Criminal Procedure (Contains Crim Law and Crim Pro MC Qs) Flashcards
How do you broadly analyze of a 4th Am. question (what steps)?
- Is this search/seizure governed by 4th Am?
- If there is a warrant, were the warrant requirements satisfied?
- If the search was without a warrant, does an exception apply?
- Even if there was no warrant, the warrant was invalid, and/or there was no exception, can the search still be lawful?
What does the Fourth Am. say?
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
When does the 4th Am apply?
- Gov’t action
- Search or seizure in an area protected by 4th Am.
- Jones (physical intrusion on protected area) or Katz (violate REP in a protected area or item) violated.
- Standing
Who qualifies as the gov’t for 4th Am?
A gov’t agent including:
- Publicly paid police
- Private citizens if they are acting at direction of the police.
- Private security guards who are deputized with the power to make arrests (e.g. campus security).
- Public school administrators (e.g. principal)
What parts of your house are protected?
The house itself and the curtilage (area immediately adjacent to the home to which the activity of the home life extends such as porches and fenced in backyards.
What is decidedly not protected by the 4th Am?
- Physical characteristics (voice and handwriting)
- Odors emanating from home or property
- Garbage you put on the street
- Open Fields Doctrine
- Financial records held by a bank
- Things seen by those flying in public airspace
- Pen registers.
What is the Jones test for a search; what is the Katz test for a search?
Jones = Agent physically invaded a constitutionally protected area in order to obtain information.
Katz = The agent’s search or seizure of a constitutionally protected area violated an individual’s reasonable expectation of privacy. Must be an actual or subjective expectation of privacy that the public objectively recognizes as reasonable.
Can police use technology to look at your shit?
Using a device that is not in public use to explore details of a home that officers would not otherwise know about unless they physically intruded is presumptively unreasonable.
In other words, you cannot use technology to get at the intimate details of someone’s home without a warrant.
When does a D have standing to mount a 4th Am challenge?
- He owns, resides, or is an overnight guest of the premises. (Overnight guests only have standing to areas that he could be expected to access in that capacity.)
- No standing if only using someone else’s residence for business purposes.
- Standing over property if you own the property and you have REP in the area fro which the property was seized (not your GF’s purse or a vehicle in which you are merely a passenger).
In MA, there is automatic standing to challenge a S&S where possession of seized evidence is an essential element of the crime and the evidence was take from any home or any automobile.
What is needed for a valid warrant?
- PC
- N&D magistrate
- Describe with particularity the places to be searched and the persons or things to be seized.
- Proper execution of the warrant by the gov’t.
What is PC?
Fair probability that contraband or evidence of a crime will be found in the area to be searched. Hearsay is admissible, as well as, use of informant tips.
In MA, PC requires evidence that establishes a substantial basis that criminal evidence may be reasonably expected to be located in the place to be searched at the time the search warrant issues.
When are informant tips ok for PC?
Generally, informant tips, even anonymous ones, are ok if there is police corroboration of the tipster’s info in order to allow the magistrate to make a common sense practical determination that there is PC based on the the totality of circumstances.
In MA, use Aguilar-Spinelli, which is that the informant’s
(a) Basis of knowledge; and
(b) Reliability
are established by those seeking the warrant.
Independent police corroboration may make up for deficiencies in one or both prongs.
What is a general warrant?
One that does not describe with particularity the places to be searched AND the persons or things to be seized.
General warrants are a NO GO.
When will good faith not overcome a warrant’s deficiencies?
- So egregiously lacking in PC, that no officer would reasonably rely on it.
- So facially deficient of particularity that no officer would reasonably rely on it.
- It contains known or reckless falsehoods that are necessary to the pc finding, that is, if the warrant is still valid without the falsehoods, then the warrant is good.
- Magistrate who issued it is bias in favor of the state.
MA does not follow the federal good faith doctrine. In MA, evidence found with a defective warrant is only excluded if there was a substantial and prejudicial constitutional violation.
All PC defects are substantial and prejudicial, but not all particularity issues are substantial and prejudicial.
What are the two steps in analyzing whether a warrant was properly executed by police?
- Scope exceeded?
(a) Can only search areas and items authorized by the language of the warrant.
