csv-export (3) Flashcards
What is Levodopa administered with?
carbidopa (it is unable to cross the BBB and inhibits the enzyme that converts L?dopa to DA, so L?dopa crosses the BBB)
What are indications for carbidopa?levodopa?
parkinsons disease (GOLD STANDARD)
parkinsonian symptoms in other diseases (lewy body dementia)
restless leg syndrome
which symptoms of parkinsons does carbidopa?levodopa effective in treating?
bradykinesia, tremor, and rigidity, NOT postural instability
side effects of L?dopa
dose dependent:
nausea/vomiting?? esp with carbidopa
orthostatitc hypotension
or dskinesia (can be choreic or dystonic)
metabolism of dopamin
L dopa converted to dopamin intracellulary, then DA is metabolized into homovanillic acid via the enzyme monoamine oxidase
older dopamine agonist
newer dopamin agonist
pramipexole and ropinirole are newer
mnuemonic: bros are old news. the new thing to do is to rope people into going to the prom
what is bromocriptine used for?
suppress secretion of prolactin from anterior pituitary, used in treatement of prolactoma and endrocrine disorder
** risk of cardiac valve fibrosis
what is pramipexole and ropinirole used for?
restless leg syndrome and parkinsons
can be started in early course of PD before Ldopa is necessry, but can be used later to to reudce Ldopa induced dyskinesias and motor fluctuations
side effects of dopamine agonist
N/V, orthostatic hypotension, visual hallucinations
bromocriptine: heart valve fibrosis
pramipexole/ropinirole: sleep attacks
drug interaction for ropinirole
uses CYP1A2 in metabolism, cannot be used with ciprofloxacin (elderly patients with PDs and UTIs)
MAOb inhibitors
selegiline and rasgiline
way to remember: people had to LINE up behind dictator MAO
risk for MAO inhibitors
because it breaks down tyrosine too, you have the risk of hypertensive crisis when taken with tyramine containing food
but selegine and rasgiline are MAOb specfic so they are safer
use of MAObs
side effects
benefit in early parkinsons disease
selegine and rasagiline are associated with nausea and heachache
selegiline can cause confusion and insomnia
which drugs should you not take with MAOis
SSRIs or tricylclic antidepressants due to risk of serotonin syndrome
NMDA glutamate antagonist, increases DA release and blocks DA reuptake
remember: glutamate is excitatory?? a man does not get excited too often
(not great)
indicaitons for amantadine
early tremor predominant parkinsons disease or late in parkinsons to treat dyskinesia and motor fluctuations
side effects of amantadine
ankle edema, confusion, insomnia
COMT inhibitors
tolcapone, entacapone
this is a stretch?? al capone has to use computers to do all his bad guy stuff
(and he needs his hit men just like COMT inhibitors need L dopa to work)
what are COMT inhibitors used with?
its inefective wihtout carbidopa/L?dopa
used to treat pt with L dopa motor fluctuations who are experiencing end of dose wearing off” periods
trihexyphenidyl and benztropine
used bc dopamine depletion produces state of cholinergic sensitivity, so anticholinergic agents improve parkinsonian symptoms
most often used for treatment of drug?induced parkinsonism
side effects of anticholinergics
dont give to elderly?? memory impairment, confusion, hallucinations
also anti?muscarinic effects: dry mouth, orthostatic hypotension, blurred vision, constipation, nausea, urinary retention
depolarizing neuromuscular blockers
non?depolarizing neuromuscular blockers
depo: succinylcholine (agonist)
non?depo: cisatracurium, pancuronium, rocuronium, vecuronium (competitive antagonist)
indications of NMJ blockers?
paralytic agents: facilitates tracheal intubaiton, prevents movements during surgery
side effects of succinylcholine
stimulates nicotinic receptors at PNS, SymNS, muscarinic receptors at SA node:
CV effects: arrhythmias, bradycardia, tachycardia, hypotension
not metabolized by acetylcholinesterase: prolonged muscle contraction, skeletal muscle depo cause hyperkalemia and myalgias (also trigger for malignant hyperthermia)
non depolarizing agents side effects
cistacurium, pancuronium, rocuronium, vecuronium
histamine release (cistracurium)
vecuronium has minimal CV side effects and histamine release, so its popular in children
drug interactions for NMJ blockers
dont use with antibiotics, anticonvulsants, antiarrhythmias, cholinesterase inhibitors, Mg, Li, inhalation anesthesias
conditions: burn, muscular dystrophy, myasthenia graivs, nerve injury
cholinesterase inhibitors
pyridostigmine and neostigmine
indications for pyridostigmine
increase muscle strength in myasthenia gravis, help to combat orthostatic hypotension
indications for neostigmine
to reverse effects of non?depo muscle relaxants at end of surgery
side effects of pyridostigmine and neostigmine
muscarinic: GI: diarrhea, N/V, abd cramp increase bronchial and oral secretions miosis diaphoresis
nictoinic: muscle cramps, fasciculations, muscle weakness if dose too high
DONT use neostigmine and pyridostigmine with…
they prevent breakdown of Ach, so they potentiate drugs with cholinergic properties
centrally acting acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
eye drops to treat glaucoma (act via Psymp)
NMJ blocking agents
indications for NSAIDS
antipyretic, analgesic, anti?inflammatory (except acetaminophen)