Critical Reading As Reasoning Flashcards
Is an act of giving statements for justification and explanation. It is the ability of someone to defend something by giving out reasons.
- it is a way of giving better explanations to show the strength and weakness of something through writing.
- it presents a value judgement based on a set of criteria
- it is used in giving a sound judgement- a judgement that can be backs up or supported by valid reasons or proofs
- it is the wrter’ s way of explaining why a strength is a strength and a weakness a weakness based on the evidence gathered.
Evaluative staement
How to formulate an evaluative statement?
Evaluative statements about a text are formulated after having read the text carefully and critically.
Grasping the essence of the text and checking for possible fallacies in the argument
Is done in the same way you do any other writing except that the statement is about your judgement of the texts content and property
Formulation of the evaluative statement
2 steps in composing your evaluative statement
1) formulating assertions about the content and the properties of a text read
2) formulating a meaningful counterclaim in response to a claim made in the text
Formulating assertions about the content and the properties read in a text
Examine which ideas are facts or opinions
Make inferences or conclusions
Asses the over all quality of the text.
This assertion usually contain evaluative languages such as useful , significant, important, insightful, detailed, up- to - date, comprehensive, practical, etc.
When someone makes a statement investing his strong belief in it, as if it is true though it may not be , he isaking assertion.
When someone makes an opposing counterclaim statement or argument to a claim, he is making a counterclaim
Formulating a meaningful counterclaim as a response to a claim in the text reas
You must recognize the hedge when you state your counterclaim
Is a word or phrase that minimizes negative impact of criticism.
You are providing criticism since you are stating that the claim is not true.
When you are presenting your counterclaim.
Used to give a courteous tone in your writing.
Comes in diff. Forms such as :
Frequency adverbs
Probability adverbs
May, could, would, etc.
Usually, commonly, generally
Frequency adverb