CS and Hysterectomy Flashcards
Surgical procedure where in one or more incisions are made through a mother’s abdomen and uterus to deliver one or more fetus, or rarely, to remove a dead fetus
Cesarean delivery
2 techniques employed in CS
Laparotomy- Abdomen
Hysterotomy- Uterine wall
True/ False
Cesarean section and removal of fetus in Uterine rupture or abdominal surgery is the same
What is PERImortem CS?
performed in a woman about to die
for emergent complications like intractable hemorrhage
What is POSTmortem CS?
performed in a woman after death
Compare Cesarean Hysterectomy vs. Postpartum Hysterectomy
CH- at the time of CS
PH- after vaginal delivery
basta pag postpartum hysterectomy, nag vaginal delivery na saka pa lang hysterectomy, pag cesarean hysterectomy naman sabay na after CS the proceed to hysterectomy
4 major reasons for CS to be perfomed
Prior CS
Fetal Distress
Abnormal Fetal Presentation
12 explanation for increasing CS rates
- Increasing number of nulliparas
- Increasing maternal age
- Increased availability and utilization of electronic fetal monitoring
- Breech presentation
- Increased decline to perform operative VD
- Increased rates of labor induction
- Increasing number of obesity
- Increasing rates of preeclampsia
- Repeat CS is now the norm
- Increasing maternal request (pelvic floor injury concern and fetal injury concern in VD)
- Increasing use of assisted reproductive technology
- Increased number of malpractice litigation
What is CDMR
Cesarean delivery on maternal request
4 Major reason for CDMR
Pelvic floor protection
Fear of childbirth
Reduced risk of fetal injury
Recommendation of ACOG in performing CDMR
Established fetal lung maturity (usually at 39 weeks)
True or False?
Cesarean delivery is ideally avoided in women desiring several children because of placental implantation abnormalities and cesarean hysterectomy risks
True or False?
CDMR should be motivated by the unavailability of effective pain management.
False (should not be motivated)
Give 6 complications of CS
- Anesthetic complications
- Adjacent organ injuries ( bladder, ureters, bowel)
- Repeat CS with future pregnancy
- Infection
- Hemorrhage
- Thromboembolism
Give 3 complication that is higher in VD compared to CS
Pelvic floor injury
Urinary incontinence
Perineal injury
True or false?
Anal incontinence is higher in Vaginal delivery
False (Anal incontinence risk is the same for VD and CS)
What is the most common Neonatal morbidity in CS?
Skin laceration
True or false?
Cesarean delivery is associated with a higher rate of fetal trauma
False (Lower rate than VD)
Give 6 NEONATAL complication of CS
Skin laceration Cephalohematoma Clavicular fracture Brachial plexopathy Skull fracture Facial nerve palsy
What circumstance gives the HIGHEST neonatal injury rate in CS?
Failed operative vaginal delivery
What circumstance gives the LOWEST neonatal injury rate in CS?
If done elective
True/ False?
Offspring with Asthma and Allergy is linked to being born cesarean
What are the 6 patient preparation before performing CS?
- Delivery availability
- Informed Consent
- Timing/ Scheduling
- Perioperative care
- Infection prevention
- Surgical Safety
What principle is being valued when seeking Informed consent”?
True/ False?
For women with a prior cesarean delivery, the option of a trial of labor should be included for suitable candidates
True/ False?
In those women desiring permanent sterilization or intrauterine device insertion, consenting for these can be completed concurrently
True or False?
ACOG recommend delaying nonmedically indicated deliveries until 39 completed weeks of gestation or beyond
What are the 3 criteria used for accurate gestational age dating?
- Sonography
- Fetal heart sound
- B-hcg