Cross Strep Lecture Flashcards
micro props of Strep
spherical GPCs in pairs, chains.
hemolytic props important
GAS is
strep pyogenes
GBS is
strep agalactiae
Group D strep is
ENterococcus faecalis/faecium OR s bovis
GAS causes disease broadly by…
pyogenic inflamm
b-hemolytic strep classified based on…
arranged in Lancefield groups based on Ag differences in C carbohydrate in CW
1st step in dx strep pharyngitis
rapid Ag test
strep pharyngitis cause
GAS pharyngitis dx
rapid strep Ag test, 10 min. spec, not sens. Throat swab. Ags extracted and reacted with Ab:latex –> agglut if GAS is present.
If rapid Ag test is negative but high suspicion of GAS pharyngitis, next step?
throat culture
what does alpha hemolysis look like?
green zone around colonies due to incomplete lysis
what does beta hemolysis look like?
clear zone around colonies due to complete RBC lysis
gamma hemolysis
no lysis
beta-hemolysis due to…
Streptolysin O: oxygen labile, UNDER agar surface
Streptolysin S: oxygen stable. ON agar surface
to test pt’s blood for past GAS pharyngitis, what Ab test for?
anti-streptolysin O
bact that are alpha hemolytic
s pneumo
bact that are beta hemolytic
bact that are non hemolytic
GDS. S bovis, enterococcus. some alpha hemolytic though
GAS virulence factors
M prot polysacch capsule hyaluronidase streptokinase DNase C5a peptidase strep chemok protease
M protein
most important anti-phago of GAS. from outer cell surf, interferes w phagocyt. 80 serotypes.
polysaccharide capsule of GAS
hyaluronic acid. anti-phago, and no Ab formed against
GAS. degrades hyaluronic acid in subQ tissue. “spreading factor” helps GAS spread in cullulitis, etc
GAS. activates plasminogen –>plasmin. dissolves fibrin in clots, thrombi, emboli
GAS. degrades DNA in exudates/necrotic tissue. protects from NETS
C5a peptidase
cleaves C5a from complement, minimizes influx of neuts in early inf
strep chemok protease
prevents mig of neuts into site of inf by degrading IL-8
GAS pharyngitis can do WHAT if untx
otitis media, sinusitis, mastoiditis, meningitis, peritonsillar/retropharyngeal abscess
immune: rheumatic fever
GAS tx
do NOT delay! Oral penicillin, amox, orcephalexin 10 days
allergy? Azithromycin, clarithro, clinda.
GAS toxins
erythrogenic toxin
pyrogenic exotoxin A
exotoxin B
erythrogenic toxin
GAS. resp for rash of scarlet fever. SuperAg