Cryptography Extra 1 - Ciphers (Atbash Etc ...) Flashcards
A becomes Z, B becomes Y, C becomes X, etc … ex : A cat sleeps = Z xzg hovvkh.
Atbash Cipher
shift each letter of text any number of movements, like 4 to the left is “-4”, 3 to the right shift is “+3”. By shifting +2 of “A Cat” = C ecv, +3 = D fdw.
Caesar Cipher
any single-substitution alphabet cipher which letter is mapped to some numeric value, permuted with some easy math function, and then converted back to a letter. The Caesar Cipher each letter is converted to number shifted by some amount and converted back to a letter.
Affine Cipher
ax + b (mod M). M is size of alphabet, x is plain texts numeric equivalent and “b” is the shift, “a” is some multiple and in this case a=1, so formula is 1x + 3 (mod 26).
Formula for Affine Cipher
all characters are rotated 13 characters through the alphabet. “A Cat” = N PNG.
ROT13 Cipher
cylinder tool (rod) to encrypt messages, turning cylinder produced different cipher texts, requires both parties to have same size rod and leather key. Transposition Cipher.
Scytale Cipher
physical poly-alphabetic device used to encrypt, each time disk turned new cipher was used (encrypted plaintext).
Cipher Disk
poly-alphabet cipher (multi-alphabet) way of encrypting alphabetic text by using a series of different Caesar Ciphers based on letters of a keyword. Kasiski 1st person to publish a successful attack on ??? ???.
Vigenere Cipher
breaks messages into groups of 2 letters, ex : “Cheeseburger” = Ch ee se Bu rg er … and then map out on key table, if both letters are same add an X after first letter etc …
Playfair Cipher
This was a transposition cipher which used a modified Polybius square with a single columnar transposition used to encode a 36-letter alphabet.
ADFGX Cipher