Crozer- anatomy Flashcards
How many bones in the foot?
how many joints in the foot
Avascular necrosis of tibial sesmoid?
Avascular necrosis of fibular sesmoid
Avascular necrosis of phalanges
Avascular necrosis of metatarsal heads
Avascular necrosis of 5th met base
Avascular necrosis of cuneiforms
Avascular necrosis of navicular
Avascular necrosis of cuboid
Avascular necrosis of talus
Avascular necrosis of calcaneus
Avascular necrosis of proximal medial tibial epiphysis
Avascular necrosis of tibial tuberosity
Osgood schlatter
Avascular necrosis of femoral epiphysis
leeg-calve perthes
what attaches periosteum to bone?
sharpey fibers
what are different types of coalitions- fibrous? cartilaginous? osseus?
Coalition vs Bar?
most common coalition in the foot?
distal and middle phalanx of the 5th
most common coalition of the rear foot?
What is a Steida process
enlarged os trigonum
What are the plantar muscle layers of the foot from superficial to deep?
- Abductor hallucis, flexor digitorum brevis, abductor digiti minimi
- Quadratus plantae, 4 lumbricals
- Flexor hallucis brevis, adductor hallucis, flexor digiti minimi
- 3 plantar interossei, 4 dorsal interossei
what layer does the FDL run
if you cut QP, what deformity results
4th and 5th digits become adductovarus
how does EDL attach to phalanxes
Sling wraps around capsule which attaches to plantar plate, DTML, and flexor tendon sheath
thus attaching to plantar proximal phalanx. No direct insertion to proximal phalanx.
What is the Master Knot of Henry?
Fibrous connection between FHL and FDL tendons
What structures attach to the fibular sesamoid?
Plantar metatarsal-phalangeal ligament Lateral metatarsal-sesamoidal ligament Intersesamoidal ligament Phalangeal-sesamoidal ligament FHB tendon ADH tendon
What structures in the Lisfranc joint are not connected by ligaments?
1st and 2nd met
what angle do ATFL and CFL create
whats bassett ligament?
ant inf tibofib ligament
another name for flexor retinaculum?
laciniate lig
another name for superior extensore retinaculum
transverse crural lig
another name for inferior extensor retinaculum
cruciate crural lig
where does plantaris insert?
medial aspect of tendo Achilles into the calc
whats hoke tonsil
fibrour fatty plug in sinus tarsi
Pes anserinus?
Sartorius, gracillus and semitendinosus (ant medial aspect of tib)
sesmoid in lateral head of gastroc
what forms the sural nerve
Medial sural cutaneous nerve – branch of the tibial nerve
Sural communicating branch – branch of the lateral sural cutaneous nerve, which originates from
the common peroneal nerve
Does a neuroma lie dorsal or plantar to the deep transverse intermetatarsal ligament?
Where do these muscles run in relation to the deep transverse intermetatarsal ligament?
Interossei – dorsal
Lumbricals – plantar
What layers of the foot do the plantar nerves run?
Medial plantar nerve – in the 1st layer (between FDB and abductor hallucis)
Lateral plantar nerve – between the 1st and 2nd
What is the innervation to the plantar muscles of the foot? Blood supply?
Never LAFF at A FAD) N – medial plantar Nerve L – 1st Lumbrical A – ABH F – FHB F – FDB (innervated by both medial and lateral plantar nerves) A – medial plantar Artery F – FDB A – ABH D – 1st Dorsal interossei
What are the branches of the femoral nerve?
Nerve to femoral artery Small muscular branch to pectineus Anterior division (cutaneous) Anterior femoral cutaneous Nerve to sartorious Intermediate femoral cutaneous nerve Medial femoral cutaneous nerve Posterior division (muscular) Saphenous nerve Infrapatellar branch Medial crural cutaneous nerve Nerve to rectus femorus Nerve to vastus medialus Nerve to vastus intermedialus Nerve to vastus lateralus
What are the branches of the femoral artery?
Superficial epigastric artery Superficial circumflex iliac artery Superficial external pudendal artery Deep femoral (profunda femoris) artery Medial femoral circumflex artery Lateral femoral circumflex artery Descending genicular artery Femoral artery continues as the popliteal artery
T race the path of a drop of blood from left ventricle to the hallux
Ascending aorta → aortic arch → descending aorta → thoracic aorta → abdominal aorta →
common iliac artery → external iliac artery → femoral artery → deep femoral artery →
popliteal artery → anterior tibial artery → dorsalis pedis → 1st dorsal metatarsal artery →
1st dorsal common digital artery → 1st dorsal proper digital artery
What are the sources of blood supply to the talus?
Superior surface of head and neck – artery of sinus tarsi and branch from anterior tibial
artery or dorsalis pedis
Medial side of body – artery of tarsal canal and posterior tibial artery
Lateral turbercle – anastamosis of branch of peroneal artery with medial calcaneal branch
sources of blood supply to tndons?
myotendinous junctions, paratenon and insertion to bone