Criminology Flashcards
Describe models of criminal justice- crime control
Protects the victims rights
‘Conveyor belt’ quick
The offender seen as guilty
Eg bad character see if they are a repeated offender to get a higher sentence
Describe models of justice- due process
Protects the offenders rights
Innocent until proven guilty
Obstacle course time consuming
Eg PACE police interviews are now filmed and has rights to legal representation
Explain forms of social control- internal
Rational ideology- doing something because it is the right thing to do
Feeling guilt worry from within- causes by upbringing/ peers
Eg stealing equipment from school
Tradition- controlled through religion and culture
Eg Christian’s don’t eat meat on good Friday
Internalisation of social rules and morality- knowing what is right and wrong
Duty to stick to society
Eg jumping a queue seen as bad
Explain form of social- external
Coercion Use forced to achieve desired end
Physical or non physical
Eg used by police and prison
Deterrence fear of punishment prevents further crime
Eg imprisonment
Aims of punishment
Retribution- ‘eye for an eye’ deserves the punishment
Eg murders 16 years to life 25 years on license
:( difficult to match punishment to crime the pain felt by victim won’t be matched
Rehabilitation- change the offenders behaviour to give them a second chance in society- stop reoffending
Eg drug treatment programs 71% stop reoffending after 3 years
:( not really a punishment
Public protection- punishments should protect the public by taking the offender away from society
Eg tagging, curfew
:( only works on people who have been caught doing a crime
Deterrence- fear of punishment
Stops future crime
Eg scared straight a tv programme took young offenders to a prison to deter them from their crimes to be scared.
:( 46% of adults re offend
Reparation- making it up to society
Eg fines to repair damages or community service
Asses how forms of punishment meet the aims of punishment- community sentence
:) rehabilitation stop reoffending by using curfews and t treatment programs
Eg prison reforms trust more effective then custodial sentences reducing one year re offending 8.3% points
:) reparation giving back for there offence
Eg 300houes of unpaid work
:( retribution may be seen as a softer punishment for the harm suffered by victim
Eg prison reform trust may not take into consideration the harm felt by victim
:( deterrent people don’t take curfew seriously people aren’t afraid of this punishment
Eg 3 no shows per offender over 6 month
Law creation
Pre legislative stage a bill is written by civil servants green paper and published to public then turn into white paper
House of Commons the first reading mps add more detail second reading, third reading debate change it
House of Lords changes need to be made it will go back to House of Commons
Dial assent go to the queen to than make it into a law
Charities effective
The princes trust helped over 825000 young people in the uk
Helps 13-30 old years unemployed or struggling in education beyond youth custody better thinking policy
:) more than 3 out of 4 people have a positive outcome and have a second chance
Howard league for penal reform less crimes safer communities
“Books for prisoner” “out of trouble”
Reduce criminalisation of children and letting children work close with police
:) child arrest reduced 58% 2010-2015
Asses how forms of punishment meets the aim- prison
:) retribution gets revenge on the offender they deserve the punishment
Eg people serving for murder is 16 years and then 25 years on license
However it is difficult to match the punishment to the crime and people then reoffended
Eg 46% adults reoffend within a year
:( rehabilitation when on licence it starts half way through the sentence as it is too much money
Eg 86% under 18 commit crime in the first year of release
However it acts as rehab 71% over 3 years don’t reoffend with a drug charge
:) public protection kept away from society therefore it is becoming safer
Eg 6 months for threatening someone with a weapon
However there are too many offenders and not enough staff
Eg because of this police may be corrupt and therefore working with the offender to get them out of prison
Environmental methods CPTED
Crime prevention through environmental design
Natural surveillance- criminals do not like to be seen so they choose a place where they can bid to commit crime
Eg CCTV acts a deterrent and prevent criminals committing crime
Maintenance a well treated area sends a message that people care about what happens In That area
Eg prevents vandalism and other crime
Environmental methods gated lanes
Restricting access to housing and so prevents access to lanes for potential criminal activity
:) doesn’t just protect residents
Describe the fold of the cjs/ police
Arrest offenders and protects life
Police works with parliament to enforce the law to the public to maintain order and peace
Police work with cps to gather evidence that they need for a case to see if it is enough for it to be able to go to court
Police work with the courts in able to transport the suspect and present the evidence
Police work with prisons if there is a on going investigation the prison will be able to hold the suspect
Describe the role of the cjs/ courts
Courts interpret the law and sentences offenders once found guilty
Courts work with parliament breaches of statutes brought before the courts
Courts work with police for them to present the evidence to the jury
Courts work with cps as they dispose the cases that the courts will be covering and to protect the victims rights and offenders
Courts work with police as courts carry out sentences which go to prison and the prison can hold custody of the suspect before the case
Courts work with probation services as it provides reports on the defendant to courts if terms of probation are broken therefore brought back to court for a higher sentence
The Howard league for penal reform cannot force the government to fund the charities only funding if apart of there political agendas