CS0601 2015-16 Past Paper Flashcards
Which mutation operator is suitable for the travelling salesman problem?
Swap two numbers which means swapping the order in which the cities are visited
What sort of knowledge can be categorised as a set of conditions or rules such as those presented in regulations governing the eligibility for benefit payments?
Declarative knowledge
Which part of an expert system applies the facts of a particular case to the domain specific knowledge-base?
Inference engine
What is the technique of establishing the facts from the knowledge base of an expert system to prove a given goal?
Backward chaining
In a rule-based expert system, the main difference between a database and a knowledge base is that…
a databased contains facts and a knowledge base contains rules
Any rule can be executed…
only once
Backward chaining is the….
goal-driven reasoning
In an expert system, metaknowledge is knowledge about…
the use and control of domain knowledge
What are the sources of uncertainty?
Unknown data, Weak implications, Imprecise language, Combining the views of different experts
What is probability?
The concept of probability is associated with words like “probably”, “likely”, “maybe”. Probability can be expressed mathematically as a numerical index with a range from 0 to 1
Experts on opinions and conclusions
Experts often have contradictory opinions and produce conflicting rules
Fuzzy logic reflects how people think. Fuzzy logic can be used…
to describe the probability that an event occurs
Where is the minimum criterion used?
When there is an AND operation
Expert systems are _____ designed to assist _____ in situations in which an expert in a specific are is required
software packages, humans
Knowledge base is a set of _____ describing knowledge of a specific ______
rules, domain
What are the 3 main tasks of designing an expert system?
1) Obtain the required knowledge from an expert
2) Express knowledge as a collection of rules in the form of logical implications
3) Extract conclusions
Fuzzy logic is a set of mathematical _____ for knowledge ______ based on ______ of membership
principles, representation, degrees
List two main players in the development of an expert system
Domain experts, knowledge engineer, programmer
List two advantages and two disadvantages of the expert systems
Advantages: Knowledge representation, uncertainty tolerance, explanation ability
Disadvantages: Imprecision tolerance, adaptability, learning ability, knowledge discovery and data mining, maintainability
List 3 methods used for conflict resolution
1) Fire the rule with the highest priority
2) Fire the most specific rule
3) Fire the rule that uses the data most recently entered in the database
What’s the difference between Boolean logic and fuzzy logic?
Fuzzy logic is something can be true to a certain extent and does not have to be just true or false