Crimes Against the Person Flashcards
Unlawful application of force to the person of another resulting in either bodily injury or an offensive touching (misdemeanor)
MR: GI, can be as low as criminal negligence
Aggravated Battery
(1) Deadly weapon is used; (2) serious bodily injury is caused, OR; (3) V is a child, woman, or PO (felony)
Either (1) an attempt to commit a battery or (2) the intentional creation–other than by mere words–of a reasonable apprehension in the mind of the victim of imminent bodily harm [some states require apparent ability to succeed]
Aggravated Assault
Assaults (1) with a dangerous weapon or (2) with intent to rape, maim, or murder
Homicide - Murder (CL)
Unlawful killing of another human with malice aforethought
Malice Aforethought
This exists if D has any of the following states of mind: (1) intent to kill, (2) intent to inflict great bodily injury; (3) reckless indifference to an unjustifiably high risk to human life (depraved heart), or; (4) intent to commit a felony
Homicide - Voluntary Manslaughter (CL)
Killing that would otherwise be murder but is distinguishable because of adequate provocation
Adequate Provocation
(1) that which would arouse a sudden and intense passion in the mind of an ordinary person; (2) D was in fact provoked; (3) insufficient time to cool off; (4) D in fact did not cool off
Homicide - Involuntary Manslaughter (CL)
Criminal negligence (or recklessness) OR unlawful act manslaughter (misdemeanor manslaughter or felony not included in felony murder)
Homicide - 1d Murder (Modern)
Deliberate and premeditated murder OR felony murder committed during burglary, arson, rape, robbery, and kidnapping
Homicide - 2d Murder (Modern)
All other murders that P cannot prove are 1d, including some felony murders and felony murders not on the felony list
Felony Murder
(1) Commission of underlying felony (substantive defense negates); (2) Felony independent of killing; (3) Foreseeability of death; (4) During the commission of a felony
Agency v. Proximate Cause Theory of Felony Murder
Agency: Felon is liable for murder if the killing was committed by the felon or an accomplice (not a PO)
PC: Felon is liable for deaths of innocent victims caused by someone other than a co-felon because they created situation
Requires factual and proximate; hastening death, simultaneous sufficient act, preexisting condition all OK, intervening acts shield D if it’s act of nature
False Imprisonment
(1) Unlawful (2) confinement of a person (3) without his valid consent
Confinement of a person that involves some movement or concealment of the victim
Intercourse accomplished by force, threats, incapacity to consent, fraud (sometimes)