(b) e.g. things large enough to contain the thing you are looking for in the place you are allowed to look for it.
(c) You may detain those in a home or those immediately outside while you execute the warrant.
(d) In MA, officers must have a copy of the warrant in hand. - Knock and announce rule violated?
(a) Must announce presence and purpose before entering unless:
(b) Doing so would be futile, dangerous, or inhibit the investigation.
What are the warrant exceptions?
Exigent circumstances SILA Consent Automobile exception Plain View Protective Sweep (they include this in Terry. I think it's easier here.) Inventory Special needs Terry
What are the three sub-parts of Exigent Circumstances?
- Evanescent Evidence - evidence that might disappear or disipate if you are forced to wait. (Stuff under fingernails, yes; BAC, no.)
- Hot Pursuit - Can pursue a fleeing felon into a home and seize what’s in plain view while searching for suspect.
- Emergency Aid - Objectively reasonable belief that someone in the house needs emergency aid to address or prevent injury. MA extends to animals.
What is SILA?
- A lawful arrest.
- A search contemporaneous with the arrest.
- The scope of the search goes no farther than D’s person and what is in his immediate reach, including containers (wingspan).
Can gov’t search my cell without a warrant pursuant to my lawful arrest?
Can search its physical characteristics to determine that it is not a weapon.
May not access digital data without a warrant.
May police swab my cheek or take DNA without a warrant?
Cheek swab is ok if arrested for a serious offense.
Blood requires a warrant since it is a more serious bodily intrusion.
May the police search my car incident to my lawful arrest?
If I am arrested, but not yet secured, then police may search the cabin of my vehicle including any containers (but not trunk).
If I am arrested and secured, then police may not search my vehicle unless there is reason to believe the vehicle contains evidence of the crime of my arrest, in which case, the police are limited by the scope discussed above.
What is the consent warrant exception?
People can waive the warrant requirement if consent is:
1) Voluntary; and
2) Intelligent.
Need not inform person of their right to refuse.
Scope extends to all areas a reasonable officer would believe the consent extends to.
The consenter need only have apparent authority (officer reasonably believed the consenter had authority).
If shared premises:
1) Any adult resident can consent to a search of common areas within it.
2) However, if co-tenants disagree, the objection prevails as to common areas.
3) If the objecting co-tenant is removed for reasons unrelated to his refusal (e.g. lawful arrest), the police ma rely on the consent of the remaining co-tenant.
What is the automobile exception to the warrant requirement?
Gov’t can search entire automobile including trunk and any container therein that might contain what they are looking for if there is probable cause that they will find contraband or evidence of a crime.
A routine traffic stop often begins for simply the traffic infraction, but PC for a search can arise during the stop.
Are mobile homes covered by the automobile exception?
Yes in Fed Ct.
No in MA Ct.
What is the plain view exception to the warrant requirement? Commonly tested.
Gov’t must have:
1) The right to be where they are
2) Right of access to the contraband
3) Immediately recognize the criminality of the contraband.
What is an inventory search?
Arise in two scenarios on the bar:
1) Arrestees when booked into jail.
2) Vehicles when they are impounded.
Must comply in good faith with regulations that are reasonable in scope. That is, the motive is to safeguard items not search for contraband.
In MA, if the regs governing the inventory search do not expressly authorize opening containers, gov’t official may not do so.
What is a Terry Stop?
1) Brief detention to investigate suspicious conduct.
2) “Seized” when would not feel free to leave or free to decline the offer to answer questions. Consider:
(i) Officer used weapon?
(ii) Officer’s tone?
(iii) Told of right to refuse consent?
In Fed Court an individual is not seized while he is running from the cops until he submits.
In MA, police pursuit = seizure.
In a traffic stop, both the driver and the passenger are seized and either has standing to challenge the legality of the stop.
In Federal Court, the police, at their discretion, may order both the driver and the passengers out of the car.
In MA, to justify ordering occupants out of the vehicle, an officer must identify concerns such as officer safety or suspicion of criminality.
Dog sniffs are permitted at traffic stops if it does not extend the stop. (Note - can’t bring a dog up to the curtilage of someone’s home and let it sniff though.)
