CT4 - Models & Mortality Flashcards
What is a G Test?
G-tests are likelihood-ratio or maximum likelihood statistical significance tests that are increasingly being used in situations where chi-squared tests were previously recommended.
The G test is undertaken in the same way as a chi-squared test, with the same degrees of freedom.
If Oi is the observed frequency in a cell, E is the expected frequency on the null hypothesis, and the sum is taken over all non-empty cells, G is calculated as:
How is a Pearson Residual Calculated?
For the Binomial mortality model (and thus approximately for the Poisson model), the Pearson residual is given by:
What are the GLM Link Functions for the following DBNs?
- normal
- exponential
- poisson
- binomial
Forward Selection Procedure for Levels of Nested Generalised Linear Models (GLMs)
Let Di be the deviance of the ith level model, where D0 is the deviance of the null model (G score, chi-squared or other with approx chi-squared dbn).
In turn test (Di - Di+1) against required significance level (normally 5%) in a chi-squared test with d.f. = 1.
If change in deviance is significant (i.e. p-value < 0.05), then this supports moving to the next level of model.
Define a Symmetric Simple Random Walk
(Used to model processes, such as the movement of stock market share prices)
A simple random walk operates on discrete time and has a discrete state space (i.e. set of all integers)
Define a Compound Poisson Process
A compound Poisson process is a continuous-time (random) stochastic process with jumps.
A compound Poisson proces operates on continous time. It has a discrete or continous state space depending on whether Yj are continuous or discrete.
- Aggregate claims for an insurance portfolio (number of claims, each of potentially differing size)
- Total rainfall (number of drops, each of differing size)
- Total biomass (number of patches of organism, each patch of differing size)
What are the 12 Key Steps of Modelling
1. Objectives: Develop a clear set of objectives to model the relevant system or process, define its scope. This includes reviewing regulatory guidance.
- Plan and validate: Plan the model around the chosen objectives, ensuring that the model’s output can be validated i.e. checked to ensure it accurately reflects the anticipated output from the relevant system or process.
- Data: Collect and analyse the necessary data for the model. This will include assigning appropriate values to the input parameters and justifying any assumptions made as part of the modelling process.
- Capture the real world system: The initial model should be described so as to capture the main features of the real world system. The level of detail in the model can always be reduced at a later stage. Choose parameters
- Expertise: Involve the experts on the relevant system or process. They will be able to feedbacks on the validity of the model before it is developed further. Discuss worst cases and probabilities.
- Choose a computer program: Decide on whether the model should be built using a simulation package or a general purpose language.
- Write the model: Write the computer program for the model.
- De-bug the program. (e.g. test against particular scenarios)
- Test the model output: Test the reasonableness of the output from the model. The experts on the relevant system or process should be involved at this stage.
Review and amend: Review and carefully consider the appropriateness of the model in light of making small changes to the input parameters.
- e.g. test median outcomes against business plans
- e.g. check probabilities assigned to worst case scenarios
- Analyse output: Analyse the output from the model. Test sensitivity to small changes.
- Document and communicate: Communicate and document the results and the model.
What are the Benefits of Modelling?
Compressed timeframe
(e. g. for financial planning, real world figures unfold over a lifetime, need to test over a shorter period) -
Ability to incorporate randomness
(in stochastic models) - **Scenario testing **
(Can combine parameters in realistic scenarios - e.g. relating to interest rate rises) - Greater control over experimental conditions
Cost control
(upstream testing cheaper than assessment after implementation)
What are the Limitations of Modelling?
Time and cost
complex models are expensive to create -
Multiple runs required
for stochastic models, gives an indication of the dbn of outputs, but shows the impact of changes to inputs, rather than optimising outputs -
Validation and verification
Complex models are hard to relate back to the real world in sanity checking -
Reliance on data input
rubbish in, rubbish out -
Inappropriate use
Scope and purpose of model must be understood by client to avoid misuse -
Limited scope
models can’t cover all future eventualities, such as changes in legislation -
Difficulty intepreting outputs
results usually useful only relative to other results, not in absolute real-world terms
Continuous, Discrete and Mixed Type Processes
In a stochastic (random) process, a family of random variables Xt : t ∈ τ is disclosed over time, t
In a discrete process, τ = {0, 1, 2, … }
= Z (natural, or counting numbers)
e.g. number of claims made
In a continuous process, T = R (real numbers), or [0,∞]
e.g. stock price fluctuations
A counting process Nt, is the number of events by time period t, where Nt is a non-decreasing integer and N0 = 0
An example of a mixed type process, including both continuous and discrete elements, is the market price of coupon-paying bonds - the bonds change price at specific times in response to coupons being paid, but also change continually due to market.
What is the Markov Property?
A process with the Markov property will be one in which the future development of the process may be predicted on the basis of the current state of the system alone, without reference to it past history.
If a stochastic process Xt is defined on a state space S and time set t ≥ 0, the Markov property is expressed mathematically as:

