CS Flashcards
What does the acronym LIFO mean?
What methods are available on a Stack data structure?
- put something on top-
- take something off the top - (Convenience but not required for a Stack)
- look at what’s on top without taking it off
What must you do to access the value at an arbitrary point in a stack (not just the “top”)?
- Store the items you
off somewhere- If you can destroy the stack, just keep popping off
- Searching the stack is O(n)
What does the acronym FIFO mean?
What methods are available on a Queue data structure?
- Add something to the queue (by the nature of queues, to the end)-
- Remove something from the queue (by the nature of queues, from the start) - There may or may not be a convenience method
among others
What must you do to access the value at an arbitrary point in a queue (not just the “front”)?
values until you reach the desired point
What are some examples of simple operations?
- Declaring/assigning a variable
- Accessing/assigning array by index
- Accessing/assigning object by property
- Single-step expressions (
i + 200
,i < 200
) - A truth test
What is the order of best-to-worst time complexities?
- constant time (increasingn
has no effect)-
O(log n)
- logarithmic time (increasingn
increases simple operations bylog n
) -
- linear time (increasingn
increases simple operations byn
) -
O(n log n)
- log-linear time -
- quadratic time (increasingn
increases simple operations byn^2
) -
- exponential time -
- factorial time
What time-complexities are generally considered bad? Good?
, andO(log n)
are good-
is acceptable -
O(n log n)
is ok - Everything above that is bad and should be used very carefully
How are linked lists different from an array?
- Items in a linked list can only be accessed by sequentially traversing the list. Arrays can directly access desired values.
- Arrays store memory continuously (in the same place) which allows index access to be done via a simple jump, giving O(1) complexity. Linked lists do not have to allocate memory ahead of time and items can be stored all around the memory.
- Because linked lists are just pointing to each other, prepending something takes O(1) time. If there is a tail pointer, appending something is also O(1) time. Otherwise, appending something in the middle or at the end takes O(n) time.
How would you access an arbitrary node in a linked list (not just the “head”)?
Repeatedly access the next node in the list until you reach the desired one
How can you construct a stack with a linked list?
Stacks can add to the end and remove from the end
- Iterate through linked list until you get to the last - Add: Set the next to the new value - Remove: Keep track of the previous node, then once at the last node go back to the previous and remove that node's next
How can you construct a queue with a linked list?
Queues can add to the end and remove from the front
- Remove: Simply grab the head's next value, that is the head of the linked list where the first node has been dequeued - Add: Iterate to the end and set the last node's next to the new value
What must the return value ofmyFunction
be if the following expression is possible?
```js myFunction()(); ```
It must return a function
What does this code do?
js const wrap = value => () => value;
Creates a function factory wrap
that takes one parameter value
as its argument. The returned function takes no arguments but will return the argument for wrap
’s value
In JavaScript, when is a function’s scope determined; when it is called or when it is defined?
- When it’s defined
- When a function within a function is defined, a reference to the lexical environment is created.
- When a parent function is called, the returned child function maintains the reference to the lexical environment of the parent function instance.
What allows JavaScript functions to “remember” values from their surroundings?
- A closure, which is the function as well as the lexical environment for the function
- (Know this definition for interviews, simple and straightforward)
What is debouncing, and how do you debounce an function?
- Debouncing is a programming technique to prevent a trigger from repeatedly calling a function but instead to only call the function a single time after the triggering event has concluded.
- A function should take a function and a
delay as arguments. A variable is declared within the function to store aTimeout
ID, followed by a returned function that clears the timeout for the storedTimeout
ID and then sets a newTimeout
and assigns the ID to the variable again
- A function should take a function and a
How does debouncing utilize closures?
The function returned from the debouncing function “remembers” a timeout
variable in its lexical environment and uses it to store a value to be used on its next iteration