CSP continued Flashcards
lithium metal is _reactive and should not be mixed
infrared radiation has wavelengths from _ to _
700 nm to 1mm
near infrared region is -to- and pass through the?…..
700-1400nm lens of eye to retina
eye disorder where loss of vission in a portion of the visual field resulting from damage to the retina where radiatio was absorbed
ansi standard for laser and international laser standard
ansi z136.1 and IEC=international electro techincal commision
the accumulation of heat at the sensitive element so that a fixed-temperature device will reach its operating temperature sometime after the surrounding air temperature exceeds that temperature.
thermal lag
class IA flash and boiling point
below 100 and below 73
class 1b flash and boiling point
at or above 100 and below 73
most important property of an oxidizer
heat capacity
diameter for combustible dust explosion according to osha
420 microns
factors that affect a combustible dust explosion
moisture content, ambient humidty, oxygen availble shape of dust particles and concentrarion in the air.
MIE and MEC in combustible dust stand for
minimum ignition energy and minium explosbile concentration
dust deflagration index measures relative explosive severity
dispersion of dust particulates, combustible dust, oxygen in the air, confinement of dust cloud and _ what are needed for dust explosion
Top 6 oxidizing agents listed in decreasing order of strength
fluorine, chlorine, ozone, sulfuric acid, hydrogen peroxide and oxygen. FCOSHO
density formular for sprinkler system
Qpm/area (area =protection area)
weight density of water is_ . EX: what level in large fresh water storag tank is 40 ft from the outlet, what is the pressiure in psi
62lbsft^3 weight density of water. convert to ft divide by 144^2 inc in a foot=.433 psi per foot. then u do 40*.433=17.32
EPA program for threshold quantities of extremely hazardous substances pg 132
risk mgmt program
major differences between risk mgmt program by epa and PSM by OSHA
PSM not required to be reported online of program. RMP by epa required to be reported AND EPA offsite consequence analysis=worst case scenario
EPA treats flammable liquids different in that specific liquids must be listed by _to be an extremely hazardous substance
CAS number. osha lumped them all together FP<100 and threshold at 10,000 lbs
IH: if tlv mix for two or more hazardous chemicals is above a 1 what means
overexposure exists
a significant shift in hearing loss that may cause health concerns is an average shift of _ or greater at 2000, 3000 and 4000 Hz in either ear
Derate NRRs as follows for earmuffs, formable earplugs and all other plugs
24%, 50%, 75%
unit of measurement used to determine the effectivenss of hearinf protection devices to decrease sound exposure within a given work enviovment
noise reduction rating
for c weighted measurements, protected dba=
unprotected dbc-NRR.
for a weighted measurements, protected dba=
unprotected dba- (NRR-7)/2. add 5 if there are two hearing devices. take the higher protection of the 2.
lifting index formula
disorder that affect the muscle nerves blood vessels ligaments and tendons are called
MSDS. Note* cumulative trauma disorders are MSDS
what is an interference agent with carbon monoxide
hydrogen sulifde
you can also call radiation_
electromagnetic waves
radiation dose affects
10=nothing, 100=vomitting, 400 death without medical intervention, 1000-2000=gastrienstinal syndrome, less than 2k=central nervous system
physiological response to cold stress includes two mechanisms
conserve body heat by reducing blood circulation, boost bodys metabolism by shivering.
what increases the the risk of severe hypthermia
examples of hepatotxins
carob techacloride, chloroform, tannic accide, tichloreheylne.
examples of chemicals that cause cirrhosis
carbon tetchachloride, alcohole, aflotoxion
checmials that affect the white blood cells which help the body defend against infection
napthaltene, tetraclorethane
difficulty moving fingers, snapping and jerking movements MSDS disorders/ from repdeatedly using index finger???? and what industries?
trigger finger, meathpackers, poultryu workers, electronic assemblers
pain stiffness in shoulders from working with hands above head MSDS disorder.
rotator cuff tendinitis
tingling numbness in wrists and fingers, loss of strength, loss of sensation in thumbs index finger or middle fingers
carap tunnel sydndrome, VDT operators, upholsters, assemblers, garment workers
envirometnal mgmt: compound of hydrogen or a metal ion sometimes pose a disposable problem. one of them most important can decompose explosively when subjected to shock or heat
azide, most important is lead azide.
