CS 3 Flashcards
Victims of domestic violence should be screened for what?
Depression, suicidal, self harm
What is the most important initial intervention? How should it be asked?
Identify a emergency safety plan; Where is a safe place that you can go when you are afraid⁉️
What should be mentioned in the closure for domestic renovations?
Community resources such as domestic violence shelters Counseling
What test should be ran for a patient with sexual assault?
Nucleic acid amplification test for chlamydia and gonorrhea
HIV and Hepatitis B Screen
VDRL or RPR for syphilis
Urine HCG
What is secondary enuresis?
Incontinence after a patient Has had a period of dryness for six months
What are the causes of secondary enuresis?
Urinary tract infection, psychological, diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, Obstructive sleep apnea
What are the associated symptoms for urinary tract infection? Diabetes mellitus? Psychologic enuresis etiology?
Dysuria, hesitancy, urgency, Abdominal pain.
Polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, weight loss, Lethargy, Candidiasis
Behavior regression, moved liability.
What is psychogenic polydipsia?
Abnormal fluid intake. Cause of enuresis
Genitourinary causes for nocturnal enuresis are usually associated with?
Daytime incontinence, voiding problems, frequent small avoiding, Holding maneuvers
What system will you use for enuresis patients?
Determine whether it’s primary or secondary, Whether monosymptomatic or non mono-symptomatic (daytime incontinence)
How often? Days? Times a day?
Etiologies of secondary enuresis
What can be told to patient’s parents with enuresis in order to calm them?
Enuresis is a common problem and usually resolves spontaneously
What are the dementia/forgetfulness differential?
Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, frontotemporal dementia, dementia with Lewis bodies, normal pressure hydrocephalus, Prion disease
What are the ass. Symptoms for frontotemporal dementia?
Apathy, disinhibition, compulsive behavior, personality changes, frontotemporal atrophy on imaging
What are associated symptoms for prion disease?
Behavior changes, rapid progression, Monoclonus, seizures
What neuropsychiatric disorders may affect memory?
Depression, multiple sclerosis
What metabolic disorders may affect memory?
Hypothyroidism, vitamin B deficiency
In addition to alcohol abuse, what medications can cause memory impairment/cognitive dysfunction?
trycyclic antidepressants, benzodiazepines, digoxin
What test should be ran for patients with memory impairment?
Serum Vitamin B12, TSH, BUN/Cr, CBC Electrolytes, liver function panel, UA and culture, Utox
What test can be done for female patients who are victims of domestic violence?
NAAT for chlamydia and gonorrhea VDRL or RPR HIV Screen Urine HCG Hepatitis B screen
When should CT Scan be done for domestic abuse patients?
CT Scan for Craniofacial injuries
Excessive fluid intake with frequent large volume of your nature can be a sign for what?
Psychogenic enuresis, diabetes or kidney problems
What is an injury that children can have that can lead to enuresis?
Spinal injury
What test can be done if retained feces is suspected?
Abdominal x-ray
How is plantar fasciitis present?
Point tenderness upon Dorsi-flexion of toes. Pain maximum upon first stepping out of the bed, May improve as the day progresses. Chronic pain. Point tenderness at the insertion of the plantar fascia on the calcaneus with increased pain associated with dorsiflexion of toes
How does a ruptured plantar fascia present?
Sudden onset. Loss of height of the arch. Visible swelling or ecchymosis
Bone infection/metastasis?
Constant throbbing pain. Nocturnal worsening.
Calcaneal stress fracture?
Worse with activity. Palpation at the bone elicits tenderness
Tarsal tunnel syndrome?
Pain, parenthesis, and numbness on the soles of the feet. Percussion tenderness over to posterior tibial nerve in the tarsal tunnel