cscmidterm3 Flashcards
computers are the physical embodiment of computation
programs that instruct the computer needed to implement applications
the experience
hardware and software together, a virtual world that doesn?t exist but we experience
software stack
series of layers of programs
the oldest form of information technology is
recorded technology
enhancing/embellishing digital information (photoediting)
cration of digital media
synthetic complexity
virtual reality
simulates the physical world (keypads, gps map)
artifical world
itunes, facebook, twitter, angry birds, product of human imagination
problems with artificial worlds
Privacy concerns, spam, scams,online bullying,stalking
digital form of information
data is represented as
bits (usually 0 and 1)
Sourced Content
conent produced for commercial purpose (controlled entirely by organization or person)
Social Content
information created by visitors to the site (social networking)
we acces digital information access through WWW is stored as
databases and files
precise, systematic method for producing specific result
bunch of algorithms that have been specialized to a specific set of conditions
idea or a process that is extracted from some form of information
express ab udea that applies to many situations, duh
Operationally Attuned
ability to be boss at what we know about devices to simplify its use
is the computer working or still done? Seriously?
Consisten Interface
companies resuse the same code in their applications
Clicking Around
explore an application the application to see what features are available
Blazing Away
trying the application in a different way
since info is in 0’s and 1’s
we can it digital information since it has two DIGITS! WOW!
What is an all at once version of copy/pste
an icon or image used as representative or symbolic of a computation
first desktop?
the Alto (70’s)
Graphic User Interface
what is the metaphor for the computer screen?
Synchronous communication
when sender and reciever are active at the same time (telephone)
when sender and reciever are not active at the same time (aint no body got time for that)(email)
What are the 3 communication types
broadcast, multicast, point to point
Broadcast Communication
single sender to many recievers (radio,tv)
single sender to specific group
point to point
self explanatory-one on one (telephone)
what kind of communtion does is the internet?
point to point asynchronous
Interactions over the internet use
client server interaction protocol
IP adress
Internet protocol, unique adress for each computer connected to the internet
related group of networked computers (.edu)
Domain Name System-translates human readable names into four number IP adress
If the IP adress is new, the server asks
an Authoritative Name Server
Top Level Domains (.edu, .org, .com etc.)
IP Packet
INDEPENDENT packets of information, they hold one unit of info and can be sent in any order and path
Wide Area Network
Local Area Network (ethernet)
the physical set up for an ethernet network is a wire, optical fiber called
a channel
What communication is ethenet?
broadcast medium for point to point
2 ways to connect to internet
ISP and enterprise network
Internet Service Provider
Enterprise Network
connection is to a user of a large organization (school, business)
World Wide Web
Who is the client/server in web request
browser is client asking the web server for a web page
three parts of URL
Protocol, Domain name, Pathname
File Structure
folders contain folders that contain folders that contain folders that contain?.MORE FOLDRES that conatin files