CRJ Limitations Flashcards
Max airspeed with gear extended
Use of reverse thrust is prohibited during ________ taxi opertions.May be used during emergency situations.
Takeoff with fuel loads in excess of (1) _____ lbs in the center tank is permitted unless each wing tank is above (2) ______ lbs.
1) 500 lbs2) 4,400 lbs
Maximum landing weight
47,000 Ibs
Flight spoilers must not be extended in flight below an altitude of ________ AGL.
800ft AGL
Max gear extended speed
250 kts
APU bleed air limitations Condition: engine start during flight Limitation: ______________
Not permitted for single engine operations. Permitted for double engine failure conditions, limited to 13,000 ft and below.
Max operating speed for flaps 20
Engine operation at or near shaker and pusher settings is predicated on a operable ___________.
Auto-ignition system
Engines should be operated at (1) ______ for (2) _______ minute prior to shutdown. Key N2 setting for cool-down period? (3)
1) idle 2) two (2) minutes3) 80% N2
When must continuous engine ignition be used?Five (5) items
1) takeoff on contaminated runway 2) takeoffs with high crosswinds3) moderate or greater rain4) moderate or greater turb5) flight in the vicinity of thunderstorms
What is the maximum altitude for flaps extended?
15,000 ft
Maximum Ramp Weight (MRW)
53,250 Ibs.
Maximum tailwind component
APU startingstart cycles Max time ON for all attempts?
30 seconds
What exceptions may a pilot not comply with a TCAS RA?1) 2)
1) aircraft performance is limited such as with an engine failure 2) conditions are such that it can be seen that there is an obvious error or malfunction in theTCAS
During pre-flight check of the thrust reverses with the airplane stationary, reverse thrust must remain at ____ ______.
Reverse idle
APU starting Start cycles Min time OFF for attempts two (2) and four (4)
Attempt 2: 20 minutes OFF Attempt 4: 40 minutes OFF
APU bleed air limitations Conditions: engine start during groundLimitations: ________ (and key N2 setting?)
No limitation. May be used, but engines’ thrust must not exceed 70% N2
Maximum airport pressure altitude for takeoff and landing?
10,000 ft
Flex (reduced) thrust must not be used during the following conditions:1)2)3)4)
1) first flight of the day2) in wing/cowl anti-ice bleeds are in use3) contaminated runways4) windshear conditions exist or have been forecast
Engine start cranking limitsStart attempts one, two, three and any subsequent attempts have a max time ON of ____.
One (1) minute
What is the maximum fuel imbalance between the left main tank and right main tank?
800 lbs
What two anti-ice devices must be on in super-cooled large droplet icing conditions?
1) wing anti-ice 2) cowl anti-ice
Maximum ambient air temperature for takeoff and landing?
Stall protection switches must be _________ ______ for all phases of flight.
Remain on
Dry motoring cycle Start 1 has a max time on of (1) ____ followed by (2) _____ off.
1) 90 seconds On2) five (5) minutes off
En-route use of flaps are ______.
Max operating speed for flaps 30
185 kts
Maximum operating altitude
41,000 ft
APU cranking How long of a delay should be observed between cranking attempts to allow for cooling of starter and start contractor ad for APU drainage?
Two (2) minutes
Maximum zero fuel weight
44,000 Ibs
Flight spoilers must not be deployed when within what airspeed
Approach speed plus 17 kts
APU 1) max rpm: ____ %2) max EGT: ____ C
1) 107%2) 743C
In a cold soak at -30C or less for more than eight (8) hours, thrust reverses must be actuated until the deploy and stow cycles are less than _____ seconds.
Five (5) seconds
Wing anti-ice must be on when:- ground operations 1)2)3)
1) must be on for takeoff when OAT is 5C or less and visible moisture2) must be on for takeoff when OAT is 5C or less and on contaminated runway3) when Type II of Type IV anti-icing Has been applied
If reduced thrust can be used, the fan speed for the reduced engine thrust must not be lower than __________ % N1
What is the wait period between a rejected takeoff and of landing stop that triggered a BTMS indications and a future takeoff?
15 minute cool-down period
Engines must be running for (1) ____ minutes prior to (2) _____.