Prove the Chapman-Kolmogorov Equations for n-step transitions
The Chapman-Kolmogorov Equations provide a way of calculating n-step transition probabilities through matrix multiplication of single-step transitions. The proof is as follows:

How do you Calculate the
n-Step probability using the Chapman Kolmogorov equations?
If αj0 is the initial probability distribution,

Conditions for a Stationary Distribution in a Markov Chain
In a Markov chain, the distribution of Xn may converge to a limit π, such that
P(Xn= j | X0= i) → πj
Regardless of the starting point - this is known as a stationary distribution
- πj = Σπipij *for all i ∈ S
- A Markov chain with a finite state space has at least one stationary probability distribution}
- An irreducible Markov chain with a finite state space has a unique stationary probability distribution
Time Inhomogeneous / Homogeneous Markov Chains
A Markov chain is called time-homogeneous if transition probabilities do not depend on time.
Where they do depend on time (e.g. risk for drivers at a particular age, or at a particular length of time after qualifying), a Markov Chain is called time-inhomogeneous.
Simple No Claims Discount (NCD) Model
No Claims Discount (NCD)
Policy holders start at 0% level
No claim in year moves up one level (or stays at top)
Claim in year moves down one level (or stays at bottom)
Consider a no claims discount (NCD) model for car-insurance premiums. The insurance
company offers discounts of 0%, 30% and 60% of the full premium, determined by the following rules:
- All new policyholders start at the 0% level.
- If no claim is made during the current year the policyholder moves up one discount level, or remains at the 60% level.
- If one or more claims are made the policyholder moves down one level, or remains at the 0% level.
Transition graph shown below:
# Define Transition Intensities *q<sub>ii</sub>(t), q<sub>ij</sub>(t)* for Markov Jump Processes
Define Kolmogorov’s Forwards Equation for Markov Jump Processes
Define Kolmogorovs Backwards Equation for Markov Jump Processes
Distribution of Holding Times (Markov Jump Process)
Poisson process characterised by unit upward jumps - hence path fully characterised by times between jumps.
Distribution of Holding Times is Exponential with Parameter λ, in case of Poisson, and μ, in case of non-Poisson Markov Process.
Define Residual and Current Holding Times for Markov Jump Processes
What is the Survival Model?
The survival model is a two state Markov chain, with a state space of S = { A, D } (alive / dead). There is single transition rate μ(t) - identified with the force of mortality at age t
What is the Sickness-Death Model?
An extension of the survival model, with three states - healthy (H), sick (S) or dead (D). S = { H, S, D }
What is the Long Term Sickness Model?
The so-called long term care model is a time-inhomogeneous model where the rate of transition out of state S (sickness) will depend on the current holding time in state S.
What is the Marriage Model?
The marriage model is a time-inhomogeneous model under which an individual can be either never married (B), married (M), divorced (D), widowed (W) or dead Δ. A Markov jump process can be formulated on the state space
S = { B, M, D, W, Δ }

<span>Terminology for Model of Lifetime or Failure</span>
Define: Tx, ω, Fx(t), Sx(t)
Tx - future life time of a person aged x - T0 usually given simply as T
ω - limiting age, or maximum age person can reach - typically restricted between 100 and 120 in models for simplicity
Fx(t) - distribution function of Tx- F0(t)** usually given asF(t)**
Fx(t) = P[Tx ≤ t] - probability of death for a life aged x by age x + t
Sx(t) = P[Tx > t] - survival function of Tx, representing the probability that a life aged x survives for t years
Consistency Conditions for Model of Lifetime or Failure
Define the Force of Mortality (Hazard Rate)
Modified No Claims Discount (NCD) Model
The simple NCD model can be modified with a number of improvements.
One such improvement is to have the following states:
- State 0: 0% discount
- State 1: 25% discount
- State 2: 40% discount
- State 3: 60% discount
The transition rules are as before except that when there is a claim during the current year, the discount status
moves down either two levels if there was a claim in the previous year, or one level if the previous year was
To form a Markov chain, State 2 needs to be split, otherwise there is a reliance on historical state past the immediately previous step.
Have a State 2-, following single claim in previous year in State 3, and a State 2+, following no claims in State 1
Transition Graph Below:

