Cryptography Flashcards
Cipher text
encrypted text that you cannot read
Encryption/Decryption Algorithm
the process of encrypting/decrypting plain text to cipher text
Symmetric Algorithm
uses the same key to encrypt and decrypt
Asymmetric Algorithm
one key for encryption, and another key for decryption
Data Encryption Standard (DES)
key size 56 bit - symmetric algorithm
Triple DES
same as DES but using it 3 times to make the algorithm more secure
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
key size 128 bit - symmetric
RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman)
asymmetric cryptographic algorithm with a key size 1024, 2048, 3072, 4096
Why not use Asymmetric Algorithm for everything instead of Symmetric?
the resources that you need to handle asymmetric keys is much more (CPU pwer). The speed for asymmetric algorithm is much slower than symmetric algorithm
Hash Algorithm
a one-way algorithm (once you encrypt your message you can not decrypt it)
What is a Digest or Digital Fingerprint?
the result of a hashing algorithm. Also can be called a hash file.
What is the purpose of hashing?
just for the integrity of the message
What are some common hash algorithms?
Hashed Message Authentication Code (HMAC)
cryptographic authentication technique that uses a hash function and a secret key. verify that data is correct and authentic with shared secrets.
Works by first sharing a private key. Then, generating a hash of the private key and message/file together as one hash. Then, sending it to end user. End user then hashes that file with their shared private key included, and compares that hash to the hash that the sender sent.
Digital Signature
hashing the message and then encrypting the hash using a private key and providing the end user with the public key so that they can decrypt the hash and rehash the message to compare with the sender hash.