Critical Incidents Flashcards
_____________-is the official plan for Baltimore County and is maintained by the Fire department. The plan predetermines the responsibilities of various county agencies in the event of a disaster.
Emergency Operations Plan
The ______ and _________ commanders will be contacted for all strikes/demonstrations incidents
________________-a response implemented during a critical incident designed to provide additional on-scene personnel or to maintain essential patrol services
Critical incident response phase
True or False: The HNT team may utilize a private home, business or public building to allow members to safely communicate without distraction by any suspects involved in the incident
_______________- a person who is not suspected of committing a crime, but is the focus of a legitimate police intervention effort (ie, involving threats of suicide or mental illness), who has taken a position in a physical location, most often a structure or vehicle, that does not allow immediate access (whether fortified or not), and who is refusing police orders to exit.
Barricaded subject
True or False: During a barricade a supervisor will ensure that all non-departmental persons leaving the contained area at a safe location are detained for identification and debriefing
The evacuees information cards will be stored at the __________ and the ____________,
Temp Shelter
True or False: Strikes are legal unless otherwise deemed.
_________________- two or more officers working as a unit with the primary goal of seeking out and engaging an active assailant. Typically contact teams consists of four officers, however, circumstances may dictate a contact team proceeds with less than four members
Contact team
The _______________ commander is responsible for the inner perimeter and actions related to hostage negotiations, tactical and K-9 operations.
Terminate the search for a bomb or hazardous device ____ minutes before detonation time.
True or False: Upon a supervisor responding to a bomb threat scene they will conduct a search enlisting the aid of building security, custodial and supervisory personnel
For calls of a bomb threat the responding officers will turn off radio transmitters, AVL and any personal electronic devices within _______ feet of the location of the threat.
During a critical incident the _________ will handle the treating and removal of injured persons.
Fire Department
__________- during a critical incident this officer is the point of contact for assisting or coordinating agencies. Usually implemented in large or complex incidents
SRT stands for
Special Response Team
The __________ commander is responsible for the actions of his/her personnel at the scene and formulates negotiation/tactical resolution strategies
Upon the discovery of a suspected explosive or hazardous device, request the __________ team to respond immediately.
Hazardous Devices Team
EOC stands for
Emergency Operations Center
___________-a secure location, and preferably located indoors or in a vehicle, at which the primary command functions are executed
Incident Commander Post (ICP)
_____________________- a criminal suspect who has taken a position in a physical location, most often a structure or vehicle, that does not allow immediate police access (whether fortified or not), and who is refusing police orders to exit.
Barricaded suspect
ICS stands for
Incident Command System
The MCCU will be identified as ________________ and uses the incident location.
Mobile Command and Control unit #1
The ____________ commander is responsible for the actions related to the HNT an the Crtitcal Incident Support Team
First officers on scene of a bomb threat at BCDC will locate the __________ officer and initiate an investigation.
Ranking BCDC
During a critical incident the ________ commander is responsible for the hot zone and actions related to tactical and K-9 operations. This commander also provides information to the SOD commander regarding the safest and most effective resolution of the incident.
Any officer called to investigate the death of a school age child will contact the __________ via telephone and provide the victims information including the school attended.
In-school crisis response team via 911 police liaison
__________ can be used for passive crowd containment and are available through Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning Bureau by contact 911 Police liasion.
___________________-a standardized on-scene emergency management concept specifically designed to allow the user to adopt an integrated organizational structure equal to the complexity and demands of single or multiple incidents.
Incident command System (ICS)
Police personnel at the ______ will approve or disapprove all other transportation and road clearing elements during a winter storm
At a barricade scene who requests an Advance Life Support (ALS) Medic Unit?
__________-during critical incidents this officer monitors and assesses the safety hazards and unsafe situations to develop measures for ensuring the safety of personnel
In zones of operation during a critical incident the ____________ zone is any operational area with a potential threat to personal safety or health.
Warm (Indirect threat)
During an evacuation ___________ are completed for all evacuees and relocated persons.
