CSA Test 2 Flashcards
Who will receive
- Restore retired homepages as dashboards
- Retire a homepage
- Convert a homepage
You can use the Homepage deprecation help tool to find all of your homepages in one place and convert them to dashboards, retire them, and restore retired homepages as dashboards.
You may find that the stakeholders of a retired homepage still want its information. You can restore that retired homepage as a responsive dashboard.
You can use the homepage migration status table to retire homepages. When you retire a homepage, you remove visibility and editing options from all but the admin.
You can populate the Homepage migration status table and determine which homepages to convert to dashboards.
Database views
The Flow Designer uses an Application-based Trigger for an Inbound Email Action.
Application-based Triggers are added when the associated application spoke is activated.
Note 1: Inbound email flows take priority over inbound email actions.
If you create flows with inbound email triggers, emails are first processed by the inbound email triggers before inbound email actions process them.
Note 2: Here are the general rules about different trigger types:
Use record triggers to start a flow when a record is created or updated.
Use date triggers to start a flow after a specific date and time or repeatedly at scheduled intervals.
Use application triggers to start a flow when application-specific conditions are met.
Group of one or more changes that can be moved from one instance to another altogether
An update set is a group of one or more changes that can be moved from one instance to another altogether.
This feature allows administrators to group a series of changes into a named set and then move them as a unit to other systems for testing or deployment.
An update set is an XML file that contains:
A set of record details that uniquely identify the update set.
A list of configuration changes.
A state that determines whether another instance can retrieve and apply configuration changes.
Update sets track changes to applications and system platform features.
This allows developers to create new functionality on a non-production instance and promote the changes to another instance.
- The permissions required to access the object
- The object and operation being secured
All access control list rules specify the object and operation being secured and the permissions required to access the object.
The object is the target to which access needs to be controlled.
Each operation describes a valid action the system can take on the specified object.
- Business rules
- Assignment rules
- Data lookup rules
Data lookup rules, assignment rules, business rules and predictive intelligence can be used to auto-assign all new Hardware category Incidents to a particular group.
When creating new assignment rules, remember that business rules can take precedence over assignment rules when they run after the assignment rule.
Data lookup rules take precedence over assignment rules because they always run after.
Data lookup rules, assignment rules and business rules run in the following order:
All ‘before’ business rules run on a record insert with an order value of less than 1000.
All ‘before’ engines run, including assignment rules.
All ‘after’ engines run, including data lookup rules.
All ‘before’ business rules run on a record insert with an order value greater than or equal to 1000.
All ‘after’ business rules run on record insert.
- Base Configuration item [cmdb]
- Configuration Item [cmdb_ci]
- CI Relationship [cmdb_rel_ci]
Key tables in the configuration management database (CMDB):
The Base Configuration Item [cmdb] table is the core CMDB table for non-IT CIs (descending classes are non-IT CIs).
The core Configuration Item [cmdb_ci] table stores the basic attributes of all the CIs. The admin, itil, or asset user role is required to access this table (descending classes are IT CIs).
The CI Relationship [cmdb_rel_ci] table defines all relationships between CIs.
The Configuration Item table is extended to other tables, such as Database [cmdb_ci_database] and Computer [cmdb_ci_computer]. The Computer table is extended to the Server [cmdb_ci_server] table, which is extended to the UNIX Server [cmdb_ci_unix_server] table, and so on.
Note: The Base Configuration Item [cmdb] table uses the table per partition extension model, which has different behaviours for replicating and deriving information than other extended tables.
A database used to store configuration records throughout their lifecycle
For a user to create or update access control rules, they must have the security_admin role.
Normal admin users can view and debug access control rules.
However, administrators must elevate privileges to the security_admin role to create or update existing access control rules.
IntegrationHub provides the ability to integrate with 3rd party applications without scripting.
IntegrationHub enables the execution of third-party APIs as a part of a flow when a specific event occurs in ServiceNow.
These integrations, referred to as spokes, are easy to configure and enable you to add powerful actions without writing a script.
For example, you can post a message and incident details in a Slack channel when a high-priority incident is created.
Data source
A Data Source defines a standard set of conditions for querying a particular table that can be reused in other reports.
To use an existing set of conditions, you select Data source as the Source type and then select the data source you need.
Sitemap Generator record
You can use the ServiceNow Sitemap Generator application to define and automatically generate XML sitemaps to improve search engine optimisation of public portal pages.
