CSA Test 3 Flashcards
- Correctness is a KPI that is an aggregation of the Orphan, Staleness and Duplicate metrics according to the correctness scorecard weight settings.
- Completeness is a KPI that is an aggregation of the Required and Recommended metrics according to the completeness scorecard weight settings.
- Compliance is based on the results of actual CMDB audit runs.
Under Request Something
- Tangible (e.g. hardware, software, servers) entities
- Intangible (e.g. business services, email) entities
- Configuration Item
A configuration item (CI) is both tangible (e.g. hardware, software, servers) entities or intangible (e.g. business services, email) entities.
The configurations are stored in a configuration management database (ServiceNow CMDB), which consists of Configuration Items (CI) as entities that are part of your environment.
A CI may be:
A physical (tangible) entity, such as a computer or router
A logical (intangible) entity, such as an instance of a database
Conceptual, such as a Requisition Service
Using the asterisk wildcard tells the system to return records where our search term appears anywhere in the string.
A per cent sign at the beginning or the end of a search term searches for values that start or end with that search term.
An equal sign searches for values that equal the search term.
An exclamation mark in conjunction with another wildcard character search for values that do not match (e.g. !* for do not contain, != for do not equal).
Delegated Development
Delegated Development is granted to non-administrators for them to be able to develop applications.
Question mark icon
You can access resources like ServiceNow documents and user guides by selecting the question mark icon.
The system user guide enables you to create end-user help documentation specific to your organisation’s policies and procedures. A default help page in the base system displays help documents for system navigation and other basic operations.
The user guide provides the tools for designing help portal pages containing feature-specific help documents. You can create custom help pages and deploy them in various ways using controls in the system. User guide documents are grouped in relevant sections on a help page using a two-column format. You can display the sections and the documents within them in any order. You can display a section on more than one help page. The user guide is supported in Core UI.
Custom tables
A table is a collection of records in the database. Each record corresponds to a row in a table, and each field on a record corresponds to a column on that table.
Administrators and application developers can create custom tables to store application data. After creating a table, you can modify field types and labels. Custom tables do not exist in the base system.
Now Platform application subscriptions include custom table entitlements. You can create custom tables for any purpose up to the entitlement limit in the subscription.
Note 1: To minimise the existence of unneeded and extraneous tables in an instance, don’t overdo table creation. Create only those tables you need to minimise administrative tasks and shorten upgrade times.
Note 2: When you create a new custom table, several fields appear in the Table Columns embedded list. For all tables, required system fields are added automatically. You cannot delete or modify these fields.
On forms, the reference icon appears by populated reference fields. Clicking the icon opens a read-only preview of the referenced record.
You can use a table’s sys_popup form view to configure the pop-up form fields that appear when pointing to a reference icon.
If the table has no sys_popup view, the pop-up uses the default view.
Note: When using a reference icon in Service Portal, a form opens using the form’s default view rather than a popup view.
User Menu > Preferences > Display
You can organise form sections and related lists into tabs in classic forms by navigating to ‘User Menu > Preferences > Display’ in the Next Experience UI.
In the classic environment, you can enable or disable form tabs in the ‘System Settings’ by clicking the gear icon in the banner frame () and toggling the ‘Tabbed forms’ option.
Tabbed forms offer a useful way to make forms and related lists take up less space by reducing the scrolling done to navigate the form so that you can navigate directly to form sections.
View existing homepages
A homepage is a ServiceNow interface that consists of navigational elements, functional controls, and system information. Responsive dashboards and Next Experience experiences provide a similar interface with additional functionality.
The homepage feature is deprecated. If the Next Experience UI is enabled, upgrading customers can view existing homepages but cannot create homepages or edit existing homepages. Responsive dashboards and Analytics Center dashboards take over homepage functionality. You can use the Homepage deprecation help tool to convert the homepages on your instance to responsive dashboards.
Note 1: If you are using responsive dashboards, you can convert your homepage to a dashboard. Advantages include new sharing functionality and easier layout management.
Note 2: If Unified Navigation is enabled, it is not possible to create new homepages or edit existing homepages.
No coalesce
If no coalesce is defined in the import process, all imported rows are treated as new records, and existing records are not updated.
Common Service Data Model
Common Service Data Model (CSDM) provides standard fields and values for tracking life cycle stages and stage statuses for CIs.
Using these standard values consistently across applications helps track assets through their life cycle effectively.
Streamline life cycle management by migrating all life cycle fields and field values across the platform into a CSDM standard set of fields with a standard set of values.
Then, to maintain consistency, continue to use only the standard fields and values when updating or creating CIs.
Use a pre-populated mappings table that specifies mappings from legacy life-cycle fields and values into the standard Life cycle stage and Life cycle status fields.
Implement these standards to help monitor and manage asset life cycles effectively.
Using standard life cycle values is important in scenarios such as:
Event Management and Operational Intelligence need to know if a CI is in maintenance to handle alerts accordingly.
Cloud Insights need to know the state of a CI to report cost data effectively.
Audit and Compliance need to use standard life cycle values to generate consistent tasks and workflows.
You must activate life cycle migration to migrate legacy life cycle values in the system to the CSDM standard fields and values.
You can choose colours, title and chart properties under the Style tab.
You can define the report grouping under the Configure tab.
You can select the visualisation format under the Type tab.
You can enter a Report name, Source type and a table or data source under the Data tab.
You can create email client templates to pre-determine the recipients, sender configuration, subject, and content of emails that you send from the email client. Your email client template is applied automatically in the email client based on the specified table, conditions, and execution order.
You can include attachments from emails while replying or forwarding emails by selecting the Include attachment from email option in the Email Client Template.
This helps improve productivity and the user experience for configurable workspaces by including attachments from emails while replying to or forwarding emails.