Restricted Random Walk Model
The restricted random walk is a simple random walk with boundary conditions
E.g. in the case where a gambler borrows money having lost everything, then the barrier is a reflecting barrier, of they cash out as soon as they hit a target, the upper barrier is an absorbing barrier.
More generally:
An absorbing barrier is a value b such that:
- P( Xn+s = b | Xn = b ) = 1 for all s > 0*
i. e. once b is reached, the system stops and remains in this state afterwards
A reflecting barrier is a value c such that:
P( Xn+1 = c+1 | Xn = c ) = 1
i.e. once c is reached, the random walk is pushed away.
A mixed barrier is a value d such that:
P( Xn+1 = d | Xn = d ) = α and
P(Xn+1 = d + 1 | Xn = d ) = 1 - α
i.e. barrier is an absorbing barrier with probability α and a reflecting barrier with probability 1 - α
Transition graph below:

PDF of Tx(t) - fx(t)

What is Gompertz’ Law?
Gompertz’ Law μx = Bcx where B and c are constants.
Gompertz’ Law is an exponential function and as such is usually appropriate to middle or older ages, say 35 to 90. The constants B and c can be found by taking values of μx, for two different x, and using them to set up simultaneous equations
What is Makeham’s Law?
Makeham’s Law μx = A + Bcx where A, B and c are constants.
Makeham’s Law adds a constant term to the exponential function. This constant part of μx implies there is an element of the force of mortality that is not linked to age, for example accidental death. The constants A, B and c can be found by taking values of μx, for three different x, and solving the resulting equations to find A, B and c.
Complete Expectation of a Life Aged X
Curtate Future Lifetime of a Life Aged X
Curtate Expectation of a Life Aged X
The curtate expectation of a life aged x, denoted by ex is ex = E[Kx].
Variances of Complete / Curtate Future Lifetime
Assumptions of a Two State Markov Survival Model
The two state Markov Survival Model assumes:
- The Markov Assumption
- dtqx+t=μx+tdt+o(dt) for t > 0 where o(dt) is a small correction term (when differentiated this correction term goes to zero)
- μx+t is constant for positive integers x and 0 ≤ t < 1
Definitions for Deaths and Waiting Time in Two State Markov Survival Model -
Define: ai, bi, Di, Vi
Consider life i in an observation of N lives, where 1 ≤ i ≤ N, let:
- x + ai - exact age at which observation of life i starts
- x + bi - exact age at which observation of life i ends
- 0 ≤ ai < bi ≤ 1
- Di - variable indicating whether life i is observed to die during observation - 1 if i dies, 0, if not
- V<em>i</em> - waiting time - actual time of observation for life i - age when observation ceases less age when it began (ends either due to death or to end of observation - which is its upper bound)
- **0 < Vi ≤ bi - ai ≤ 1 **
- Di = 0 ⇔ Vi = bi - ai - i.e. if no death, waiting time is difference between start and end of observation
- Di = 1 ⇔ 0 < Vi < bi - ai - i.e. if death, waiting time is less than difference between start and end of observation
Probability Distributions for Deaths and Waiting Time in Two State Markov Survival Model
Let fi(di, vi) be the joint dbn of (Di, Vi), where we use (di, vi) to represent a single observation, a sample from (Di, Vi)
MLEs for Deaths and Waiting Time in Two State Markov Survival Model
Likelihood function for μ, based on observation of (d, v) is
L(μ; d, v) = e-μvμd
Maximum Likelihood Estimate (MLE) and Maximum Likelihood Estimator for μ given by respectively:
Non-Parametric Estimation of Survival Function - Limitations
This empirical approach has limitations:
- Smoothness of S(t): Estimating S(t) using this empirical approach would result in a step function i.e. S(t) would step down for each t where a death was observed. However, S(t) can be smoothed using statistical techniques.
- Size of group: It is difficult to find a sufficiently large population to observe easily. A large amount of lives must be observed to provide an accurate estimate of S(t). The larger the population used the less significant the steps become, i.e. each death has less of an impact on S(t), and so the smoother S(t) is expected to become.
- Time period of observation: This estimation requires the same group of lives to be observed until the last person dies. That means the observation period may be over 100 years. By the end of this period, the data is unlikely to be an appropriate basis on which to model a survival function for the current population. This is because the level of mortality is likely to change in both level and shape over this period e.g. medical advances, improved diet etc. An alternative approach is to use the whole population - using different segments for each age.
- Censoring: In order to use the approximation for S(t) above, we need to observe each life until it dies. In practice, some of the lives in the observation may disappear from the observation for reasons other than death, for example, emigration. Or, we may not be able to ascertain their exact date of death. This type of issue is referred to as censoring.