In MA, during a routine traffic stop, police inquiry must end when the driver produces a valid license or registration.
What is a Terry frisk?
A patdown for weapons during a Terry stop because the officer has reasonable suspicion to fear that the suspect is armed and dangerous.
Something felt during the patdown can be seized if the officer reasonably believes it is a weapon or immediately recognizes the criminal nature of the object without manipulating it.
What is a car frisk?
Under Terry, during a routine traffic stop, if an officer believes that the occupants are armed and dangerous, he may search the passenger cabin in places where a weapon may be stashed.
What is a protective sweep?
When making an in-home arrest, police may sweep the residence to look for criminal confederates of arrestee whose presence may threaten officer safety. Let you look in closets, rooms, etc. but not small boxes and other places where a person could not hide.
Barbri put this with Terry, but I think this is misleading, because you do not need reasonable suspicion to look in areas adjoining the place of arrest from which an attack could be launched. However, to search more remote areas, officers must have reasonable suspicion.
What is the standard across Terry?
Reasonable Suspicion which requires specific and articulable facts that inform an officer’s belief that criminal activity is present (for the stop) or the suspect is armed and dangerous (for the frisk). Officer is ultimately judged on an objective standard though, so his subjective intent is irrelevant.
Informant’s tips can do this if:
Fed = Tips contain sufficient predictive info, corroborted by police to show reliability.
MA = (A-S test) Informant’s basis of knowledge and reliability are assessed in conjunction with independent police corroboration, to determine if the standard has been met.
Seth Rogen travels to MA to hang out with Sully and Moricas. They are high as kites riding in the car with Blais and Jen. Cop pull them over in Seekonk. Cop immediately smells marijuana. Does he have PC to search the car?
No, since MA decriminalized possession of small amounts of marijuana, just smelling it is not enough to give the cop PC for a search.
What is the special needs exception?
The special needs of certain arms of the gov’t allows warrantless searches:
(a) Drug Testing of R/R employees, customs agents, and public school children engaged in after school activities.
Note - In MA, the state prohibits random urine tests for illegal drugs by state and local gov’t officials in the absence of consent or reasonable suspicion unless the state can show a substantial gov’t interest.
(b) Parolees - warrantless, suspicionless searches of a parolee and his home are permissible as a condition of parole.
(c) School searches - Warrantless searches of a person and the affects of public schoolchildren are permissible to investigate violations of school rules provided the search is reasonable at its inception and is not excessively intrusive given the age and sex of the suspect and the nature of the infraction.
(d) Border searches - No 4th Am. rights at the border for citizens or non-citizens with respect to routine searches of persons and affects.
(e) Non-Law Enforcement reason is primary purpose (e.g. DUI checkpoints, but not drug search checkpoints). Primary purpose cannot be to gather evidence.
Global view of searches follows what steps?
- Valid and properly executed warrants mean it was a good search.
- In Fed, defective warrant is ok if properly executed and good faith doctrine applies.
- In MA, defective warrant is ok if properly executed and the defect is not substantial and prejudicial.
- Warrantless searches are ok if a warrant exception applies.
If a search is deemed unconstitutional, what happens to the evidence?
The exclusionary rule applies and the evidence is inadmissible in the prosecution’s case in chief. It may be used to impeach on cross.
If the only violation is a knock and announce violation, then the subsequently found evidence is not excluded. D’s sole recourse is a civil rights suit.
Police error triggers the exclusionary rule if the conduct was deliberate, reckless, or grossly negligent. It does not apply to officer’s reasonable mistakes.
What is Fruit of the Poisonous Tree (FOPT)?
It is derivative evidence obtained directly or indirectly as a result of a constitutional violation. FOPT can be admissible and not subject to the exclusionary rule if one of these three doctrines applies:
1) Independent source - didn’t need unconst. evidence to get the evidence in question. Was able to get the evidence in question from another source distinct from the illegality.
2) Inevitable Discovery - we were closing in on the evidence in question anyway; it was only a matter of time. It would have necessarily been discovered by lawful means.
3) Attenuation of the taint - we may have fucked up, but our fuck up is far enough removed from us getting the evidence that the “taint is purged” (look for passage of time and intervening events to purge illegality and restore D’s free will.)