Crude oil and fuels Flashcards
What is a hydrocarbon?
A molecule that only contains carbon and hydrogen
What is crude oil?
- Hydrogen and carbon
- Compound mixture- not chemically combined
- Family- alkanes
What is the formula of an alkane?
C n H 2n+2
What is the formula of an alkene?
C n H 2n
What happens in the combustion of a hydrocarbon?
Hydrocarbon + oxygen –> carbon dioxide + water
How can we separate crude oil?
Fractional distillation
How does fractional distillation work (in separating crude oil)?
- Heat the mixture of hydrocarbons (in a furnace) which boil off at different temperatures
- Can then collect them in fractions as they condense and each is useful for different purposes
What are the properties of long chain hydrocarbons? (compared to short chain)
- Boiling point
- Volatility (how easily it turns into a gas)
- Viscosity (how easily it flows)
- Flammability (how easily it burns)
- High boiling point
- Doesn’t have a tendency
- Thick (high/viscous)
- Less flammable (smoky flame)
What are the properties of short chain hydrocarbons?
(compared to long chain)
- Boiling point
- Volatility (how easily it turns into a gas)
- Viscosity (how easily it flows)
- Flammability (how easily it burns)
- Low boiling point
- Does have a tendency
- Very runny (low)
- More flammable
Why are the properties of long and short chain hydrocarbons different?
- The more atoms there are, the more stable they are (takes more time/energy for bonds to be broken on long chains)
- Higher molecular mass makes things thicker
- As molecular mass increases so does boiling point as it takes more energy for bonds to be broken
How is pollution caused?
In the burning of fossil fuels
What product is formed from the combustion of the impurity sulfur and what problems does it cause?
- Sulfur dioxide
- Poisonous, causes acid rain
What product is formed in the combustion of the impurity nitrogen and what problems does it cause?
- Nitrogen oxide
- Poisonous, causes acid rain
What product is formed from other particles in the combustion of fossil fuels and what problems do they cause?
- Unburnt particles
- Cancer, causes smog
What global warming? What are the causes?
Warming of the earth due to greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trapping infra-red radiation from the surface (also caused hole in ozone layer)
What is a greenhouse and when are they released?
Gases such as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that absorb infra-red radiation from the earth’s surface
Released when we burn any fuel
What is global dimming? What are the causes?
A gradual reduction in the amount of light reaching the earth’s surface
Particulates (tiny particles made of unburnt hydrocarbons) travel to the upper atmosphere, reflecting sunlight and water vapour back into space
What is acid rain? What are the causes?
Rain that is acidic due to dissolved gases, such as sulfur dioxide, produced by the burning of fossil fuels
What are the solutions for lowering pollution levels?
- Reduce fuel use
- Ban CFCs (chloro flouro carbons)- harmful to ozone layer
- Use renewable fuels
- Catalytic converters: transition metals filter which causes carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide in exhausts to react and become less harmful
What is the reaction in a catalytic converter which causes less harmful substances to be made?
Carbon monoxide + nitrogen oxide –> carbon dioxide + nitrogen
What is biodiesel?
A fuel made from plants (fresh or recycled vegetable oil)
What are the advantages of biodiesel?
- Cheap to make
- Anyone can make it
- Non-toxic (no noxious fumes given off)
- Biodegrades
- Clean- produces less pollution than diesel and is pretty carbon neutral, absorbing nearly as much carbon dioxide as it burns
- Can be made from “scraps”- used vegetable oil
- Only by-product is glycerin which can be used to make soap
- Doesn’t exploit people and the environment like oil industries do
What are the disadvantages of biodiesel?
- You must be prepared with equipment
- Hard to produce in large batches
- Must be an engine that would use diesel
- Still releases carbon dioxide in emissions
Give three examples of groups of hydrocarbons which come out of different fractions
(in degrees celsius) (from bottom up)
- Bitumen
- 340 Oil
- 250 Diesel
- 180 Kerosene (jet fuel)
- 110 Naphtha
- 40 Petrol
- Refinery gas (bottled gas)