Forms of Censoring
- Right-censoring: The observation finishes before the terminal event has necessarily happened for all subjects. For example, the investigation ends on a fixed date.
- Left-censoring: The observation does not allow us to know when a subject entered into the state we are observing. For example, in bio-medical research it is usually recorded when a patient entered the hospital at a particular date, and that he survived for a certain amount of time thereafter; however, the researcher does not necessarily know, or have on record, when exactly the symptoms of the disease first occurred.
- Interval-censoring: The observation set-up only allows us to know whether the event fell within some interval of time. It does not allow us to say the exact date of the event. For example, women are tested for cervical cancer every three years. Therefore, if one of the regular tests reveals cancer, it is not possible to pin-point the exact date the cancer developed but it is possible to say that it fell within the three-year period prior to this test.
- Random censoring: This occurs when a subject ceases to be observed at a random time, before they have experienced the terminal event. For example, a member of a pension scheme transfers their benefits out of the scheme. This transfer would occur at a time which could not have been pre-empted and means the observed lifetime of this member is censored.
- Informative censoring: Censoring is informative if it gives information about the subject in relation to the terminal event. For example, if an employee of a company retires on the grounds ill-health, one would expect them to have a higher rate of mortality than an employee of the same age who remains at the firm.
- Non-informative censoring: Censoring is non-informative if it gives no information about the subject or event in question. For example, in survival analysis, if a person in the population emigrates, this does not provide any additional information about the expected lifetime of this person.
- Type I censoring: This describes the situation when a observation is terminated at a particular point in time, so that the remaining subjects are only known not to have reached the terminal event. For example, in survival analysis we end the observation on a fixed date. In this case, the censoring time is often fixed, and the number of terminal events observed is a random variable.
- Type II censoring: In contrast to type I censoring, with type II censoring the observation continues until a fixed proportion of the subjects have reached the terminal event. For example, an investigation into the safety of a drug may require a certain level of success to be observed before the drug can be marketed e.g. recovery of 95% of the patients.
Kaplan Meier Estimate (Product Limit Estimate)
Suppose we observe a population of size N. Imagine we observe m deaths within this population before terminating our observation. The m deaths occur at k different times. (This allows for some deaths occuring at the same time and clearly k ≤ m.)
Denote the i th observed time of death by ti, where t1 < t2 < …< tk - 1 < tk and 1 ≤ i ≤ k.
Let ni represent the number of lives at risk and under observation just prior to time ti, and di, the number of deaths at time ti.
Let ci represent the total lives censored between ti and ti + 1.
The Kaplan-Meier estimate or product limit estimate of the survival function S(t) is:
Nelson-Aalen Estimate
Cox Model (Proportional Hazards)
The Cox model, also known as the Proportional Hazards model, provides the following format for modelling the hazard function:
Define Time Homogeneous Markov Chain
A Markov chain is a stochastic process with discrete states operating in discrete time in which the probabilities of moving from one state to another are dependent only on the present state of the process.
If the transition probabilities are also independent of time.
If the l-step transition probabilities are dependent only on the time lag, the chain is said to be time-homogeneous.
Categorise Stochastic Models by State Space / Time Space into Continous and Discrete
State Space Discrete + Time Space Discrete
- Markov chain, Markov jump chain, Counting Process, Random Walk
- E.g. No claims bonus
SS Discrete + T Continuous
- Counting Process, Poisson Process, Markov jump process, Compound Poisson Process (with Discrete Jump DBN)
- e.g Number of claims received monitored continuously
SS Continuous + T Discrete
- General random walk, White noise
- e.g. Total amount insured on a certain type of policy valued at end of each month
SS Continuous + T Continuous
- Compound Poisson (with continuous jump dbn), Brownian Motion, Ito Process
- e.g. Value of claims arriving monitored continously
Prove The Forward Kolmogorov Differential Equations for a Two State Markov Model from First Principles

