Crime Vehicle Processing Flashcards
If a vehicle is abandoned on or near a highway, do you have lawful authority to search and seize it without a warrant?
Yes, under the highway traffic act
If a vehicle is used in a vehicle pursuit or a fail to remain do you have lawful authority to seize and search it?
Yes under CCC
When is a vehicle able to be seized and searched without a warrant?
Under s. 489.2 of CCC, you have legal authority to seize and search items that can afford evidence.
If a vehicle is considered to be a “thing” (vs. a place) then a warrant is not required.
When is a warrant required to seize and search a vehicle?
If considered a “place”
If taking the vehicle from a person or private property
What types of crimes are vehicles often used in?
Break and enters
Homicides/attempted homicides
Transportation of bodies
In general, what has research shown to be the three main forms of vehicle theft?
Recreational theft
Theft for purpose of transportation
Theft for profit
What is recreational vehicle theft?
Typically involves joyriding or stealing a vehicle for fun with not real destination or other motive in crime
Can also be crime of opportunity
What is theft for purpose of transportation?
Involves stealing a vehicle for a single trip, transportation associated with or facilitating the commission of another offence
What is theft for profit?
Typically involves stripping the vehicle of its parts for re-use or resale, re-tagging or re-identification of the VIN for export or insurance fraud
What is best practice for location of vehicle processing?
Police garage
Why is a police garage considered best practice for processing crime vehicles?
controlled environment from weather elements and provides better lighting
Officer safety
What is the appropriate way to remove a vehicle from a scene?
Via tow truck
Where should seals be placed on vehicles?
4 doors
Where is the ideal place for a seal of a vehicle?
Bottom of door
What are some circumstances where you may examine a vehicle on scene?
Transport truck (requires specialized two, >$5000)
If vehicle has already been towed to pound
Minor mischief to a vehicle (slashed tire, broken window)