Crime Scene Initial Action and Examination Flashcards
C.O.N.T.R.O.L all people from the scene so no contamination.
Clear scene Order witness to assembly point Not to discuss anything Take witness to station if willing Rivals to be kept apart Obtain full details Left the area... who has left?
F.R.E.E.Z.E the scene means:
Freeze all movement to and from Remove wandering animals Ensure nothing is touched Every activity is stopped Z... Exhibits protected
G.U.A.R.D the scene
Guards to be appointed Use civilians if necessary Assemble point (safe area) Rolls of emergency tape to be used Define boundary (start big)
D.R.S C.R.A.P. B.I.B R:
Scene Guard Duties
Demonstrate courtesy - (with civilian witnesses and crowds)
Respect security - (don’t discuss anything with public/media)
Scene Security - (No access if no authority by O/C)
Control movement - (common approach path)
Record movement - (log all persons and vehicles)
Avoid disturbances - (do not enter or interfere with scene)
Protect scene - (stay vigilant of animals etc)
Brief others - (advise relevant info etc to O/C)
Inform others - (report actions to O/C)
Brief replacement - (brief next scene guard of duty (log etc)
Record details - ( name, rank, purpose, times)
Define Preserve
The preservation of the scene will be reliant on your reconnaissance and appreciation to ensure the scene is preserved for the formal scene examination.
What 4 things does initial attending officer need to do.
1) Gain Information
2) Ensure initial actions attended to
3) Conducting a reconnaissance
4) Carrying out an appreciation and taking any immediate action
Gaining information is asking?
- what actions have been done
- what actions are being done
- what actions need to be done
- what is the post event history
Post Event History means..
known events that occurred after the incident that may have altered the scene
Ensure initial action complete.
Consideration should be given to…..
Victim - risks, preserve life, plan approach, prelim interview
Scene - freeze, control, preserve
Witnesses - contain, separate, prelim interview
Suspect - contain, separate, prelim search, comment and demeanour noted
What is a Reconnaissance?
A prelim inspection or survey made to get an overall picture of the scene without touching anything.
After appreciation and immediate action, you should have ensured…
- scene is clear of people
- witnesses and suspects at station for interview
- boundaries in place (start wide)
- guards are in place and briefed
- scene log started
- common approach path
- exhibits and scene preserved
What do you advise arriving CIB members?
1) The situation
2) What has been one
3) What is being done
4) What needs to be done immediately
What is main priority on arrival?
Control, freeze, guard and preserve the scene.
Crime Scene Examination Objectives is to:
Establish if offence committed
Establish the offences key elements
Exonerate the innocent
Exclude defences
ID suspect and place at scene/victim
ID other people associated
Corroborate or contest witness / victim accounts
Corroborate evidence
Verify admissions
O/C Scene Responsibility is to:
Control freeze preserve scene
Conduct reconnaissance
Coordinate crime scene examination
Entry approach path established
Ensure photographs, fingerprints etc completed before search
Exhibits collected and labelled. Relevance proved in court
Plan forensic examination
Reconnaissance is to:
Gather all info available Look over whole area without disturbing Set common approach path Set cold, warm and hot zones zones Set boundaries.
Appreciation - factors to consider are:
Staff, weather, offence, area size, powers to search, priorities, contamination risks, zones, logistics, communication/equipment/transport/specialists
Plan / Strategy - Must Cover:
Zones, contamination, starting point, exhibits and likelihood of deteriorating, specialists required
Minimise Contamination by:
Stepping plates Protective Clothing Accurate scene / exhibit records Record personel attending Elimination Prints
New clean packaging
Ensure exhibit integrity
Avoid examining associated scenes and suspect
Preserve and Control