CT3 Flashcards
What are gas chambers?
prisoners were often killed by being put in sealed rooms, which were then filled with poisonous gas.
What are Ghettos?
Walled-off areas of cities in which Jews were made to live in terrible conditions. Many died of disease and starvation, while the Nazi decided on a long-term plan.
what is Einsatzgruppen?
Name of the SS killing squad
What was the final solution?
To bring all of the Jews to extermination camps or concentration camps
What was the SS?
were elite Nazi troops. Some operated within the army, others as police. They were heavily involved in running concentration and extermination camps during the Holocaust.
What is Zyklon B?
The toxic pesticide to gas prisoners in purpose-built gas chambers.
What was partisans?
A resistance group that organised attacks on German forces.
Jewish prisoners who were forced to help the Nazis to operate the gas chambers.
A place where bodies are burned.
June 1941
-Hitler invaded the Soviet Union.
-Behind the invading Nazi armies followed the SS killing squads who were given the task of murdering Soviet officials and Jewish men, women and children.
January 1942
Nazi officials met at the Wannsee Conference, near Berlin. Aware of the criminal nature of what they were discussing, they didn’t directly mention murder, instead calling in the ’Final Solution’ of the ‘Jewish problem’.
6 million
The number of Jews murdered altogether in the Holocaust
2.7 million
The number of Jews that were murdered in the extermination camps.
he majority of the people in the Warsaw Ghetto were deported to extermination camps. This lead to groups of Jewish men within the ghetto forming a resistance group called, ‘Jewish Fighting Organisation’, who armed themselves with weapons.
Inmates at Sobibor extermination camp killed 11 guards and set the camp on fire.
SS General Reinhard Heydrich
He made plans for a ‘complete solution to the Jewish question’.
Wannsee Conference
In January 1942, Nazi officials met at this conference near Berlin. There they stated the ‘Final solution’.
It was a camp built specifically to enable the mass murder of Jews.
Mordechai Anielewicz
Leader of the ‘Jewish Fighting Organisation’. He was 23 years old.
Heinrich Himmler
Number two to Hitler
Leader of the SS
Hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people