The sitemap is generated from a script or static XML. You can create XML sitemaps for web crawlers to index your public portal pages and improve search engine optimisation for your portals. You can also add SEO information to portal pages, such as meta tags that will enhance the searchability of Service Portal pages.
You can add Knowledge article URLs to your sitemap to improve content indexing by public search engines. Beginning with the Utah release, the configuration to generate a sitemap for Knowledge Portal is inactive for new customers.
Note 1: You must install the Sitemap Generator application (sn_ux_seo_sitemap) from the ServiceNow Store. You must also activate the Sitemap configuration record (sitemap_config_KB) and the sitemap config definition.
Note 2: All active sitemaps automatically regenerate once a day and include content from any of their active sitemap definitions. Previous versions of the sitemap are deleted.
Now Assist
Now Assist allows you to improve productivity and efficiency to deliver better self-service, recommend actions and deliver answers, and empower users with search.
You can select the next component in your flow from a list of AI-generated recommendations. Using Now Assist, the system generates recommendations based on the current position in the flow and the flow component names listed before.
The model uses the name of the flow components that come before to generate one to five recommendations for the next step of the flow. If there are no recommendations listed, then there are no flow components that meet the required relevance threshold.
The system can only recommend actions, flow logic, and subflows that are available from ServiceNow. Recommendations can’t include user-generated flow components such as custom actions, nor can recommendations include actions from ServiceNow Store spokes.
Note 1: You can use Flow Assist to generate flows from text prompts and generate recommendations for the next step of a flow. Flow Assist is part of the Now Assist for Creator application.
Note 2: Flow generation allows you to create multi-step flow outlines with generative AI. Flow outlines require configuration to add input values and data references.
- Ill-defined relationships among Configuration Items
- Inconsistent data quality
- Unknown Configuration Items
Monitoring and maintaining the health of the CMDB is essential to the effective and continuous use of the product. Health indicators such as duplicate CIs required CI fields and audits contribute to the calculation of health scorecards at the CI, class, and CMDB levels.
A challenge to consolidating and maintaining the CMDB is capturing unknown CIs, inconsistent data quality and ill-defined relationships.
ServiceNow provides a great way to manage critical business services. But maintaining business service relationships with the underlying infrastructure is a continuous effort. Our customers often use Discovery, Service Mapping, and Event Management to keep the CMDB current and healthy with critical service information.
A collection of permissions
A role is a collection of permissions.
Roles control access to features and capabilities in applications and modules.
After access has been granted to a role, all the groups or users assigned to the role are granted access.
Roles can contain other roles, and any access granted to a role is granted to any role that contains it.
Order Guide
The order guide presents multiple Catalogue Items grouped logically as one request.
The order guide submits a single service catalogue request that generates several items.
For example, a New Employee Hire order guide can contain several items that new employees commonly need, such as business cards, a computer, and a cell phone. After selecting this order guide, the customer can then provide information about the new employee, including location and job title. The order guide then submits an order for catalogue items like business cards based on the details provided.
Note: Administrators and catalogue administrators can create order guides for the service catalogue.
- Importing Microsoft Word Files
- Creating Articles directly in the ServiceNow platform
- Integrating with a WebDAV compliant source
Here are some of the possible methods of populating a knowledge base with knowledge articles:
Integrating with a Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) compliant source,
Creating articles directly in the ServiceNow platform, and
Importing Microsoft Word files.
The coalesce option allows you to update existing Target Table records when importing data from an import set.
Scheduled Reports
Schedule a report to automate its distribution. Scheduled reports can be distributed in PDF, CSV, or XLS format. Graphical reports can be distributed in PNG or PDF format. Multilevel pivot reports can only be scheduled in PDF format.
To create scheduled reports, you must have both the report_user role and either the report_admin or report_scheduler role.
Note: It is not possible to schedule Calendar, Map, Pivot Table, and Single Score reports.
My Groups Work
First at the Table-level (most specific to most general), then at the Field-level (most specific to most general)
Access controls are first elevated at the Table-level (most specific to most general), then at the Field-level (most specific to most general).
List filter conditions are also referred to as breadcrumbs.
You can apply, modify, create, and save filters.
A hierarchical list of conditions at the top of the table — breadcrumbs — indicates the current filter.
Note: In List v3 split mode, you cannot edit the filter from the breadcrumb.
Click the filter icon in the left pane to open the filter conditions in the right pane for editing.
The report creator only
By default, a report is shared with the report creator only.
