Cryptology: intro Flashcards
What is Viginere encryption?
A more advanced version of Caesar cipher, where you have a key consisting of a set of multiple rotations.
The n’th letter of the message will be encrypted using the (n % KEY_LENGTH)th number in the key.
What is Vernam encryption and one-time-pad encryption?
Encryption where the key is the same length as the message. Vernam cipher has a dedicated alphabetic rotation for each letter, whereas one-time-pad typically has a bitstring that is XORed with the bits of the message. This form of encryption is unbreakable without having the key, but suffers from enourmous key sizes.
Example of Vernam Cipher:
plaintext: “aba”
key: “abc” (can also be thought of as “0 1 2”)
ciphertext: “acc”
What is transpositions?
Encryption where you divide a text into blocks of n letters and permute with secret permutation.
Example: Let n = 5 and permutation = (3,5,2,1,4) Plaintext = "cryptographical" Breaking into groups of 5: "crypt" "ograp" "hical" Permute: "pyctr" "aropg" "achli" Ciphertext: "pyctrarophachli"
Can also be done using matrices, where you use a n-by-n matrix. See Patricks example at 21:39 in recording 2 of crypto intro.