Forwards/Backwards Kolmogorov Equations for
Two State Markov Model
Illness-Death Markov Model Define Vi, Wi, Si, Ri, Di, Ui, Likelihood Function and MLE’s
State Space = { Able, Ill, Dead }
- Vi *= Waiting time of life i in the able state
- Wi *= Waiting time of life i in the ill state.
- Si *= Number of transitions able to ill by life i.
- Ri *= Number of transitions ill to able by life i.
- Di *= Number of transitions able to dead by life i.
- Ui *= Number of transitions ill to dead by life i.
V = ΣVi etc.
Transition Intensities:
μ = μad, σ = μai, ρ = μia, ν = μid
Likelihood function for these transition intensities is proportional to:
L(μ, ν, σ, ρ) = e-(μ+σ)νe-(ν+ρ)wμdνuσsρr
Illness Death Model - MLE Distributions
MLE for Poisson Model of Mortality

Proof of Poisson MLE Expectation and Variance

MLE for Binomial Model of Mortality

Proof of Binomial MLE Expectation and Variance

Adjusting for Censoring - tqx in terms of qx:
- Constant force of Mortality
- Uniform Distribution of Deaths
- Balducci Assumption
In case of censoring, need to be alble to use an approximation for required tqx to make up for effect of censoring, meaning that each life potentially contributes to a different part of the qx.
Three assumptions can be used to relate bi-aiqx+ai to qx.
- For these calculations, the results are related by (2) < (1) < (3)
- UDD - assumes increasing force of mortality
- Balducci assumption - assumes decreasing force of mortality

Initial and Central Exposed to Risk
Initial exposed to risk is required for binomial model, that requires equivalent Bernoulli trials to calculate probability.
Central exposed to risk is equivalent to Markov waiting time, used for Poisson and 2 state Markov.

Actuarial Estimate
(of qx for Binomial)
Definition. The actuarial estimate estimates qx for the Binomial model, allowing for censoring. It is
defined by:

Which Mortality Model to Use: Binomial, Poisson or Two-State?
For normal human mortality all of the models are acceptable, due to the low force of mortality. Hence, life tables, which have traditionally been produced using the Binomial model, have been successfully used for years.
However, the Binomial model tends to be inappropriate in the following circumstances:
- where there is plenty of data: it is usually easier to calculate Ecx, and therefore use the Poisson or two-state model.
- there is more than one state: the Binomial model does not easily extend to multiple states. Hence the two-state or Poisson models should be used.
- *μ *is not small: The approximation used to calculate Ex for the actuarial estimate is invalid for larger μ. It also results in the loss of valuable information about the time of the transition to another state. The Poisson model is also inappropriate for higher and only the two-state model is appropriate here.
Key Ratings Factors Used by Insurance Companies in Policy Pricing
To avoid adverse (anti-)selection by customers, companies must attempt to get all salient information relating to risk (ratings) factors, particularly when competitors use the same information.
Models need to be constructed splitting the general population of insured customers into roughly homogenous groups.
Main Factors:
- age
- sex
- smoker status
- level of underwriting (i.e. medical required in advance)
- duration-in-force
- type of policy (through employer / mortgage etc)
- weight v. height
- units of alcohol per week
Additional Factors:
- sales channel (e.g. demographic for daytime tv v. direct mail etc)
- policy size
- occupation (either directly through having a risky job - e.g. bomb disposal expert, or indirectly by being linked to lifestyle proclivities)
- known impairments / personal health history
- family health history
Give the Common Definitions for Age Used in Policies
What are the Three Main Kinds of Rate Interval?
Common definitions of age used in observations:
Age x last birthday:
covers [x, x + 1] -
Age x nearest birthday:
covers [x - 0.5, x + 0.5] -
Age x next birthday:
covers[x - 1, x]
Three kinds of rate interval:
life year rate interval
age label changes on date dependent on life’s birthday only -
calandar year rate interval
age label changes at a set point in the year - e.g. 1 January -
policy year rate interval
age label changes on policy anniversary
Age at death will be recorded based on the combination of these two aspects of age and policy rate interval.
Principle of Correspondence (for estimates of μ and q)
The principle of correspondence states that:
a life alive at time t should be included inthe exposure for age x at time t if and only if, were that life to die immediately, it would be counted in the death data at age x.
I.E. - a life should only be included in the exposed to risk if it would be included in mortality figures for the same period.
Calculating Central Exposed to Risk
In order to calculate the central exposed to risk, precisely we require the following items of data for each life, i, included in the investigation:
- date of birth of life
- date observation of life commenced
- date observation of life ceased
- an indicator to show whether observation of life i ceased due to death
In addition to this information, we require the definition of age to be specified.
For each life we would calculate the following for each relevant age x:
- the date at which the life entered the observation for age x , i.e. the latest of:
- date at which the life reached age x
- date observation commenced
- the date at which the life left the observation for age x i.e. the earliest of:
- date at which the life reached age x+1
- date observation ceased
- the difference between 1 and 2
Given this information, we can calculate for each life, by calculating the time spent under observation,
whilst age x. This should be totalled across the investigation, to calculate the total central exposed to risk.
Census Approximation of Waiting Times
As the Continuous Mortality Investigation Bureau (CMIB) compiles research based on figures provided by UK / Eire life insurance companies compiled for 1st January, it uses a trapezium rule approximation for approximating the central exposed to risk.
The use of the trapezium rule assumes that population changes gradually over the course of the year - an assumption that may be invalid