You can control who sees reports by making them:
* Globally visible to all users
* Visible only to you if you are the report creator.
* Visible to one or more specific users
* Visible to one or more specific groups
Select variables
To choose field values from the record to include within the message, navigate to Select variables.
You can include variables from the Select variables column in the subject line for the email message, the HTML content of the email notification message, and/or the SMS alternate message.
JavaScript is the primary language used for scripting in ServiceNow.
Use JavaScript APIs in your scripts to change applications’ functionality or when you create new applications.
Freeform Visual Task Board is just what its name implies, freeform.
Since it is not based on a record list, you can add task records and configure them however you want.
The default lanes are the same as a Flexible board, but since it was not built from a record list, they do not have any cards yet. You would add the cards yourself.
You can add a task card to a freeform board from any table that extends Task. These cards represent records on whichever table you add them from. However, you cannot build Freeform Visual Task Boards from a record list.
Apply a filter condition: ‘Questions.Create Incident.Urgency’ is ‘2-Medium’
You can create reports grouped by a variable on a selected service catalogue item. You can also filter on questions using the condition builder.
There are enhanced filtering capabilities on record producer questions while creating a report so that the records are filtered based on the set conditions.
For example, if a specific mobile phone item has a storage variable, you can create a report that only shows those phones with 128 GB of storage.
In this case, you create a report on the Incident [incident] table, and you dot-walk to the Questions.Create Incident.Urgency on the conditions, and set the value to ‘2-Medium’.
- On the list Context menu, select Group By > State
- On the natural language filter, type ‘group by state’ and select the Ask button
- On the state column title, click Context menu > Group By State
Grouping aggregates a list by a field and displays the record count per group. Grouping can help you find data quickly by organising and summarising search or filter results.
You can use one of the following methods to group items in a list:
On the list context menu (or the title bar), click the context menu and select Group By. Select the field by which to group the list. To remove a grouping, select – None –.
Right-click the column name (or click the context menu on the column title) and select Group By. To remove a grouping, select Ungroup.
Select the natural language filter, type ‘group by’ and the field name, and then select the Ask button.
Knowledge contributors can create and edit knowledge articles within a knowledge base to share information across your organisation.
HTML and Wiki are the two available knowledge article types.
The Article body displays when the HTML type is selected and allows knowledge contributors and managers to use the HTML editor to write and format their article text.
The HTML toolbar within the HTML editor contains an array of icons that enable you to edit and format the body text of your knowledge article. You can also use the HTML Editor to add images, links, audio, and video to the knowledge article.
Note: The Article type field is only visible in the standard template.
Application scope protects applications by identifying and restricting access to available files and data.
Administrators can specify what parts of an application are accessible to other applications from:
The Custom application record
Each application Table record
Identification and Reconciliation Engine (IRE)
The CMDB leverages the NOW Platform features such as the Identification and Reconciliation Engine (IRE) and field normalisation to automatically check a CI’s uniqueness.
This allows only authorised data sources to update specific CI classes, normalises the data, and then loads the data into the CMDB to ensure the most recent and accurate profile of that CI.
- In a clone request, database view tables cannot be added as a data preserver
- Database views cannot be created on tables that participate in table rotation
- It is not possible to edit data within a database view
Some of the database view limitations are:
Database views cannot be created on tables that participate in table rotation.
It is not possible to edit data within a database view.
In a clone request, database view tables cannot be added as a data preserver.
By deactivating unnecessary metrics
The CSDM and CMDB Data Foundations Dashboards store app contains dashboards that provide insights into key foundation indicators of your CMDB and Common Service Data Model (CSDM).
Starting with CSDM and the CMDB Data Foundations Dashboards v2.2 you can deactivate CSDM or CMDB metrics.
To improve performance, deactivate metrics that aren’t needed or that require extensive resources and affect performance. The active/non-active settings for metrics are preserved across family release upgrades.
To deactivate a metric, you must access the CMDB/CSDM Get Well Metrics [sn_getwell_metric] table where all CMDB and CSDM metrics are stored. Navigate to the list view of the table [sn_getwell_metric]. Then, locate the metric that you want to deactivate and set its Active column to false. Tiles on the dashboards that are associated with inactive metrics stop collecting data and aren’t refreshed.
Categories and Subcategories
From the end user’s perspective, products and services in the service catalogue are organised by categories and subcategories.
Categories and subcategories organise service catalogue items into logical groups.
Administrators and catalogue administrators can create and configure categories and subcategories, defining their characteristics and adding content such as catalogue items.
Any change to CI relationships in the CMDB CI Relationship table
Dynamic application services include only CIs that are part of CI relationships stored in the CMDB CI Relationship [cmdb_rel_ci] table.
You can’t manually update dynamic application services; instead, the system automatically updates these services to reflect any changes to CI relationships.
- Configuration Item table is a Parent table
- Service table is a Child table
- Base Configuration Item table is a Base table
- Base Configuration Item table is a parent table
A table that extends another table is called a child class, and the table it extends is the parent class. A table can be both a parent and child class, both extending and providing extensions for other tables. A parent class that is not an extension of another table is called a base class.
The Base Configuration Item [cmdb] table is the core CMDB table for non-IT CIs (descending classes are non-IT CIs).
The core Configuration Item [cmdb_ci] table stores the basic attributes of all the CIs (descending classes are IT CIs), which extends the Base Configuration Item table.
The Configuration Item table is extended to other tables, such as the Service [cmdb_ci_service] table.
The Service table is extended to the Business Service [cmdb_ci_service_business] table.
The Base Configuration Item table is both a parent table and a base table since it is not extending any other table.
The Configuration Item and Service tables are both child and parent tables.
The Business Service table is only a child table since no other table is extending it.
Administrators and application developers typically extend tables to create a set of related records that share information.
‘Subscriptions’ allows users to manage which notifications they receive about various activities occurring in the platform.
Subscription-based notifications enable users to proactively subscribe to items that interest them and unsubscribe from messages that are not mandatory.
External Single Sign-on (SSO)
External Single Sign-on (SSO) authenticates the user name and password configured in identity providers with a matching user account in the ServiceNow instance.
The local database authenticates the user name and password stored in their corresponding user record in the ServiceNow instance.
Digest Token authenticates an encrypted digest of the username and password stored in the user record.
Multi-factor authenticates the user name and password in the ServiceNow instance and sends a passcode to the user’s mobile device where an authenticator supporting Time-based One-time Password (TOTP) is installed, such as Google Authenticator.
- Form links (related links in a form)
- Form buttons
- Form context menu items (right-click the header)
Form buttons, Form context menu items (right-click the header), and Form links (Related Links in a form) are some of the UI actions that can be set up in a form.
A Reference is the field type that displays records from another table.
For example, the Caller field on the Incident table is a reference to the User [sys_user] table.
When you define a reference field, the system creates a relationship between the two tables.
Adding a reference field to a form makes the other fields in the referenced table available to the form.
Predictive Intelligence
ServiceNow Predictive Intelligence is a platform function that provides a layer of artificial intelligence that empowers features and capabilities across ServiceNow applications to offer better work experiences.
Predictive Intelligence provides four frameworks that you can use to create machine-learning solutions in your instance. Each framework delivers a different solution type for training the system to predict, recommend, and organise data outcomes.
The Predictive Intelligence classification framework enables you to use machine-learning algorithms to set field values during record creation, such as setting the incident category based on the short description. You can train predictive models so they act as an agent to automatically categorise and route work based on your past record-handling experience.
You can enable Predictive Intelligence to handle later volumes of incoming requests at lower costs. Automate the categorisation and assignment of requests to reduce:
Task resolution times.
The number of interactions required to resolve tasks.
The error rates of categorising and assigning work.
Predictive Intelligence enables you to train predictive models and machine-learning solutions that you can apply to your business processes, such as:
Incident categorisation: Predicts the incident category based on the short description.
CSM case assignment: Predicts the case record assignment group based on the short description.
Select the record from the History tab
One of the quickest ways to navigate back to the same record would be to select the record from the History tab.
Items you have accessed recently appear in the application navigator’s History tab, which is represented by a clock icon.
Items appear in chronological order from most to least recently accessed.
Service Catalog > Catalog Definitions > Maintain Items
Transform map
Connect Chat
Connect Chat is a real-time messaging tool available from the banner using the bubble icon. It lets users chat with individuals and groups, quickly share files, and collaborate on any record by connecting instantly with the right people.
Connect Chat animates communication around records, Visual Task Boards, topics of interest, or groups of people.
Features include:
Direct conversations between two users.
Group conversations between three or more users.
Conversations linked to records. Comments and work notes appear in conversations in real time, and users can update the record directly from the conversation.
Drag-and-drop sharing of links, files, and records.
