Crystallography- Space Groups Flashcards
What is different for space groups?
It considers extra symmetry elements extended by translation elements (glide and screw axes). Symmetry is no longer defined around one point (origin)
How do space groups relate to point group and Bravais lattices?
There are 230 space groups which are subgroups to the 32 point groups. They are compatible with the 14 Bravais lattices
Why are there many more space groups per crystal system than Bravais lattices?
Symmetry axes and planes can pass through the unit cell at any fraction not all just through origin. Maximum of 68 space groups for one system
Describe glide planes
Like mirror planes but all atoms on other side of plane are shifted by some fraction of the unit cell. The direction of translation determines name of glide plane.
How do screw axes work?
Like a rotation axis but the new atom position is always shifted by the same fraction of a unit cell. Motion follows the shale of a screw
What does it mean if a screw axis is 2-fold?
After 2 operations the atom should be one full unit cell away from where it started
What fold rotations are allowed for screw symmetry?
1, 2, 3, 4, 6
Symbol for screw symmetry
Large number indicates angle of rotation for each operation (360/n). Subscript number is pitch which indicates translation as fraction of unit cell in screw direction. E.g 6 subscript 5 means rotation by 60° and translation by 5/6 along axis
Representing screw symmetry diagrammatically
Have straight line(s). In centre is normal shape symbol for order of rotation. There are hooks that show direction of rotation. Number of hooks tells you how many operations until whole number of unit cells away
Representing a glide plane
Give symbol, give plane normal direction, indicate on a drawing through which point of a unit cell the glide plane runs
Axial glide symbol and translation
a: a/2
b: b/2
c: c/2
Diagonal glide symbol and translation
Symbol n (a+b)/2 Or any other combination of a, b, c (a+b+c)/2 This one only for cubic or tetragonal systems
Diamond glide symbol and translation
Symbol d (a+/-b)/4 Or any other combination of a, b, c (a+/-b+/-c)/4 This one only for cubic or tetragonal systems
Why can’t glide planes be represented on stereograms?
Stereograms use two angles describing orientations through the origin only
Symbol changes from point groups (stereograms) to space groups (unit cell 2D projections)
Below plane: point uses hollow circle, space uses hollow circle with - sign next to it.
Above plane: point uses filled circle, space uses hollow circle with + sign next to it.
Below and above: point uses filled circle within circle, space uses circle with central vertical line and + and - either side