Estimators of qx and μx - which x do they estimate for?
Why Policy Anniversaries May Not Be Uniformly Distributed Throughout the Year
The assumption that policy anniversaries are uniformly distributed throughout the year must be treated with care. This assumption may not hold for several reasons. Such as:
- policy anniversaries may be concentrated around certain points of the year. For example just prior to the end of a tax year.
- policy anniversaries may not be independent of birthdays. For example, customers may take out insurance just prior to a birthday to obtain a lower premium.
- employers who provide life assurance through a group arrangement with the life insurer, will **have **the same policy anniversary for all employees.
Breslow’s approximation to the partial likelihood function
Breslow’s approximation to the partial likelihood function

Likelihood Ratio Test & Statistic for Nested Cox Models
Can start either with:
- null model - start with no covariates and add one at a time
- full model - start with all covariates and then eliminate ones that are likely to be insignificant
Likelihood Ratio Statistic:
LRS = - 2(Lp - Lp+q), where Lp is maximised log-likelihood for model with p parameters, and Lp+q is for model with p + q parameters
If additional q covariates have no effect, then LRS has asymptotic chi-squared dbn with q degress of freedom.
For q to be considered and improvement, LRS must be over threshold value for confidence level (normally 5%) on q degrees of freedom.
Derive tpx in terms of μx
Advantages and Disadvatages of Paramateric Graduation of Mortality Data
- The graduated rates will progress smoothly provided the number of parameters is small
- Good for producing standard tables
- Can easily be extended to more complex formualae, provided optimisation can be achieved
- Can fit the same formula to different experiences and compare parameter values to highlight differences between them
- It can be hard to find a formula to fit well at all ages without having lots of parameters
- Care is required when extrapolating: the fit is bound to be best at ages where we have lots of data and can often be poor at extreme ages.
Problems not Picked up by
Chi-Square Goodness of Fit
- long runs of deviation of same signs caused by undergraduation
- solution > grouping of signs test
- a few large deviations balanced by more numerous small deviations
- solution > individual standardised deviation tests
- graduated rates may be too high or low across the whole range, but not by enough to show up in chi-square test
- solution > groups of signs
- results of graduation not smooth
- solution > test using third order differences of graduated rates - if graduation smooth, will be small in comparison to values
Define Logarithmic Derivative
For a continuously differentiable function f(x),