1) two (2) minutes 2) takeoff
Maximum Takeoff Weight (MTOW)
53,000 Ibs.
EICAS Color meanings?1) red2) amber3) green
1) maximum and minimum limitations 2) caution range 3) normal operating range
(1) ______ lbs is the maximum fuel quantity for a go-around.Assuming a maximum airplane climb attitude of (2) _____ degrees up.
1) 450 lbs2) 10 degrees
Engine start cranking limits Start attempts three and any subsequent attempts have a max time on of one (1) minutes, followed by ___ minutes off.
5 minutes
Associated conditions for movement from shut off to idle 1) ITT for ground2) ITT for air
1) ITT ground: 120C or less for all ground starts2) ITT air: 90C or less for all air starts
APU bleed air limitations Condition: air conditioning Limitation: ___________
No bleed air extraction above 15,000 ft
Integrated standby instrument May you use the ISI for backcourse approaches?
Never. Backcourse approaches are prohibited when using the ISI.
Below (1) ______ kts, reverse thrust must be reduced to (2) _______.
1) 60 2) idle
Minimum ambient temperature approved for takeoff?
- 40C
For the following conditions:First flight of the day, cold soak at less than -30C for more than 8 hoursEngines must be motored for (1) _____ seconds and rotations must be (2) ______.
1) 60 seconds 2) verified
Maximum approved runway slope for takeoff and landing?Uphill: Downhill:
+ 2% uphill- 2% downhill
How much delay should be observed between APU cranking attempts
2 minutes
APU starting Min temp for start? _________ C
Minimum flight crew
1 pilot 1 co-pilot
Max airspeed gear should be retracted
200 kts
Taxi lights mut be switched (1) ______ whenever the airplane is stationary more than (2) _______ minutes.
1) off 2) ten (10) minutes
Engine start The starter must not be used if indicated N2 RPM exceeds ____ %
Engine start cranking limitsStart attempts one and two have a max time off of one (1) minute, followed by ____ seconds offs.
10 seconds
Wing anti-ice must be on when: -flight operations 1)2)
1) when ice is annunciation by the ice detection system2) in icing conditions and airspeed is below 230kts
Takeoff is prohibited with what the reverse EICAS messages displayed?
1) THRUST REVERSER UNLK light2) REV icon on N1 gauge 3) L or R REV UNLOCKED caution light
Max operating speed for flaps 8
215 kts
Cargo compartment is limited to ________ lbs
3,500 lbs
Flight spoilers must not be extended in flight when wing-flaps are extended beyond ______ degrees.
30 degrees
Dry motoring cycleStarts 2 and any subsequent starts have a max time on (1)___ followed by (2) ____ off.
1) 30 seconds on 2) five (5) minutes off
Max operating speed for flaps 45
170 kts
Maneuvering Limit Load Factor
Flaps Up: -1.0G to 2.5GFlaps Down: 0.0G to 2.0G
When is use of DES sub mode not permitted?
DES submode is not permitted on approaches
Crosswind Limitations
The maximum demonstrated crosswind component for takeoff and landing on a dry runway is 27 kts. But is not a limitation. The following are limitations:Wet Runway: 27 ktsBraking action less than good runways: 15ktsCaptain has less than 100 hours PIC in type: 27 kts
Max differential pressure during taxi, takeoff, and landing
Must not exceed .1 psi
Minimum Flying Weight
Immediate Action Items: Stabilizer Trim Runaway
- Control Wheel………………………………..Assume manual control and override runaway2. Both STAB TRIM DISC switches………Press, Hold, and Release3. Aircraft control………………………………..Transfer to Captain4. STAB CH1 and CH2 HSTCU cbs (2F5 and 4A1)……..Open
Lowest altitude you can use autopilot on a precision approach?
80 ft AGL, but not lower than 50 ft below DA, whichever is higher
Immediate Action Items: Double Engine Failure
- Continuous Ignition………..On2. Airspeed……………………….240 KIAS
Max Windshield Wiper Operation
220 KIAS
Max permissible time for ground operations with DC power only is…
5 minutes
Turbulence Penetration Speed
280 KIAS or .75 Mach whichever is lower
Lowest altitude you can use autopilot (except on approaches)?
