Cryptography Extra 4 Flashcards
number that has no factors in common w/another number (ex: 3, 7)
co-prime numbers
N1 + N2 = N3, so 0 + 1= 1, 1 + 2 = 3, etc …
Fibonacci Numbers
high probability of a collision = birthday paradox. Birthday attack : attempt to find collision for a given hash.
*** MQV : protocol based on DH for key agreement.
info …
has generator seeded produce pseudo-random data, entropy accumulator collects random data from various sources and uses that to reseed generator, seed file which has initial seed values.
alice wants to know message came from bob, bob uses his own private key, anyone receiving message can use bobs public key to decrypt message, if it works then it must have been signed w/Bob’s private key.
Digital Signatures
each block of plaintext is XORed w/previous ciphertext block before being encrypted. More randomness in final ciphertext.
cause small changes in ciphertext to propagate indefinitely when decrypting and encrypting.
previous ciphertext block is encrypted then the ciphertext produced is XORed back w/plaintext to produce current ciphertext block. Increases randomness.
turns block cipher into synchronous stream cipher, it generates keystream blocks which are XORed w/plaintext blocks to get ciphertext.
also turns block cipher into stream cipher, generates next keystream block by encrypting successive values of a counter which doesnt repeat for a long time.