Criminal Liabilities - Definitions Flashcards
Done without belief in consent or authority from a person entitled to give consent or authority.
R v Hayes - Whether belief was actual held, not if belief was unreasonable
Without Claim of Right
A belief at the time of the act
a possessory or propriety right to the property
in relation to the alleged offence being committed
a belief based on ignorance or mistake
of fact/any matter of fact other than the enactment
against which the alleged offence to have been committed.
Theft is committed by taking when the offender moves or causes the property to be moved.
Ownership, possession or control over, with or without consent of the owner
Obtain or retain for himself, herself or any other person.
Any Document
R v Misic
Thing which provides evidence or information or serves as a record.
Any Document
Any document, part document, audio, visual, any material that can be read or understood.
With intent to Obtain any
Intent to commit the act, intent to get the result.
R v Morely
Purposeful intent at the time the deception is practised.
Real or personal property, any interest in real or personal property, any debt, anything in action, any other rates or interest
Special right or advantage
R v Cara
Financial or economic value, excluding privilege or benefit.
Pecuniary Advantage
R v Hayes
Anything that enhances the accused’s financial position.
Valuable Consideration
R v Hayes
Money or Monies Worth
Special right or advantage
Single action or continuous use
R v Hayes
Unsuccessful use of a document is as much as an attempt as a successful one.
By Any Deception
False Representation either by oral, documentation or by conduct where the person making the representation intends to deceive
R v Morley
Purposeful intent at the time the deception is practiced.
Obtains Ownership
Goods under control, don’t have too physically have them.
R v Cox
For possession there are two elements, physical and mental. They physical is having custody and control over it and the mental is having the knowledge and the intention to maintain possession.
Power of directing or commanding. Do not need to possess it.
Any Debt
Money owing from one person to another.
Simester and Brookbanks
Debt of Liability must be legally enforceable, IF it is illegal or void then there is no offence.
Legally enforceable financial obligations.
Simester and Brookbanks
Debt of Liability must be legally enforceable, IF it is illegal or void then there is no offence.
Obtains Credit
Obligation to pay or repay at the time received. Must be legally enforceable.
Intangible, must relate to monetary obligations
Fisher v Raven
Credit refers to the obligation on the debtor to pay or repay and the time given to do so by the creditor. Does not extend to an obligation to supply goods or services.
Cause Loss to Any Person
Loss - Financial Detriment
R v Morely
Loss must have been caused by deception. Only has to play a part.
Any Person.
Prosecution must prove:
- Loss caused by deception
- Loss would occur
Someone other than the Defendant.