CS Subjects Topics Flashcards
Paper - I
Paper - I
1. Sources:
2. Pre-history and Proto-history:
3. Indus Valley Civilization:
4. Megalithic Cultures:
5. Aryans and Vedic Period:
6. Period of Mahajanapadas:
7. Mauryan Empire:
8. Post - Mauryan Period (Indo-Greeks, Sakas, Kushanas, Western
9. Early State and Society in Eastern India, Deccan and South India:
10. Guptas, Vakatakas and Vardhanas:
11. Regional States during Gupta Era:
12. Themes in Early Indian Cultural History:
13. Early Medieval India, 750-1200:
14. Cultural Traditions in India, 750-1200:
15. The Thirteenth Century:
16. The Fourteenth Century:
17. Society, Culture and Economy in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth
18. The Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Century:
19. The Fifteenth and early Sixteenth Century - Society and Culture:
20. Akbar:
21. Mughal Empire in the Seventeenth Century:
22. Economy and Society in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries:
23. Culture in the Mughal Empire:
24. The Eighteenth Century:
Paper - II
Paper - II
- European Penetration into India:
- British Expansion in India:
- Early Structure of the British Raj:
- Economic Impact of British Colonial Rule:
- Social and Cultural Developments:
- Social and Religious Reform movements in Bengal and Other Areas:
- Indian Response to British Rule:
- Factors leading to the birth of Indian Nationalism;
- Rise of Gandhi; Character of Gandhian nationalism;
- Constitutional Developments in the Colonial India between1858 & 1935
- Other strands in the National Movement The Revolutionaries:
- Politics of Separatism;
- Consolidation as a Nation;
- Caste and Ethnicity after 1947;
- Economic development and political change;
- Enlightenment and Modern ideas:
- Origins of Modern Politics:
- Industrialization:
- Nation-State System:
- Imperialism and Colonialism:
- Revolution and Counter-Revolution:
- World Wars:
- The World after World War II:
- Liberation from Colonial Rule:
- Decolonization and Underdevelopment:
- Unification of Europe:
- Disintegration of Soviet Union and the Rise of the Unipolar World:
Paper - I
Geography Paper - I Principles of Geography Physical Geography: 1. Geomorphology: 2. Climatology: 3. Oceanography: 4. Biogeography: 5. Environmental Geography: Human Geography: 1. Perspectives in Human Geography: 2. Economic Geography: 3. Population and Settlement Geography: 4. Regional Planning: 5. Models, Theories and Laws in Human Geography:
Paper - II
Paper – II Geography of India 1. Physical Setting: 2. Resources: 3. Agriculture: 4. Industry: 5. Transport, Communication and Trade: 6. Cultural Setting: 7. Settlements: 8. Regional Development and Planning: 9. Political Aspects: 10. Contemporary Issues: NOTE: Candidates will be required to answer one compulsory map question pertinent to subjects covered by this paper.
Paper - I
Paper - II
Paper - I:
Paper - I:
Constitutional and Administrative Law:
International Law:
Paper - II:
Paper - II Law of Crimes: Law of Torts: Law of Contracts and Mercantile Law: Contemporary Legal Developments:
Political Science
Paper - I
Political Science
Paper - I
Political Theory and Indian Politics:
Indian Government and Politics:
Political Science
Paper - II
Paper II
Comparative Politics and International Relations
Comparative Political Analysis and International Politics:
India and the World:
Public Administration
Paper - I
Public Administration Paper - I Administrative Theory 1. Introduction: 2. Administrative Thought: 3. Administrative Behaviour: 4. Organisations: 5. Accountability and control: 6. Administrative Law: 7. Comparative Public Administration: 8. Development Dynamics: 9. Personnel Administration: 10. Public Policy: 11. Techniques of Administrative Improvement: 12. Financial Administration:
Public Administration
Paper - II
Paper - II Indian Administration 1. Evolution of Indian Administration: 2. Philosophical and Constitutional framework of government: 3. Public Sector Undertakings: 4. Union Government and Administration: 5. Plans and Priorities: 6. State Government and Administration: 7. District Administration since Independence: 8. Civil Services: 9. Financial Management: 10. Administrative Reforms since Independence: 11. Rural Development: 12. Urban Local Government: 13. Law and Order Administration: 14. Significant issues in Indian Administration:
Paper - I
The candidate should make a study of the concept and development ofManagement as science and art drawing upon the contributions ofleading thinkers of management and apply the concepts to the real life ofgovernment and business decision making keeping in view the changes in
the strategic and operative environment.