Note: Core UI is required to use Connect Chat, so it is not available in the Next Experience UI. Certain Connect Chat functions are available in Next Experience using Sidebar, starting with Tokyo.
Virtual Agent
You can send notifications directly to users in Slack and Microsoft Teams via Virtual Agent on the Now Platform. Notifications are sent to recipients as direct messages via the Now Virtual Agent bot.
To receive notifications from Virtual Agent, users must link their accounts to Slack or Microsoft Teams. Guest users can’t receive notifications.
A field
A table is a collection of records in the database. Each record in a list corresponds to a row in a table, and each field on a record corresponds to a column on that table.
Therefore, a column in a list represents a field in a ServiceNow instance.
Installed Instances
From an Application Portfolio Management (APM) perspective, Application Services represent Installed Instances.
- Banner frame
- Content frame
- Application navigator
The three main screen elements of the Now Platform user interface are the banner frame, application navigator, and content frame.
The User menu and System Settings are part of the Banner frame.
The banner frame runs across the top of every page and contains a logo and the following information, controls, and tools:
User menu
Connect sidebar icon ()
Global text search icon ()
Help icon ()
Gear icon ()
The application navigator (also called the left navigation bar) provides links to all applications and modules.
The content frame displays information such as lists, forms, homepages, and wizards.
- Browser tab title
- Navigator background and text colours
- Banner image, text and colours
- System date/time formatting
- Tables
- Tables and Columns
Flag article
Flagging an article is the best way to privately suggest an article revision to the knowledge manager from the Service Portal.
Users with the admin, knowledge_admin, and knowledge_manager roles can access flagged articles by navigating to Knowledge > Articles > All Flagged.
Users with the knowledge role can access their flagged articles by navigating to Knowledge > Articles > My Flagged.
Note: Flagged comments do not appear on the Article View page. However, article comments are visible to the readers.
Form layout
- UI Policy
- Client Script
Scripts may be server-side (run on the server or database), client-side (run in the user’s browser), or run on the MID server.
Client scripts and UI policies run client-side.
You can use client scripts to configure forms, form fields, and field values while the user is using the form. Client scripts can:
make fields hidden or visible
make fields read only or writable
make fields optional or mandatory based on the user’s role
set the value in one field based on the value in other fields
modify the options in a choice list based on a user’s role
display messages based on a value in a field
UI policies dynamically change the behaviour of information on a form and control custom process flows for tasks. For example, you can use UI policies to make the number field on a form read-only, make the short description field mandatory, and hide other fields.
Note: You can also use client scripts to perform all of these actions, but for faster load times use UI policies when possible.
- Publish
- Export to PDF
- Schedule
- Add to dashboard
- The incident manager does not have the ITIL or service_fulfiller role
- The incident manager is not a member of the Critical Incidents group
The Now Platform includes a default homepage and the ServiceNow Service Desk application to provide a basic set of service desk functions.
Both can be customised to suit the processes you are involved in and the organisation’s needs.
The Service Desk application allows users with the itil or service_fulfiller role to see a list of related tasks, including their work, groups work, and approvals. The My Groups Work module lists all unassigned active and non-pending tasks where the user is a member. Therefore, being a group manager is not enough to see the tasks.
- Knowledge management
- Dashboards and Reports
- Assessments and Surveys
Next Experience delivers a next-generation, intuitive, personalised experience to drive productivity, improve engagement, and reveal insights across the Now Platform.
A dark theme or mode is available to allow users to fine-tune their experience and help alleviate their eye strain by reducing the light emitted by device screens.
Here are some of the Now Platform capabilities that support the dark theme:
Dashboards and Reports
Knowledge Management
Assessments and Surveys
You can take advantage of the light and dark theme support for knowledge articles on the Now Platform. This option is commonly used to alleviate eye strain by reducing the light emitted by device screens.
Dashboards and Reports, along with Assessments and Surveys, have been updated with a dark theme for the Next Experience UI for better visual clarity.
As a user, you can switch to the dark theme on the platform and the Service Workspace Portal.
Note: You can switch to the dark theme if the dark theme and Next Experience are enabled in the platform.
From the ‘Can We Help You?’ Category in the Service Catalogue
If end-users want to report an incident, they should navigate to the Can We Help You? Category in the Service Catalogue on the service portal.
Incident record producers provide users with an interface from which users can log an incident. For example, the default Can We Help You? category features record producers such as Create Incident to enable users to log incidents from the catalogue.