Scenario Example for Questions on General Issues in Real World Actuarial Modelling
A large company wishes to construct a model of sickness rates among its employees to use in evaluating the present and future financial health of its sick pay scheme.
Outline factors which the company should take into consideration when developing
the model.
- The nature of the existing sickness data the company possesses. The model can only be as complex as the data will allow it to be.
- Whether the company has made any previous attempts to model sickness rates among its employees, and how successful they were.
- The complexity of the model – e.g. whether it should be stochastic or deterministic. More complex models will be costlier to prepare and run, but eventually there may be diminishing returns to additional complexity.
- General trends in sickness at the national level may need to be built in.
- The definition of sickness and level of benefits payable under the scheme.
- Does the company plan to change the characteristics of the employees? For example, does it plan to recruit more mature persons?
- The ease of communication of the model.
- The budget and resources available for the construction of the model.
- Capability of staff. Will outside consultants be required?
- By whom will the model be used? Will they be capable of understanding and using it?
- Does the model need to interface with models of other aspects of the company’s business (e.g. taking data from other systems)?
- The independence of sickness rates should be taken into account e.g. in the event of an
epidemic claims cannot be considered independent.
What is the main advantage of a semi-parametric model over a fully parametric one?
We do not need to know the general shape of the hazard/distribution.
What is a Stationary Probability Distribution (w.r.t. Markov Chains)?
Let S be the state space.
We say that {π j | j∈S} is a stationary probability distribution for a Markov chain with transition matrix P if the following
hold for all j∈S :
What are the Main Approaches to Graduating Raw Data?
- using parametric graduation - appropriate when there is lots of data available is available on large populations
- using standard tables - if useful data is scarce and an appropriate standard table exists
- using graphical graduation - where there is little relevant data and no standard table (e.g. for compiling data on newly discovered animals or newly demarcated populations)
(Modified) individual standardised deviations test
(Modified) individual standardised deviations test
Under the null hypothesis (same as for the chi-squared test) we would expect individual deviations to be distributed Normal (0,1)
- Only 1 in 20 of the zx should lie above 1.96 or below -1.96 in absolute value
- none should lie above 3 or below 3 in absolute value
- about two thirds of the zx should lie between −1 and +1
If these are not true, then there is a problem with either individual outliers or the sample as a whole.
Law of Mortality
The Gompertz–Makeham law states that the death rate is the sum of an age-independent component (the Makeham term, named after William Makeham) and an age-dependent component (the Gompertz function, named after Benjamin Gompertz), which increases exponentially with age.
Where external causes of death are rare (laboratory conditions, low mortality countries, etc.), the age-independent mortality component is often negligible. In this case the formula simplifies to a Gompertz law of mortality.
The Gompertz–Makeham law works well from about 30 to 80 years of age.
At more advanced ages, some studies have found that death rates increase more slowly – a phenomenon known as the late-life mortality deceleration – but other studies disagree.
What is a Poisson Process?
A Poisson process with rate λ is a continuous-time integer-valued process Nt, t ≥ 0 with the following properties:
- N0 = 0;
- Nt has independent increments;
- Nt has stationary increments, each having a Poisson distribution, as follows, for s < t, n = 0, 1, 2, …
What is Meant by a Proportional Hazards Model?
A proportional hazards (PH) model is a model which allows investigators to assess the impact of risk factors, or covariates, on the hazard of experiencing an event.
In a PH model the hazard is assumed to be the product of two terms, one which depends only on duration, and the other which depends only on the values of the covariates.
Under a PH model, the hazards of different lives with covariate vectors z1 and z2 are in the same proportion at all times, for example in the Cox model:
What are the Advantages of Using a Cox Model?
Cox’s model ensures that the hazard is always positive. Standard software packages often include Cox’s model.
Cox’s model allows the general ‘shape’ of the hazard function for all individuals to be determined by the data, giving a high degree of flexibility while an exponential term accounts for differences between individuals.
This means that if we are not primarily concerned with the precise form of the hazard, we can ignore the shape of the baseline hazard and estimate the effects of the covariates from the data directly.
The Cox model is included as standard in most statistical modelling software, unlike parametric models, which normally require manual coding and setup.
Sum of a Geometric Series of n terms - a + ax + ax2 +…axn-1
The sum of the first n terms of a geometric series is, where |r|<1
General Polynomial Graduation Formula
Describe the general form of the polynomial formula used to graduate the most recent standard tables produced for use by UK life insurance companies.
The general form is
μx = αX + exp(βX) ,
where αX takes the form
α0 + α1x + α2x2 +…
and βX takes the form
β0 +β1x + β2x2 +….
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Binomial for Mortality Models
Strengths of Binomial model
- avoids numerical solution of equations
- can be generalised to give the Kaplan-Meier estimate
Weaknesses of Binomial model
- need to compute an initial exposed-to-risk is a pointless complication if census-type data are available
- not so easily generalised as two-state or Poisson models to processes with more than one decrement, and not so easily generalised as two-state model to increments
- estimate of qx has a higher variance than that of the two-state Poisson models (though the difference is very small unless mortality is very high)
Proof that Independent Increments Implies Markov Property
A stochastic process X(t) operates with state space S. Prove that if the process has independent increments it satisfies the Markov property.