Paper - I
- Managerial Function and Process:
- Organisational Behaviour and Design:
- Human Resource Management:
- Accounting for Managers:
- Financial Management:
- Marketing Management:
Paper - II
Paper - II
- Quantitative Techniques in Decision Making:
- Production and Operations Management:
- Management Information System:
- Government Business Interface:
- Strategic Management:
- International Business:
Paper - I
Paper - I
History and Problems of Philosophy:
Paper - II
Paper – II
Socio-Political Philosophy:
Philosophy of Religion:
Paper - I
Psychology Paper - I Foundations of Psychology 1. Introduction: 2. Methods of Psychology: 3. Research Methods: 4. Development of Human Behaviour: 5. Sensation, Attention and Perception: Sensation: 6. Learning: 7. Memory: 8. Thinking and Problem Solving: 9. Motivation and Emotion: 10. Intelligence and Aptitude: 11. Personality: 12. Attitudes, Values and Interests: 13. Language and Communication: 14. Issues and Perspectives in Modern Contemporary
Psychology Paper - II
Psychology Paper - II
Psychology: Issues and Applications
1. Psychological Measurement of Individual Differences:
2. Psychological well being and Mental Disorders:
3. Therapeutic Approaches:
4. Work Psychology and Organisational Behaviour:
5. Application of Psychology to Educational Field:
6. Community Psychology:
7. Rehabilitation Psychology:
8. Application of Psychology to disadvantaged groups:
9. Psychological problems of social integration:
10. Application of Psychology in Information Technology and Mass Media:
11. Psychology and Economic development:
12. Application of psychology to environment and related fields:
13. Application of psychology in other fields: 14. Psychology of Gender:
Paper - I:
SOCIOLOGY Paper - I: FUNDAMENTALS OF SOCIOLOGY 1. Sociology - The Discipline: 2. Sociology as Science: 3. Research Methods and Analysis: 4. Sociological Thinkers: 5. Stratification and Mobility: 6. Works and Economic Life: 7. Politics and Society: 8. Religion and Society: 9. Systems of Kinship: 10. Social Change in Modern Society:
Paper - II
Paper - II:
A. Introducing Indian Society:
B. Social Structure:
Paper - I
Economics Paper - I 1. Advanced Micro Economics: 2. Advanced Macro Economics: 3. Money - Banking and Finance: 4. International Economics: 5. Growth and Development:
Paper - II
Paper - II 1. Indian Economy in Pre-Independence Era: 2. Indian Economy after Independence: A The Pre Liberalization Era: B The Post Liberalization Era:
Accounting and Finance
Paper - I:
Accounting and Finance Paper - I: Accounting, Taxation & Auditing 1. Financial Accounting: 2. Cost Accounting: 3. Taxation: 4. Auditing: Financial Management, Financial Institutions and Markets 1. Financial Management: 2. Financial Markets and Institutions:
Accounting and Finance
Paper - II
Paper – II 1. Organisation Theory: 2. Organisation Behaviour: Human Resources Management and Industrial Relations 1. Human Resources Management (HRM): 2. Industrial Relations (IR):
Paper - I
Geology Paper - I 1. General Geology: 2. Geomorphology and Remote Sensing: 3. Structural Geology: 4. Paleontology: 5. Indian Stratigraphy: 6. Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology: Paper - II 1. Mineralogy: 2. Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology: 3. Sedimentary Petrology: 4. Economic Geology: 5. Mining Geology: 6. Geochemistry and Environmental Geology:
Paper - II
Paper - II
- Mineralogy:
- Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology:
- Sedimentary Petrology:
- Economic Geology:
- Mining Geology:
- Geochemistry and Environmental Geology:
Paper - I
BOTANY Paper - I 1. Microbiology and Plant Pathology: 2. Cryptogams: 3. Phanerogams: 4. Plant Resource Development: 5. Morphogenesis:
Paper - II
Paper - II
- Cell Biology:
- Genetics, Molecular Biology and Evolution:
- Plant Breeding, Biotechnology and Biostatistics:
- Physiology and Biochemistry:
- Ecology and Plant Geography:
Paper - I:
Zoology Paper - I: 1. Non-chordata and Chordata: 2. Ecology: 3. Ethology: 4. Economic Zoology: 5. Biostatistics: 6. Instrumentation Methods:
Paper - II:
Paper - II: Zoology
- Cell Biology:
- Genetics:
- Evolution:
- Systematics:
- Biochemistry:
- Physiology (with special reference to mammals):
- Developmental Biology:
Paper - I
MEDICINE Paper - I 1. Human Anatomy: 2. Human Physiology: 3. Biochemistry: 4. Pathology: 5. Microbiology: 6. Pharmacology: 7. Forensic Medicine and Toxicology:
Paper - II
Paper - II
- General Medicine:
- Pediatrics:
- Dermatology:
- General Surgery:
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology including Family Planning:
- Community Medicine (Preventive and Social Medicine):
Paper - I
ANIMAL HUSBANDARY Paper - I 1. Animal Nutrition 2. Animal Physiology 3. Animal Reproduction 4. Livestock Production and Management 5. Genetics and Animal Breeding 6. Extension Paper - II 1. Anatomy, Pharmacology and Hygiene 2. Animal Diseases 3. Veterinary Public Health 4. Milk and Milk Products Technology 5. Meat Hygiene and Technology
Paper - II
Paper - II
- Anatomy, Pharmacology and Hygiene
- Animal Diseases
- Veterinary Public Health
- Milk and Milk Products Technology
- Meat Hygiene and Technology
Paper - I
Chemistry Paper - I 1. Atomic Structure: 2. Chemical Bonding: 3. Solid State: 4. The Gaseous State and Transport Phenomenon: 5. Liquid State: 6. Thermodynamics: 7. Phase Equilibria and Solutions: 8. Electrochemistry: 9. Chemical Kinetics: 10. Photochemistry: 11. Surface Phenomena and Catalysis: 12. Bio-inorganic Chemistry: 13. Coordination Compounds: 14. Main Group Chemistry: 15. General Chemistry of ‘f’ Block Elements:
Paper - II
Paper - II
- Delocalised Covalent Bonding:
- (i) Reaction Mechanisms:
- Pericyclic Reactions:
- (i) Preparation and Properties of Polymers:
- Synthetic Uses of Reagents:
- Photochemistry:
- Spectroscopy:
Paper - I:
Physics Paper - I: 1. (a) Mechanics of Particles: (b) Mechanics of Rigid Bodies: (c) Mechanics of Continuous Media: (d) Special Relativity: 2. Waves and Optics: 3. Electricity and Magnetism: 4. Thermal and Statistical Physics:
Paper - II:
PAPER - II: Physics Syllabus
- Quantum Mechanics:
- Atomic and Molecular Physics:
- Nuclear and Particle Physics:
- Solid State Physics, Devices and Electronics:
Paper - I
MECH ENGG Paper - I 1. Mechanics: 2. Engineering Materials: 3. Theory of Machines: 4. Manufacturing Science:
Paper - II
Paper - II
- Thermodynamics, Gas Dynamics and Turbine:
- Heat Transfer:
- I .C. Engines:
- Steam Engineering:
- Refrigeration and air-conditioning:
Paper - I
ECE Paper - I 1. Circuit Theory: 2. Signals & Systems: 3. E.M. Theory: 4. Analog Electronics: 5. Digital Electronics: 6. Energy Conversion: 7. Power Electronics and Electric Drives: 8. Analog Communication:
Paper - II
Paper - II
- Control Systems:
- Microprocessors and Microcomputers:
- Measurement and Instrumentation:
- Power Systems:
- Power System Protection:
- Digital Communication:
Civil Engg
Paper - I
Civil Engg
Paper - I
1. Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Materials and Structural Analysis:
2. Design of Structures: Steel, Concrete and Masonry Structures:
3. Fluid Mechanics, Open Channel Flow and Hydraulic Machines:
4. Geotechnical Engineering:
Civil Engg
Paper - II
Paper - II
- Construction Technology, Equipment, Planning and Management:
- Surveying and Transportation Engineering
- Hydrology, Water Resources and Engineering:
- Environmental Engineering:
- Environmental pollution: