Crypto Flashcards
Security through obscurity
Code obfuscation, steganography, SSID broadcast suppression, substitution ciphers
PFS (Perfect Forward Secrecy)
Designed to strengthen the security of session keys
Session Key features
used during single session, symmetric key
Output of cryptographic function should be considerably different from the corresponding plain text
Digital signatures provide…
integrity, authentication, non-repudiaiton
Weak/deprecated crypto solutions
ECC (Elliptic Curve Crypto)
Asymmetric, low processing, suitable for small devices
Means for providing randomization during encryption
Cryptographic nonce, salting, initialization vector (IV)
IV (Initialization Vector)
pseudo-random data used in combination with WEP & SSL key
Additional input that increases password complexity and provides better protection against brute-force, dictionary, and rainbow table attacks (also pseudo-data added to passwords before hashing)
Asymmetric Encryption
Public-key paired with a private key
GCM (Galois/Counter Mode)
Provides data integrity and confidentiality
ECB (Electronic Codebook)
Simplest/weakest kind of encryption
Symmetric encryption
session-key and secret-key
Obfuscation methods
Steganography, XOR cipher, ROT13