Crystallography- Hexagonal-based Structures and Ternary Compounds Flashcards
ZnS. Based on hcp (where S is). T+ site has Zn, T- empty, Oct empty. Forms corner sharing tetrahedra. CN=4. Covalent and ionic bonding. ABAB stacking of tetrahedra for ZnS. Has single polarity axis [0001].
Nickel arsenide
NiAs. As forms hcp. Ni in oct sites. T+ and T- empty. Anion is close packed hexagonal so ABAB. Metal is primitive hexagonal so AAAA (hexagonal directly above each other). Bonding is metallic/heterovalent. As has CN=6. Polyhedral are edge shared prisms or corner shared octahedra. Tolerant to significant non-stoichiometry towards AB2 or A2B
TiO2. O forms pseudo-hcp. Ti fills half oct sites. T+ and T- empty. Edge and corner sharing octahedra. Bonding is purely ionic, Ti has CN=6. Close packed oxygen layers not planar as hex-to-tetragonal distortion. ABA sequence in x and y.
Al2O3. Oxygen forms hcp. Al fills 2/3 of oct sites. T+ and T- empty. Get distorted OAl4 tetrahedra and AlO6 octahedra. Bonding is ionic/covalent and CN=4. Packing ACBCACBC. If was fcc then some oxygens would have more Al neighbours than others. Second hardest structure after diamond as distortion leads to difficult slip
MgAl2O4. Oxygen forms fcc. Al half fills oct sites. Mg 1/8 fills T+/T-. Get MgO4 tetrahedra, AlO6 octahedra, OMgAl3 tetrahedra. Form of AB2O4. Inverse spinel when A atoms on octahedral sites instead of tet, half of B atoms on tet instead of oct while other half stay as with standard spinel.
Why can ternary structures be more complex?
If the two cations forming a joint oxide have two differing preferred oxidation states and therefore CN and bond numbers
ABO3. MeTiO3 where Me is Ca, Sr or Ba. Get pseudo-fcc of Ca-O layers. Ti fills 1/4 of oct sites. Get corner sharing TiO6 octahedra. Bonding ionic/metallic with CN 12 and 6. With decreasing temperature goes cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic, rhombohedral.
Perovskite derivatives
ABO3. ReO3-NaxWO3. Like perovskite but omit all or part of metal atoms in pseudo-fcc layers. Get corner sharing ReO6/WO6 octahedra. Bonding is ionic/metallic with CN 12 and 6. W must have flexible oxidation states to account for Na vacancy in its neighbourhood. x<1