Critical Care: Burns/ESI Flashcards
What is an example of a level 5 ESI?
Sports physical, prescription refill, crutches, splints, etc
What is an example of a level 1 ESI?
Flail chest, MI, severe burns
What is an example of a level 2 ESI?
Anaphylactic shock, gun shot wound/stabbing, suicidal, immunocompromised, woman in labor
What is an example of a level 3 ESI?
Stomach pains, ankle sprains
List signs/indications of a burn injury
Notice- Burns on face/neck/torso, singed nose or head hairs, soot on nose/mouth, black sputum, bright red lips, curlings ulcer, increased HR
What are interventions/actions you would do for a burn patient?
Actions- Monitor airway, determine need for intubation, admin warmed IV fluids (2 IV sites: LR + albumin), determine adventitious lung sounds, increase HOB, maintain warm environment, monitor pain, encourage turning + deep breaths, monitor I&O, labs, ECG, ABG’s
What is done during the primary survey?
A-Airway/Stabilize cervical spine
**IF excessive bleeding, C before AB!
What is done during the secondary survey?
Head to toe assesment
Identify other injuries/issues
Needs: NG tube? Suction? Prepare for dx?
What is the Parkland Formula for fluid resuscitation?
4mL x TBSA x weight (kg)
**Half given in 1st 8 hours, second half given over remaining 16 hours
What are the priority problems in burn patients with more than 25% TBSA?
Potential for decreased oxygenation
Potential for shock
Pain (acute and chronic)
Potential for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
What is an example of a level 4 ESI?
Throat culture, Urine analysis