- Breech presentation
- Decreased fetal movements
- Diabetes where medication is indicated or poorly controlled, or with fetal macrosomia
- Essential hypertension or pre-eclampsia
- Known fetal abnormality which requires monitoring
- Maternal age greater than or equal to 42
- Multiple pregnancy
- Oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios
- Other current or previous obstetric or medical conditions which constitute a significant risk of fetal
compromise e.g. cholestasis, isoimmunisation, substance abuse - Prior uterine scar / caesarean section
- Prolonged pregnancy >42 weeks gestation
- Prolonged rupture of membranes (>24 hours)
- Suspected or confirmed intrauterine growth restriction