Critical/Feminist Criminology Flashcards
what were incarceration rates like in the US during 2012?
2.2mil+ ppl incarcerated in local jails and federal/state prisons
7mil under correctional supervision
punitive turn
punishment for the sake of it instead of correctional treatment rehabilitation programs
3 possible explanations for the punitive turn
- media coverage
- victims’ rights emergence
- private prison industry growth
critical and countercultural
questioning social order and real purpose of law
radical criminologists argued that..
criminals were created through social processes (class, racial/gender inequality)
origins of critical criminology
1960s: civil rights, women’s liberation, anti-war movement
Marxist influences
class relation, social structure of capitalism and how it produces social inequality
Ian Taylor, Paul Walton, Jock Young
capitalism -> social inequality - crime
Marxist + symbolic interactionism + labelling theory + moral panics
Conflict theorists
Neo-Marxists; society is built on class conflict, focus on unequal distribution of power
interactionist perspective
approach; small-scale social interactions among individuals/groups
Jock Young
left realist/critical criminologist, The Exclusive Society on punitive turn
Jock Young’s 3 concepts
- relative deprivation
- subculture
- marginalizatino
relative deprivation
crime more likely to happen when people are deprived compared to others
forms in response to a shared problem, distinct beliefs/values/mores/expressions
c. school
certain segments of society find themselves as social outcasts
labelling theory + c. school
Michel Foucault
power and oppression in all levels (no neutral observer exists), society structure
forms of language, presentation, practices and how meaning is created/shared
peace-making crim
criminals should be treated with empathy
(reintegrative shaming, restorative justice, total abolition of prisons), reduce imprisonment
Offender gender gap
men are more likely than females to commit crime but they commit similar crimes
feminist approach
focus on women’s experiences and lives
qualitative interviewing (open-ended, in depth, face-to-face)
liberal feminism
similarities/differences between male/female offending, reduced opportunities, role of gender socialization
radical feminism
male dominance, domestic violence/sexual assault against women, need to law reform
intersectional feminism
race + class + gender
when she brings home the bacon 1999
women as breadwinners and whether their status affects likelihood of spousal abuse
only when the male is unemployed/lower than the female
exchange/social control theory
radical/socialist feminism, issues of male dominance and relationship to patriarchy
Richard Gelles
Through a Sociological Lens
females are more likely to be abusers of the elderly and children bc they were the primary caregivers