sodium azide is a powerful what: EMS section
EVABAT means in EMS section and is an acronym for the use of technology to control enviobmental impacts wihtout causing an organziation finanical hardship
the economic viable application of best available technology
in practice environmental policies reflect what general guidelines
EMS section: airbone relase of hazardous materials ins surrounding atmosphere. two types plume and
puff and plume
reason for hazardous materials release in underground storage tanks?
pipe failure
pollution prevention is mostly drive by what
business interests
the continuing production of abandoned materials that are collected and managed for the purpose of disposal or recycling
waste stream
EPA considers _ as a useufu indicator of other pathogens for drinking water. its a group of related bacteria that are not harfum to humans. used to determine adequecy of water treatment and the integrity of the distribution system . are an indicator of the diseas potential for water stream
total coliform
a by product of decomposing waste can be collected and used as fuel to generate electricitty
energy recover from waste is the conversion of nonrecyble waste materials into useable heat and electricity this can be called
waste to energy
hierachy of hazardous waste mgmt includes; source reduction, _, energy recover, _ and disposal
recycling and treatment
most important astompheric constituent of the greenhouse effect is_
water vapor.
water vapor, clouds and _create 90% of the total greenhouse gas affect. trace amounts of , and _ makes up remaining 10%
CO2. methane ozxone nitrous oxide.
4 major phases in a system life cycle include; concept,
system development, production/deployment, sustainment/disposal.
agency of UN and coordinates its enviomental activities, assiting in helping other countries implement policies and practice
UNEP united nations envionment programme
internationla assoication of professioanls invovled with the impact assessment including both social impact assessment and envionmenetal impact assessment
IAI internationl association for impact assessment
trade assocation representing airlines shipping dangerous goods by air
IATA international air transport assocation
EPA is responsible for regulating hazardous waste under a federal statue known as….act requires all waste shipped off site to be tracked from cradle to grave using a manifest
Resource conservation and recovery act RCRA
locate, assess and clean potential hazardous waste sites and emergnecy spills.
establish water quality standards, protects waters in us from direct indirect hazardous source pollution discharge
protects and enhance air quality. this regulation establishd national emissions standards for air pollutants
screens new chemiclas, tests new chemiclas identified as potenital hazard, regulates toxic disposal
_is based on naturual phenomen in which volatile organic compounds are absorbd from an air stream in the micoscopi pores of activated carbon and released when heated for recovery. __is the most versatile of all absorbents
carbon absorption, activated carbon. can capture up to 60% gases and vapors. if carbon is heated, captured material can be recovered.
a workers rights is limited to the benefits provided by the WC law. Employee may not sue in tort. its a legal doctrine that an employer who is normally immune from tort actions by employees because of wc laws maybe be held liable for additional damages as a party who has committed a negligent act beyond role as an employer
exclusive remedy
one sustained by law rather than implied. either added to general damages arising from an act injurious in itself, such as when some loss arises from the uttering slanderous words, actionable in themselves or are such as arise from an act not actionable in itself but injurious only in its consequences.
special damages
to constitute special damage, the legal and natural consequences must arise from the _ not the mere wrongful act of a third person or a remote consequence
the exercise of reasonable care in the handling and preservation of a product in their possession so that it will not later cause injury to a user
responsibility for handling
person may be held liable for actions that result in injury or damage only when he was able to foresee dangers and risks that could be reasonably anticipated
a wrongful act or failure to exercise due care for which civil legal action can result
product of a product is liable for injuries due to defects, without necessity for plantiff to show negligene or fault is
strict liability
direct relationship between the injured party and the party whos negligence caused an accident. this was borken in early 1900
manufacturer would not have to label a large blade hunting knife because the product involves
obvious peril
involved in accidents where the damage producing agent was under sole control of the defendant and accident would not have happened if the defendant did not exercise proper control
res ipsa loquitur
implication by the dealer that the product will service for a specific purpose
implied warranty
place it on sale for that purpose, advertising it for that purpose, indicating in books or manuals that it will operate in a manner that could be reasonably interpreted as being suitable for that purpose
implied warranty implications
legal contract must have 4 parts
agreement, consideration, purpose, competent parties
_ and _ test a product quality
implied warranty and strict liability
_ and _ which tests product performance against the manufacturers representations. c
express warranty of breach of warranty or misreperneation
singe most important part of a successful product recall is
detail written plan
safety consultants professional liability covers
errors omissions, libel/slander, negligence, oral and written publication of information that causes damages upon copyrighted materials
safety consultants GL covers
bodily injury, property damage fire damage and warning or design.
