CSCmidterm4 Flashcards
Hypertext Markup Language
entensible Hypertext Markup Language, must be lowercase, we don?t use
What converts HTML
a Browser
Start/Open tag
End/Close tag
Singleton Tag
not paired, e.x. horizontal line
Required Tags
, ,
2 Parts of a Web Page
Head, Body
Head section
beginning material, like title or other info for whol page
Body section
content of page
Needed to write HTML
Browser, Text Editor
Firefox traits
free open source browser
Open Source
program code is publicly available, any programmer can contribute improvements to
Text editor characters
ASCII, normal keyboard characters
Levels of heading tags
, get smaller
White Spaces
spaces inserted in HTML for readability; spaces, tabs, enter; Ignored by Browsers
Preformated information
only white space exception, displayed as appears
Width of line of text
determined by width of the browser window
Escape Symbols
&(followed by abbreviation); , used to show brackets, accents
&eactue; È
Hyperlink Parts
anchor text (text) & hyperlink reference (web site)
URL Absolute Pathname Parts
Protocol specification (http://), Domain/IP address (, Path to file (/path/text.html)
Relative pathnames
take to another page in the same file
Moving up in a file
add / Before the href attribute
Image tag
Alt tag of an Image
assists visually impaired, displayed if image is not available
Image formats
Typically GIF=graphics interchange format or JPEG= Joint Photographic experts Group=higher quality
newer form of GIF= Portable Network Graphics
additional specifications, form: name=”value”, includes href, src, and styles
Style Attribute
Image positioning
better with text flowing around image, “float:left”
Cascading Style Sheets, general styling system, simplifies task of creating a complex page
Global Style
Style tags inside Head tags, no brackets, but element inside {}, values seperated by ;
Tag Element
Text between the tags
a family of styling specifications with a common name, written in head tags and at place in code
5 levels of styling info
Default, External, Global, Range, Site; part of Cascading Style sheets
List types
unordered list and ordered list ; both use for each item; also definitional lists
, cells=columns= ; heading= ; caption=
Pseudo Classes
is a State= anchor tag variations= link, hover, or visited
How search engine works
Crawling, query processing, hit list
has a todo list, URL’s are added to the todo list, Builds an Index
list of tokens or words that are associated with the page
Query processing
tokens=search terms are entered, looks up tokens in the index, returns a hit list
When Index is created
Ahead of time
Multiple word query
AND, all words present; query processor intersects index lists
Hit on a page
search term is associated with the page, not neccesarily ON the page; looks in title, anchor text, meta, and Alt attributes
Page Ranking
If A and C link to B, B is seen as more important
Logical operators
specify a logical relationship between words it connects (AND, OR, AND NOT)
Site Search
Searches only current site
Anatomy of a Hite
Title, Snippet, URL, Site Links
Primary Source
direct knowledge of information
Signs it?s a Bad Site
broken links, no contact info, simple design, no recent updates, spelling errors