Note 1: This option applies only to response emails in a configurable workspace. You can find it in the response templates below:
Note 2: To provide users with pre-defined content to manually add to the email client, you can create a quick message.
The other options in this question are configurable, but they cannot be included in an Email Client Template.
It is a set of interconnected applications and hosts configured to offer a service to an organization
An application service is a set of interconnected applications and hosts configured to offer a service to the organisation. Application services can be internal, like an organisation email system or customer-facing, like an organisation website. You can use the Application Services module on the CSDM navigation pane to create your application service.
An application service has an entry point, which lets users access the application service. If you are at the planning stage and do not know the entry points for an application service, you can create the application service without entry points. Such an application service is referred to as an empty application service, to which you can add entry points at any later time.
All application services created in the wizard are set with the application service classification.
Service Mapping, if activated, can automatically discover and map application services as described in Application service mapping. A discovered application service contains the CIs and the connections between them that Service Mapping discovered and mapped.
No special role
No special role is required to access the template bar or apply available templates. You can toggle the template bar, which hides or shows it for all forms. The template bar appears at the bottom of the form. You can click a template, which appears in blue text, to apply them to the form.
Depending on your access, you can use the template bar to apply, edit, and create templates.
The ability to configure or apply templates created by others depends on user access controls within the template.
Ensuring there is an active life-cycle rule corresponding to each target class in a life-cycle policy
The requirements for using the CMDB Data Manager have changed since the Utah release.
To use CMDB Data Manager, you no longer need to set up the Common Service Data Model (CSDM) environment or activate the CSDM Activation plugin (com.snc.cmdb.csdm.activation) or map and migrate legacy life-cycle values into the CSDM standard values.
However, you must ensure that there is an active life-cycle rule corresponding to each target class in a life-cycle policy, such as Retire, Archive, or Delete. You can also customise predefined life-cycle rules to reflect processes in your organisation.
Life-cycle rules support the transition of CIs through life-cycle stages as implemented by CMDB Data Manager policies. A life-cycle rule specifies the retirement conditions for a class, reflecting processes and protocols in your organisation. A life-cycle rule is required for each targeted class in a Retire, Archive, and Delete CMDB Data Manager policy.
Note 1: Life-cycle rules in the base system are inactive, and you must activate any rule that you want to use with a life-cycle CMDB Data Manager policy. To activate a life-cycle rule, set its Active attribute to true.
Note 2: Each CMDB class can be associated with only a single rule. Life-cycle rules are stored in the CMDB Retirement Custom Definitions [cmdb_retirement_custom_definitions] table.
Data Discovery
Data Discovery [sn_data_discovery] enables customers to identify sensitive data within a ServiceNow instance to classify, protect, and report. Data Discovery is customisable for your organisation’s needs with custom filters and workflows.
You can use Data Discovery to identify sensitive data within an instance, such as credit card information, emails, or social security numbers.
Data Discovery runs a user-defined set of jobs on a set of tables. The jobs search for and report sensitive information for review on the Data Discovery dashboard. When running, a scheduled job automatically uses all active data patterns and target tables.
Here are the other options:
Data Classification: To group data by type using pre-defined or user-defined data classifications.
Data Privacy: To classify sensitive data, remove personally identifiable information (PII) from user data in a production instance, and anonymise data in non-production instances.
Data Filtration: To control access to tables and records based on subject attributes when performing read queries.
Data Separation: To restrict access to sensitive data based on a lens hierarchy and its leaf node.
In Catalog Builder
In Catalog Builder, you can view how a catalogue item appears in a conversational interface and modify the item if required.
You can create or edit a catalogue item (catalogue item or record producer) using a visual and guided experience along with specified restrictions. The Catalog Builder experience enables you to delegate the creation and maintenance of the catalogue.
Requested For
You can request a catalogue item on behalf of another user or multiple users using the Requested For variable.
Delegated request experience comprises the following entities:
Requested For variable for a catalogue item.
Requested For field on a requested item (RITM)
Note: The form views, list views, and email notifications are not updated to reflect the Requested For field on a RITM.
Requested For:
Before submitting a catalogue item request, this variable helps you specify who this request can be submitted for. You should specify this information while answering catalogue item questions.
You can only specify users from the User [sys_user] table.
If you don’t specify the default value for this variable, the currently logged-in user requesting the item is considered the default Requested For variable value.
You can submit the request for a user based on access to a catalogue item. The catalogue item’s Access Type field can be used to specify if a request can be submitted for a user who does not have access to the catalogue item.
Using the ‘Enable also request for’ field of the Requested For variable, you can request a catalogue item for different users under one request.
You can add this variable to a catalogue item or variable set. However, when submitting the request, a catalogue item can have only one Requested For variable.
You can add only one Requested For variable for a variable set.
This variable is not supported in a multi-row variable set. After submitting the request, this variable value is visible in the variable editor and variable summarizer.
A permalink
The knowledge article view page in Knowledge Management Service Portal displays the knowledge article details, including the article number, short description, and article content. You can also click Copy Permalink to copy the URL of the latest article version to the clipboard.
Using a permalink is the best way to share a knowledge article with another user.
List report
Make sense of data to drive decisions and services
Consolidate disparate Configuration Item (CI) data into a single Configuration Management Database
Regularly maintain complex data for accuracy
Some of the IT challenges that can be solved with the CMDB are:
consolidating disparate Configuration Item (CI) data into a single Configuration,
regularly maintaining complex data for accuracy and
making sense of data to drive decisions and services.
Select Share
The Share option on the upper right side of the report form is recommended for sharing a report.
Sharing ensures the report data is always up to date when the report is run.
Other options generate a static report or make it publicly available.