Critical Illness Flashcards
What are the effects of undernutrition?
- Ventilation – loss of muscle and hypoxic responses
- Liver fatty change, functional decline necrosis, fibrosis
- Impaired wound healing
- Impaired immunity and gut integrity
- Anorexia
- Micronutrient deficiency
- Depression and apathy
- Decreased CO
- RENAL function – loss of ability rto excrete na and h2o
- Hypothermia
- Loss strength
How is nutrition affected by Metabolic Stress? What happens in the 3 stages?
Refers to the physiological effects of severe injury, infection, trauma, critical illness or major surgery.
3 phases of metabolic stress Ebb Phase = Stress (0-24 hours) • ↓ Cardiac Output • ↓ Tissue perfusion • ↓ Oxygen Consumption • ↓ REE
Flow Phase = Catabolic (24+ hours)
• ↑ Cytokines
• ↑ Counterregulatory hormones and↑ catecholamines
• ↑ Insulin, – ↑ O2 consumption,↑ REE, – ↑ Catabolism
• Hyperglycemia, + fluid balance, - N balance
• The acute flow phase generally peaks 3 or 4 days after injury. It ends in 7 to 10 days, if no complications have occurred
Repletion Phase = anabolism or adaptive flow phase again:
• Can last for months
• May need up to 130% REE to support tissue repair, repletion, and recovery
What’s the aim of Nutrition in Sepsis/ICU?
Aiming to support nutritional needs, minimise losses.
Protein losses: 12.5-16% total body protein lost in 10 day ITU stay, 70% of this from skeletal muscle: hampers recovery hugely.
Excess nitrogen: Uraemia and too much stress on kidneys, can exacerbate protein losses!
Excess carbohydrate: doesn’t prevent gluconeogenesis, enhances stress, worsens hyperglycaemia when already insulin resistant with sepsis, do not exceed glucose oxidation rate
What are the Complications Relative to Loss of Lean Body Mass (LBM)?
10 % loss total LBM– impaired immunity, inc infection
20 – less healing, weakness infection
30 – too weak to sit, kpa sores, pneumonia, no healing
40 – death, usually from pneumonia
Which assessments are used in monitoring?
• Pre-albumin – is the preferred serum marker for assessing short term nutritional changes in ICU
- Retinol binding protein: good short term measure of nutrition however renal dysfunction affects the clearance
- Weights!!
- Estimating requirements
- Indirect Calorimetry!!! (Gold Standard)
• ESPEN range from 20-25kcal (kg) or 25-30kcal (kg)
o +- stress factor
• Protein: 1.2-2g(kg) actual body wt/day (SCCM’ 2016)
• Nitrogen: 0.2gn/kg (weight/ideal body weight) (0.25g/kg if on filter, 0.16g/kg if RF and not on filter)
• 30-35ml fluid/kg/24 hours.
o Add 100-200ml/day for each degree of temperature
o Account for excess losses
Which patients should be fed?
All malnourished patients, but especially:
◦ Elderly
◦ Obese
◦ Underweight
◦ Paralysed
All patients who are unlikely to regain normal oral intake within 5 days
When is best to feed?
The optimal time of when to feed pt on ICU is unknown. It is recommended that in critical ill pts to commence feeding within 24-48 hours if stable.
(ESPEN 2009, SCCM 2016):
Pt undergone surgery, 5 -10 days was reasonable to commence feeding
Feeding within 36 hours post surgery/admission showed:
Decrease in infection/and infectious complications
Decrease in hospital length of stay
Feeding within 24-48 hours showed:
A decreased mortality when compared to delayed nutrient intake
A decrease in infection and infectious complications
What are the routes of feeding?
Nasogastric tube
Gastrostomy tube
Nasoduodenal tube
Nasojejunal tubejejunostomy tube
How does one check correct NGT placement?
Chest x-rays and the NPSA
Ryles tubes versus fine bores
What are non-feed energy sources?
dextrose, propofol
What does underfeeding cause?
Cumulative energy & protein deficits result in:
Increased infections
Increased LOS
Increased mortality
Name and explain sources of 5 interal feeding complications?
