Congenital Abnormalities of the Reproductive Tract Flashcards
What is the common mesodermal ridge called?
Intermediate mesoderm
Anlage of abdominal cavity, urinary, and genital system
Intermediate mesoderm
What structure is in close association to the hindgut?
Urogenital ridge
When is the urogenital ridge formed?
3-5 weeks AOG
What do you call an elevation of the intermediate mesoderm?
Urogenital ridge
Urogenital ridge will become the?
Urogenital tract
Urogenital tract divides into?
Genital/gonadal ridge and Nephrogenic ridge/cord
Anlage of Ovaries
Genital/Gonadal Ridge
Anlage of Genitourinary tract
Nephrogenic ridge/cord
Nephrogenic ridge develop into?
Mesonephros with paired mesonephric duct
Other name for mesonephric duct
Wolffian duct
What structure is adjacent to Mesonephric duct?
Paramesonephric duct
Other name for paramesonephric duct
Mullerian duct
What structures drain into the cloaca?
Mesonephros, Mesonephric duct, Paramesonephric duct
Mesonephric duct or Wolffian duct will regress in the absence of what hormone?
Without testosterone, what structure will regress and what structure favors the growth?
REGRESS- Mesonephric duct/ Wolffian duct (Phenotypically male)
GROW- Paramesonephric duct/ Mullerian duct (Phenotypically female)
Anlage of uterus
Fusion of 2 Mullerian ducts
Primitive kidney
Common opening for both urinary and alimentary tract
Emergence of mesonephric duct
3-5 weeks AOG
Emergence of 2 ureteric buds
4-5 weeks AOG
Emergence of Mullerian duct
4-5 weeks AOG
When is the cloaca divided by the urorectal septum?
7 weeks AOG
What structure will form when cloaca is divided by urorectal septum?
Rectum and Urogenital sinus
What are the 3 parts of urogenital sinus?
Cephalad/ Vesicle portion
Middle/ Pelvic portion
Caudal/ Phalic portion
Anlage of the urinary bladder
Cephalic/ Vesical portion of urogenital sinus
Anlage of the Female urethra
Middle/ Pelvic portion of urogenital sinus
Caudal/ Phalic portion of urogenital sinus will become what?
Distal vagina
Greater vestibular (Bartholin) glands
Paraurethral (Skene’s) glands
When is uterus starts to develop?
10 weeks AOG
What is being formed by cellular proliferation of the upper portion of fused Mullerian duct?
1st uterine cavity
What is the characteristic shape of 1st uterine gland?
Pyriform wedge
What happens as 20 weeks AOG
Complete uterine cavitation
Complete vaginal canalization
Formation of cervix and upper vagina
Anlage of Fallopian tube
Mullerian duct
Anlage of UPPER vagina
Mullerian duct
What will be the result if there is failure of 2 Mullerian ducts to fuse?
2 separate uterine horns
What will be the result if there is failure of resorption of the common tissue of 2 Mullerian ducts?
Persistent Uterine Septum
What structure connects to the fused Mullerian ducts?
Urogenital sinus
Fused Mullerian ducts + Urogenital sinus = ?
Sinovaginal bulbs
Sinovaginal bulbs will become?
Vaginal plate
Vaginal lumen is separated from urogenital sinus by?
Hymenal membrane
Hymenal membrane will degrade forming?
Hymenal ring
Results from failure of the inferior end of the vaginal plate which is the hymeneal membrane to canalize
Imperforate hymen Microperforate hymen Cribriform Hymen Navicular hymen Septate hymen