Crime Topic 1 Q1 Flashcards
Raine aim
To research brain dysfunction in murderers pleading not guilty by reason of insanity
Brain dysfunction will be in the prefrontal cortex, angular gyros, amygdala, hippocampus, thalamus and corpus collosum= localised and not in other areas.
Quasi Experiment, IV= murderer or not. DV= brain activity on PET Scan
Matched pairs design- matched on age & gender plus 6 schizophrenic matched to 6 schizophrenic not.
Opportunity (41), 39 men and 2 women. All murderers pleading not guilty by reason of insanity. They were medication free for 2 weeks= urine test
Thermoplastic head holder to keep head still for scan, CPT (continuous performance task) to search for objects on screen. PET Scan & glucose injection to show brain activity
Ethics committee form completed, pps practice CPT 10 mins, then glucose injection (FDG) 30 seconds after the real CPT starts so novelty of the task isn’t picked up on the scan. PET Scan 32 mins after the injection; 10 slices (pictures) at 10mm intervals of cortical & sub-cortical brain areas.
1- Lower brain activity in murderers: Prefrontal Cortex, left angular gyros & corpus collosum. Also, in the amygdala, thalamus & hippocampus
(Left hemisphere) all already linked to violence, plus high activity in the right hemisphere= not previously linked to violence.
2- No differences in other areas not already linked to violence, no ethic differences, no differences within murderers head injured or not
Conclusion (1)
Brain functioning is different in murderers. Not one area but a disruption to a network of interacting brain mechanisms that predisposes a person to violence but doesn’t cause it e.g low activity in the prefrontal cortex means less self control= aggression.
Conclusion (2)
Raine also warns: biological factors alone don’t cause violence, situational factors do too. Also, violence may cause brain dysfunction not vice versa
Conclusion (3)
PET Scans can’t diagnose violence & murderers pleading not guilty by reason of insanity may still be responsible. Also, these results don’t explain all violence, only criminal