Delegated developers automatically get the permission for deployment.
Which of the following are the 3 key attributes for a field?
Name, Label, Value
Which of the following elements is used to store data in ServiceNow?
By default, what is the maximum number of activities displayed in the history tab of the application navigator?
The purpose of data policies is to enforce security in the system
You need to add a button to one of your forms. Which of the following should you use?
UI Action
A group can contain a nested group.
Which of the following should you use to search for information across applications and records?
Global Search
Which of the following is used to display a set of records?
Import Articles button can be used to import articles from Word documents into the knowledge base
Which module can be used to change the default date/time formatting?
System Properties > Basic Configuration UI16
Which of the following can be used to automate business logic for a particular process such as approvals, tasks, notifications, etc…
Flow Designer
Which module can be used to manage record numbers?
System Definition > Number Maintenance
Which of the following are valid data sources for import sets?
XML Files Excel files CSV Files JDBC HTTP
What does the wildcard “%abc” mean?
It will retrieve all results that end with “abc”