Crisis Flashcards
2 theories of cause of crisis
- TAYLOR: low interest rates by FED
- SHILLER: bubble in housing market –> irrational exuberance due to expectations (subprime mortgages - less restrictive rules on borrowing)
SHILLER’s argument is only sufficient if accept TAYLOR’s
Estimated output cost of crisis
$30 trillion
1/2 annual world GDP
100x initial mortgages losses
- suggests trigger = US housing P falling but effects amplified
Capital ratio
Leverage ratio
SIV (Structured Investment Vehicle)
= a virtual bank
- borrows from investors via S-T debt (leverages)
- holds securities (assets)
- have guarantees to provide funds
- shadow banking system = leverage of whole naming system = higher than perceived
AIG (American international group)
= insurance –> bank = worried about default on security = buy CDS (Credit Default Swap) from AIG = promised to pay back bank in case of default
–> in crisis= didn’t have funds
Guarantees against default of financial institutions
Problem = many fail at once
Securities (bundle loans/mortgages) based on bundle assets
Mortgage based security (MBS)
Title to the returns from bundle of mortgages
Senior = 1st claims on returns (appeal those want little risk) Junior = after (willing take more risk = CDOs)
CDOs = collateralised debt obligations
Toxic assets
Underlying mortgages = bad = can’t assess value MBS, CDOs
Fire sales
Fire sales = assets sold at very low prices as complex and hard to sell
Housing prices declined –> some mortgages went bad –> high leverage = decline capital of banks = sell assets –> selling is hard and very low prices –> complexity securities (MBSs, CDOs) and true balance sheets = v difficult assess solvency and risk of bankruptcy
Eg September 15 2008: Lehman bros bankrupt (>600bn assets)
Other banks conclude they’re at risk too –> reluctant to lend –> LIBOR rate = rate banks willing to lend
US –> world
- Decrease in X
- Capital flows - capital inflows emerging countries =decrease
- Decreases in confidence - another Great Depression?
–> shift IS left
Countries very open trade and with large net debt / v large current account deficits suffered most
Federal deposit insurance increased
$100,000 –> $250,000 / account
Troubled asset relief program
Created by treasury after concerns with toxic assets
$700bn October 2008
Initial goal = remove complex assets from balance sheets = decrease uncertainty
New goal = increase capital banks
Lower leverage means more likely to absorb losses and less chance of bankruptcy
Increased leverage = increased expected profits
Initial policy responses
To prevent bank runs federal deposit insurance increased $100,000-$250,000 per account
Fed provided widespread liquidity to financial system
-liquidity makes easier to borrow from FED = allows banks etc to pay back investors w/out having to sell assets and lowers incentives of investors to ask for their funds and facilities decrease risk banks go bankrupt
Fiscal policy
American recovery and reinvestment act
- $780bn new measures (tax decrease spending increase)
- budget deficit increased 2.7% GDP 2007 to 12.7% 2009
Monetary policy
Fall 2007 FED decrease fed funds rate
- by Jan 2009 was 0
–> liquidity trap
Rather than buying treasury bills through open market operations = buy other bonds eg mortgages or gilts as able to decrease I on those bonds therefore increase demand
- BoE bought £200bn worth gilts = 10% GDP = lowered i on those gilts by 1% = increased GDP by 1.5-2%