CST Flashcards
Beginning of CST. Addressed labor union issues
Rerun Novarum
Place of 1968 CELAM conference. Condemned capitalism and Marxism
Unofficial assignment for John XXIII during WWII
Help Jews escape to the west
When bishops of Africa and Madagascar formed a continental episcopal conference in conjunction with the first papal pilgrimage to Uganda of Bl. Paul VI
Encyclical by pope Francis most comprehensive statement by the magisterium on care for the environment. Also insists on teaching on the sanctity of human life
Laudato Si’
Encyclical of St. John Paul II. Marked centennial of rerum novarum. Reflection of CST
Centessimu Annus
Encyclical of St. John XXIII. Promoted human dignity for human necessities
Mater et magistra
Coined phrase “preferential option for the poor”
Pedro Arrupe
Summary of CST by Cardinal Nguyen Van Thuan
Compendium of Spcial Doctrine of the Church
Encyclical by St. John Paul II. Vision of sanctity of human life. Contrasts culture of life with culture of death
Evangelium vitae
Encyclical by pius XI addressed to rise of national socialism
Mit brenneder sorge
Encyclical of Benedict XVI assembled the current world economic crisis. Teaching if sanctity of human life and sexual morality
Caritas In Veritate
Encyclical of St. John XXIII addressed the promotion of peace in light of the Cold War
Pacem in terris
Wrote “theology which listens to the poor”. Movement of liberation theology. Structural sin.
Gustavo Gutierrez
Priest who resigned from public office in order to stay a priest.
Robert Drinan