critical appraisal & hypothesis testing Flashcards
parametric tests
certain rules (assumptions) to follow (e.g. sample size, normality, linearity), if these assumptions are not met, alternatives should be used
non-parametric tests
alternative significance tests which do not require assumptions to be met in order to be performed (any sample size, distribution etc.)
can be used at any time but not as powerful
null hypothesis
relates to no difference , aim to have enough evidence to disprove this
range from 0-1
0= definitely not going to happen
1=definitely going to happen
a probability applied to significance testing
region of interest
- The probability of a specific value is very small and not very useful
- Instead we talk about a range of value (our observed value or more extreme)
- If our study estimate was more extreme (even bigger difference), I would not change my mind (my overall conclusion would not change
- If I observe a value that is close to my null hypothesis, my P-value will be large (close to 1)
- Therefore it s likely that any difference observed is just due to chance (there is no significant difference between observed and null value
- So the null hypothesis appears to be true
p =0.05
often used as a cut off for statistical significance
relationship between confidence intervals and p-values
if the null is not in the 95% CI, your p-value will be less than 0.05