applies to workers who is completely unable to work for a time because of a job related injury eventually the person recovers fully and returns to full job duties most disability cases are this
temporary permanent disability
applies to injured workers who are unable to perform their regular job duties during the recovery period but are able to work at a job requiring lesser capabilities. After recovery they return to work with full capacity
temporary partial disability
someone who endures permanent reduction in worker capability, i.e. loss of body member eye, arm but is still able to retain gainful employment
permanent partial disability
work injured on a job and no longer can work even after medical and rehabilitative treatment
permanent total disability
sequential list of all the steps necessary to perform a specific job skill. this step will also help determine if training is required or not. used later in the training process to develop training objectives and to develop[ ways to test performance
task analysis
some words to avoid when writing learning objectives
know, understand, appreciate, learn, cover, study. because its impossible to determine if student has accmpplished this
a study that is a systematic analysis of an organization or detailed job/task, to determine how training can help the organization to improve its safety, success, or efficiency or if the specific task can be improved
needs analysis to determine if training is the answers
primary aid in developing course training goals
job task analysis
_ are completed before you develop a lesson plan
learning objectives
_ is not suited for problem solving or technical training
role playing
in training, one of the most valuable group techniques is the
conference method
the conference method success is hugely influenced by
the capabilities of the facilitator or instructor
the number of members in conference method should be
kept small
learning styles include;
sight, touch and hearing
last 4 most effective learning attention styles
familiazation, demonstration, simulations, actual experience
oshas training guidelines consist of the following 7
determer if training is needed, identify training needs, identy goals/objectives, develop learning activities, conduct training, evaluate training, improve the program
members perceive falsely that everyone agrees with the groups decision; silence is seen as consent
illusion of unanimity
some members appoint themselves to the role of protecting the group from adverse information that might threaten the group complacency
members withhold their dissenting views and counterarguments
self censorship
members ignore obvious danger, take extreme risk and are oerly optimistic
illusion of invulnerablity
members discredit and explain away warning contrary to group thinking
collective rationalization
adults want satisfactory answers to the following questions to accept and apply learning
why is it important, how can i apply it, how does it work and what do i need to know
most practical method of training delivery is using a m
for program reliability, it is most important for a trainer to
use a well prepared lesson plan
primary benefit of safety training is
improved safety performance
NFPA diamonds have four colors red, blue, white, yellow what do they mean
red-flammability, blue=health hazard, white, special precuation, yellow-reactivity
chemical induced hearing loss and examples of this include?
ototxic chemicals. oragnic solvents, heavy metals, asphyxiants.
ears have comeback power to very breif exposure to loud noises and typically recover within _ hrs or so and this is called? this is most prominent at?
14hrs. temporary threshold shift. 4000 hz
prolonged noise exposure to intense noise gradually damages the _ of the inner ear, resulting in a ?
cochelera hair cells, prominent threshold shift
average measured hearing range of an unimpaired person is?
20-2000 hz
below 20hz is? and above 20,000?
sub audible and ultrasonic
human speech ranges from
300 to 4000 hz
noise induced hearing loss occurs at a pitch about
outer ear consists of
pinna, external auditor canal, ear drum
middler ear consist of
hammer, anvil and eustachian tube
inner ear consist of
semicirular canals,cochlea, organ of corti and cochlear nerve
oshas current def of a shift to worry about a signigiant or standard threshold shift is an average shift of
10dba or greater at 2000, 3000, 4000 haz in either ear
noise dose: for each increase or 3dba niosh or 5dba osha in noise levels, duration exposure should be
cut in half (exhange rates)
in the lungs, oxygen is absored into the blood steam by passing through the membrane of the _ in the lungs
thin fluid space between the two pulmonary pleura (visveral and pariteal) of each lung. outer pleura is attached to? and inner covers the lungs, adjourning stuctures, including blood vessles, bronchi and?
pleural cavity, chest wall, nerves
passageways by which air passes through the nose or mouth to the alevoli air sacs of the lings in which branches no loonger contain
the _, colloquially called the _is a cartilagainous tube that connects the pharynx and larynx to the lings allowing the passage of air
trachea, windpipe
what passes through the the carap tunnel
median nerve flexor tendons