Information cards
__________- person responsible for the management of all incident activities, including development, and implementation of strategy, and for approving the ordering and release of resources
Incident Commander (IC)
True or False: Chemical agents and distraction devices may be used to incapacitate/ apprehend a subject(s) or for crowd control and dispersal
The first officers on scene shall gather information as rapidly as possible to develop a ____________ analysis.
The order to evacuate a building may only be given by (list 3):
- Building Engineer from the Department of Permits & Development Management
- Fire Department member.
- Health Department representative.
For bomb threats move all persons at the scene at least _______ feet from the building
MCCU stands for
Mobile Command and Control Unit
_________________- during critical incidents this personnel is responsible for preparing an incident action plan and a post incident demobilization plan. Collects, evaluates, and disseminates information and/or intelligence relating to the development of the incident. Monitors the status of resources.
The order to evacuate an area can only be given by (list 3):
- Health Department representative.
- Baltimore County Executive.
- Governor of the State of Maryland.
ICP stands for
Incident Command Post
The _____________ team determines a safe house located in the inner perimeter close to the incident location or implements the Hostage Negotiation vehicle.
In zones of operation during a critical incident the __________ zone is any operational area with a direct and immediate threat to personal safety or health.
Hot (direct threat)
________________ provides support for the emotional needs of victims, witnesses, and police officers involved in traumatic events
__________- during a criticial incident this officer is responsible for the collection and release of incident information to the media and other appropriate agencies
Document location of officers, injured civilians within and around the location. Document the unit number and time of arrival of all responding units and nature and time of all requests and notifications. These responsibilities are all of the _________ unit.
_____________- a team comprised of two or more police officers and two or more fire department personnel detailed to enter Warm Zones to retrieve wounded persons and bring them to safety
Rescue team
____________- during a critical incident this personnel is responsible for all costs and financial considerations of the incident including billing, payments, facilities purchases, personnel costs, cost analysis, and documentation of liability issues.
______________- a safe area for evacuees to gather and meet with parents, relatives, friends, etc.
Reunification site
The _____________ commander and the ______________ commander will be notified at the request of the IC to provide support and tactical consultation in situations that may result in civil unrest.
Requests for military assistance must be made by _____________through the office of emergency preparedness and the county executive to the governor.
Chief of Police
During a barricade suspervisors will designate and ICP and staging area at a safe location out of sight of the barricade location capable of handling, at minimum _____ vehicles
The think tank consists of 6 commanders, list them:
- Support Operations Division (SOD)/IC.
- Special Operations Section (SOS)/ICS Liaison Officer.
- Affected precinct.
- HNT.
- Tactical Unit.
- K-9 Unit.
During critical incidents the command staff will consist of what officers (3):
Information, Liaison, Safety
_____________-techniques used to address unlawful public assemblies and civil unrest
Crowd control
_____________- during a critical incident this personnel will be responsible for the management of all tactical operations at the incident to include establishing perimeters, command post, conducting evacuations and scene security, traffic control, post incident investigations, and providing the transportation, processing, and confinement of any detainees
________________ is one of the officers at the scene who is not part of a contact team, rescue team, or rescue task force.
Initial IC
The ___________ commander is responsible for the outer perimeter of a barricade/hostage incident.
The ___________ objective of an active assailant mission is to apprehend suspects and recover evidence
_________________- the assembly point for officers responding to an active assailant incident, who are not formally dispatched, are off-duty status, or a law enforcement officers from allied agencies.
Staging area
The _________ section designates a media information area in a safe location away from the scene, if not already established. Coordinates and address all requests from the media regarding the incident and provides public safety awareness messages as needed.
Public affairs
________- is the refusal to obey civil laws in an effort to affect change in governmental policy and legislation, characterized by using passive resistance or other non-violent means
Civil Disobedience
____________- during critical incidents this personnel is responsible for providing manpower, specialized teams, facilities, services and materials for the incident. Monitors communication, transportation, equipment, staging, and medical support needs,
The MCCU is activated by __________, _________________ or higher.
shift/unit commander
Fire Department Battalion Chief or higher.