- -> High enteral feed volume
- -> Medication induced
- -> GI obstruction / ileus (post-op patients)
- -> Medication induced
- -> Delayed gastric emptying
Delayed Gastric Emptying
- -> Stress of severe illness – nerve damage, elevated icps, increase endogenous levels of endorphins
- -> Diabetes
- -> Gastric surgery
- -> Medications – sedation, paralysis, opioids, inotropes
- -> Mechanical ventilation
- -> Osmotic overload
- -> Medications
- -> Intestinal infection
- -> Malabsorption – bowel oedema, gut atrophy, pancreatic insufficiency
- -> Insufficient fluid intake
- -> Decreased intestinal mobility – medications, hypokalaemia or hypomagnesemia
- -> Ileus / obstruction
Which drugs can affect enteral feeds by causing diarrhoea?
- Elixirs - Sorbitol containing
- Antibiotics
- Magnesium antacids
- Laxatives
- Phosphate supplements
- Sando K
What happens to patients who develop AKI?
CRRT/CVV Hemofiltration/CVV Hemodiafiltration may be necessary.
These remove small and middle molecules including Cr, Ur, electrolytes, amino acids, inflammatory cytokines, vitamins and trace elements, Nitrogen & Micronutrients
Patients are left with increased energy requirements (hypothermia associated with RRT), losses with low dextrose dialysate
For pts on RRT: provide 25-30kcals/kg
1.5g Protein/kg dry weight/day (0.25gn), up to 1.7g max to achieve less negative or almost positive balance
When should we use parenteral feeding?
Functioning GI Tract?
Yes - Oral Diet / Supplements OR Enteral Feeding
No - Parenteral Feeding
How is a PN decided?
- Doctors/Surgeon’s/Dietitian decide patient needs it
- Dietitian sees patient
- Decides best regime
- Orders bag from pharmacy
- Made up aseptically to requirements
- Start low and build up
- Monitor bloods, Temp, CBG
Describe access for PN?
Usually central line in ICU – keep a clean port if PN may be needed.
Short term PN – can have PIC (need a different formula) or PICC
Long-term TPN – tunnelled subclavian catheter (Hickman) or subcutaneous port is usually inserted – OBSERVE STRICT ASEPSIS if handling these lines.
Name PN Indications
- Prolonged GI ileus
- Proximal high output or enterocutaneous fistula
- Severe acute pancreatitis where EN cannot be established
- Intractable vomiting
- Oral mucositis (not so much here)
- MOF where EN has failed
- Long term PN (IBD, scleroderma, Short bowel syndrome, chronic malabsorption, radiation enteritis)
Describe cons and pros of PN Support?
Direct perfusion of nutrients into the circulatory system bypassing the gastrointestinal system
• Pros
o Do not need the gut
o Can provide nutritional needs
• Cons o Line complications: Length of insertion Pneumothorax Catheter blockage Central vein thrombosis Line sepsis o Metabolic: Hyperglycaemia Lipaemia Deranged lfts o Fluid overload o Electrolyte imbalance o Expensive
Compare Enteral Vs Parenteral Nutrition?
better prognosis
fewer infectious complications
increased risk of aspiration
lower nutritional intake based on delivery of nutrition issues.
more physiological: nutrients absorbed via the liver (PN, liver is bypassed)
GIT has +++ micro-organisms and toxins, dependent on enteral stimulation by the presence and absorption of food from the lumen for its immunological health and integrity
fat used can be poorly tolerated by liver, hypertriglyceridaemia
deranged lfts
PN not given for constipation which is VERY common on ICU
Enteral Nutrition given unless GIT not functioning/accessible
Refeeding Syndrome: What is it?
Severe fluid and electrolyte shifts and related metabolic implications in malnourished patients undergoing refeeding
Lead to cardiac, respiratory, neuromuscular, hepatic, GI problems
Low K, PO4, Mg, Altered glucose metabolism, fluid balance abnormalities, vitamin deficiencies
What could doctors do to ps with refeeding syndrome In icu?
Patients at risk are those who have had multiple surgeries, on the ward for a while lingering, (chronic malnutrition) anorexia, alcoholics, chemotherapy patients
What to do: B vitamin back-up, feed slowly, monitor and correct
Describe the management of Refeeding Syndrome in detail?
- Check baseline levels of Ca2+, Mg2+, K+ and P04
- Supplement low levels of electrolytes prior to feeding
- Pabrinex I+II should be administered 30 minutes before feeding and then daily for a further 9 days
- As soon as the patient is absorbing enterally, instead of Pabrinex, give Thiamine, Vitamin B Co-Strong, and Multivitamin up to 10 days
- EN: Commence Jevity at 30mls/hr and continue at this rate and contact Dietitian asap (trust guidelines)
- PN: Commence 50% of out of hour’s bag over 24 hours and contact the Dietitian asap (trust guidelines)
- Contact Dietitian