600 AGL
Max Landing Weight
Immediate Action Items: Cabin Altitude MSG or Emergency Descent Procedure
- Oxygen Masks……………….Don and 100%2. Crew Communications…….Establish
Max relief differential pressure
Max positive 8.7 psi Max negative is -0.5 psi
Prior to opening any doors
Completely depressurized
Side Slip Maneuvers
Avoid unnecessary and large side slip maneuvers in low speed operations
Immediate Action Items: Aborted Takeoff
Simultaneously: 1. Thrust levers…………Idle2. Wheel Brakes……….Maximum until safe stop3. Thrust Reversers…..Maximum consistent with directional
When low pressure air source is utilized….
Ensure the passenger door or avionics bay door remains open
Max Cargo Weight
Max Zero Fuel Weight
The hydraulic 3B pump switch must…
Be on for all phases of flight
Wind Limitations
No taking off or landing in winds in excess of 60 kts or more than a 55 kt headwind component
Lowest cabin pressure altitude when system is in manual mode
The ADC source coupled to the active autopilot must…
Be the same as that coupled to the ATC transponder during flight in RVSM airspace
Maximum Operating Altitude
In flight, a circuit breaker must…
Not be reset or recycled unless a checklist or interest of safety suggests so
When is EICAS amber caution OXY LO PRESS illuminated?
At 1410 PSI
Minimum Operating Limit Speed
No speed less than the onset of the stall warning as defined by the stick shaker operation
Lowest altitude you can use autopilot on a visual or non precision approach
400AGL, but not lower than 50ft below the applicable MDA, whichever is higher
The bleed air 10th stage valves must…
Be closed for takeoff and landing if the engine cowl and/or wing anti-ice systems have been selected on
Max Airport Pressure Altitude for Takeoff and Landing
Immediate Action Items: Configuration Warning
Abort Takeoff
Immediate Action Items: During Landing- Excessive loss of symmetry or Loss of Braking
- Wheel Brakes……………………Release Momentarily2. Anti-Skid…………………………..Off3. Wheel Brakes……………………Reapply as required
When must a Category II approach briefing be conducted?
Before commencing a Category II approach
You flight must be within 45 minutes of the nearest suitable airpourt under what condiations?
If cargo is carried in the cargo compartment
What is the maximum BTMS readout allowed prior to takeoff?
Stable or decreasing with warmest brake 06 or lower. For BTMS readout greater than 05, see Volume 1 QRH PERF 04
What is the maximum flaps operating speed (Vfo) for flaps 8?
200 KIAS
What is the maximum flaps operating speed (Vfo) for flaps 20?
200 KIAS
What is the maximum allowable tire speed?
182 knots ground speed
Under what circumstances and for how long may 250 KIAS be exceed with the ADG deployed?
When operations necessary up to 330 KIAS for 12 minutes, and between 331 and 335 for 4 minutes
What is the maximum speed for ADG deployment for test flights or pilot training?
215 KIAS
What is the maximum cruise speed allowed during flight in RVSM airspace?
.85 Mach
What is the Maximum Mmo
May a pilot deviate from an ATC clearance to comply with a TCAS RA?
What are the maximum wind compenents for Category II operations?
15 knots crosswind17 knots headwind10 knows tailwind
What is the minimum bulk fuel temperature for takeoff?
-30C for Jet A
What is the maximum engine ITT allowed during engine start?
What is the max N2 split (engine to engine) at idle power?
After starting the left engine you note the N2 stable at 60%. What is the acceptable N2 range for right engine?
58% to 62%
During cold weather oeration (OAT -20C or less) what minimum N2 is required to accelerate above idle?
What is the minimum engine oil temperature for starting?
What is maximum permissible oil temperature?
163C (for 15 minutes max)
For how long may engine oil temp be at above 155C?
15 minutes, not to exceed 163C
What is the minimum idle oil presure?
25 PSI
What minimum oil pressure is required for takeoff?
45 PSI
What is the maximum continuous engine oil pressure?
115 PSI
What is the maximum transient oil pressure during a cold engine start?
156 psi max, then 130 psi when at idle for 10 minutes