Members will request the assistance of the Chaplain by contacting the _____________
911 communications center
In zones of operation during a critical incident the ____________ zone is any area surrounding the warm zone where first responders can operate without concern of danger or threat to personal safety or health
Cold (safe)
At the completion of a critical incident the ____________ completes a form 21, after action report and a cost analysis report for the incident.
SOD commander
During critical incidents next of kin notifications will be made and documented at least ______ every shift.
List the ICS organizational structure from top to bottom

For bomb threats if a building is being evacuated advise occupants to leave as many ________ open as possible
True or False: Each precinct will be supplied one four-wheel drive vehicle from one of the various county agencies through the EOC for the duration of the emergency
_________, ___________, __________ will be responsible for contacting the Red Cross depending not the scene
- Fire Department Commander when the situation is a fire or disaster.
- The EOC, when open.
- The 9-1-1 Communications Center
During an active assailant units that have _________ must expedite to the scene.
Patrol rifles
True or False: K-9 can be used when chemical agents are deployed or at a peaceful demonstration
The _________ objective of a barricade is to apprehend suspects and recover evidence
Additional officers responding to a bomb threat at BCDC will ___________.
Do not enter and form a perimeter around the outside of the building
___________ is notified whenever a person is left homeless due to a disaster and responsible for stranded motorists in need of shelter during severe weather.
Red cross
When deploying Police lines the ______ and _______ perimeters will be established at large-scale incidents.
CCC stands for
Command and Control Center
Officers will not resume searching for the bomb or hazardous device for a least _____ hour after the threatened detonation time
The ___________ object of an active assailant mission is to neutralize the threat, and stop death and injury caused by the active assailant
Under the ___________plan the department will provide emergency transportation coordinated through the EOC and with the support of county agencies
Winter storm
The MCCU is activated by contacting ___________.
911 police liasion
_________________ may be implemented by the IC during critical incidents to provide additional on scene personnel or to maintain essential patrol services
Critical Incident response phase
__________ facilitator responds to the command post, for all school related incidents and provides blueprints of the affected school’s floor plan. Can also provide remote access to the schools security cameras.
SAFE Schools facilitator
________________-two or more officers working as a unit with the primary goal of evacuating injured victims. Security is a constant priority for these teams. A rescue team must be prepared to assume the role of a contact team should circumstances dictate. Team movement will be in a disciplined manner under the control and direction of the team leader.
Rescue team
____________ will ensure that the military police at Fort George Meade are notified when a civilian or military employee of the department dies, is seriously injured or incapacitated.
Squad supervisor
____________ is established to help students and school employees with the untimely death of any school aged child
In school crisis response team
List incident incident priorities (in descending order)
Stop the active assailant.
Search for additional assailants.
Locate and treat victims.
Safe evacuation of the location.
Establish a command post and a staging area.
Assign a monitor car as a note taker.
____________- one or more suspects actively engaged in committing and/or attempting to commit acts of violence by gunfire or other violent means
Active assailant
The _________ advises EOC of the decision to evacuate and designates personnel to assist with the operations.
____________ is responsible for shelters and for determining the location and placement of persons
Red cross
Contact Teams will move directly towards the _________ zone in order to neutralize the active assailant.
The IC will immediately notify the ___________ unit commander and the ____________ commander when an incident is underway or developing involving a barricaded suspect or subject.
Tactical and HNT
The emergency transportation system will be provided for persons in what following priority or as determined by the chief of police (list 3):
- Police/Fire personnel.
- Essential County employees.
- Military personnel, when requested.
_______________- an incident requiring resources beyond the standard patrol response
Critical Incident
The _____________ objective of a barricade is to preserve life of all parties involved including the law enforcement personnel on scene
_____________-group acts of violence and disorder involving a significant disruption to public order
Civil unrest
Supervisors will notify the ________ unit of known strike/demonstration information.
Rescue task force include EMS officers or paramedic personnel assigned to the Baltimore County Fire Department, who are properly equipped to enter _______ zones with members of the Police Department to retrieve wounded persons and bring them to safety